Sentences with phrase «with less fear»

~ expand your range of emotions, while learning to understand and accept your states of mind with less fear and judgement.
This means you can start promoting or manufacturing it - and assess if it is commercially viable - with less fear of it being stolen.
It's easier to set and adjust prices with less fear of piracy than what we expect for selling PC / Mac downloadable games.
After that first walk, a dog will often greet me with less fear the next time she sees me coming.
In order to get the performance out of a purpose built turbo charged engine, you lower the compression ratio to allow the turbo to produce more boost with less fear of pre-detonation.
It can help those who are shy to pursue potential dates with less fear of embarrassment or rejection.
The modifications offer theoretically safer E. coli strains that could be used in biotechnology applications with less fear that they will be contaminated by viruses, which can be financially disastrous, or cause ecological trouble if they spill.
But if the trough level can be higher, it might make life easier for the patients, allowing them to, for instance, take up athletics with less fear of injury.
We should go there now with less fear if our full backs getting exposed.
The heterosexually oriented majority in the church has much to gain from a deeper grappling with this issue: an enriched capacity to love other human beings more fully and with less fear.
This process is gradual and usually begins with less feared situations.

Not exact matches

«Due to the fear of collecting thousands of signatures needed to sign off on the types of strategic decisions common among pre-IPO companies, higher - quality issuers — particularly those with other financing options — are less likely to crowdfund without a single - purpose vehicle,» Tommarello says.
And small businesses, SBA partners, and advocates in Congress — Democrats and Republicans — fear that in its main line of work the agency is in fact doing less with less.
Research shows that fearing or accepting risk is a behavior people learn, and people who've grown up in households that are always one paycheck away from eviction are less likely to have learned to take risks with their money.
As ever, the causes of the cryptocurrency's fortunes are less than clear, but some experts reckon it might have something to do with the approach of April 17, the deadline for filing taxes in the U.S. Others think it's a function of geopolitical fears and sanctions.
Still, «range anxiety» — the fear of getting stranded with a dead battery — is the number - one worry for people considering an EV (despite the fact that 80 % of Canadians drive 50 kilometres or less each day).
Humans empathize with less - capable creatures and conversely fear hyper - capable creatures, epitomized by pop - culture robots like Terminators and even Transformers.
This book reminds me of the opportunity we all have to free our minds of fear and judgment so that we may make better decisions and be more creative, with less internal friction and more in harmony with those around you.
Research shows that Generation Z in particular is much less able to manage and deal with stress: feelings of fear, trepidation, and hesitance keeps them from performing as well as they could.
However, less than midway through the year and some market participants are already spotting cracks in the notion of so - called synchronized global growth, with some fearing that a whiff of stagflation is starting to permeate.
More will come to understand this and less will feel compelled to surrender to the fear which inspires religous teachings, gives power to those who lead (and abuse) it and keeps us from more honestly connecting with it in ourselves.
Yet now all seems to have remained more or less as it was before: theologians still struggle painfully with their problems, their is still a bureaucratic administration which seems to prefer the letter to the spirit, there is still no united Christendom, but we are still divided, fearing and mistrusting each other on both sides of the fence.
«There is less fear of linking the Social Gospel with the stories of the Bible, especially the stories of Exodus and Jesus» healings.»
I think the conversation around the fear of death has less to do with fear, but more to do with how we define death.
I generally put this down to very religious people (who have been raised with the concept that God is personally invested in them and is a central force in their life) experiencing the thought of a person without a religious belief system as being close to someone soul-less: without morals and without any fear of punishment (hell), so obviously less trustworthy than religious people who have a spiritual Big Brother and religious community watching their every move.
This vision, if taken seriously in this country, for example, would lead to more emphasis upon a positive strategy to overcome the growing gap between the rich nations and the poor and less on the dominant negative strategy of containing the enemy by filling him with fear of our power to destroy him.
I am with Milton here: The freer the press, the less the innocent have to fear and the more the guilty need to be worried.
Remember, I worked with, and became friends with, that particular group... and less than half of that particular group needed, wanted, and were oddly addicted to the extreme left of «fear of God».
For without the freedom that comes with an open information environment, human beings are pressed into fear and neurosis that makes them less than human, and makes our society less than it should be.
Have you noticed that everywhere you turn these days there is a «motivational» or «inspirational» meme about how you have to seize the moment, push hard, strive bigger, drive yourself with MORE passion, more work, more effort, less fear?
A thought that is even less desirable is the possible fear of our North - London rivals, with their club enduring a purple patch at present, including five consecutive wins.
Besides several teams who have questions surrounding one or possibly two players, there is no squad that has so many issues heading into the final week of the transfer window... even Monaco, who have lost numerous players from their starting 11 have less controversy swirling in and around their club and they have champion's league play to contend with this season... just think of how ridiculous this situation is especially considering that we have had the same manager for over 20 years... no team should be better organized than ours... if nothing else, that should be the one advantage this team holds over all others, yet the exact opposite has occurred... this fact is even more disturbing considering the main argument against removing Wenger from his managerial position was that there was no suitable replacement and that people feared some sort of perceived drop - off if a new manager was brought into the mix... based on what we've witnessed since the time of his contract renewal a monkey with a magic eight ball could have done an adequate job... I hate to make jokes, in light of our current dilemma, but this team is so screwed up if I don't laugh about it, the only plausible response is to either cry or do something incredibly destructive... just look around this squad and try to see what our delusional manager sees that allow him to make such positive statements about our current team
«I don't know if other teams look at [English clubs] with more or less fear.
My fear is that even with less talent perhaps on paper LVG can better organise his team to nullify our attack and is more capable in strategising a game plan / s.
Jack could do with 12 months off from football and just focus 100 % on his fitness, I do fear that he will turn into an English diaby and losing him for 12 months now rather than not having him would be less of a loss.
A new manager (Allegri) with more or less the same squad would bring this fear of losing your automatic spot and this focus on a new message that could result in a different team mentality.
Anything less than four will have a better than expected feel about it but I fear it will be worse, particularly with the lack of character and leadership on the field.
Constant fear of going to bed as a child, (afraid of those images that appear in the mind when the lights go out), deep anxiety as a teenager, no sleep on the last two years of highschool because of horrific nightly nightmares, ocasional panic attacks as an adult with constant stress, and finally, unconcious, uncontrolable grinding of teeth when daytime life seems less stressful.
While all but three states now have laws requiring immediate removal from play of athletes with concussion signs or symptoms and prohibit same - day return to play for those with suspected concussion, some are concerned that such laws may have the perverse effect of making the under - reporting problem even worse, fearing that an athlete is going to be even less likely to self - report experiencing concussion symptoms and more likely to hide symptoms from teammates, game officials and sideline personnel if they know that a suspected concussion may sideline them for the rest of the game.
However, if your child seems to be getting more afraid rather than less so, is having panic attacks, or has suffered a real - life trauma that may be driving his fears, you should consult with your pediatrician or a counselor for assistance.
As far as fearing that your baby will somehow be less than perfectly healthy if you supplement with formula, a study in Social Science & Medicine found that many of the health benefits attributed to breastfeeding have been overstated.
Some fear what others will say, and sadly, there is almost always someone who responds with less than enthusiasm.
They may develop postpartum depression or post-traumatic stress syndrome.9, 20,25,31 Some mothers express dominant feelings of fear and anxiety about their cesarean as long as five years later.16 Women having cesarean sections are less likely to decide to become pregnant again.16 As is true of all abdominal surgery, internal scar tissue can cause pelvic pain, pain during sexual intercourse, and bowel problems.Reproductive consequences compared with vaginal birth include increased infertility, 16 miscarriage, 15 placenta previa (placenta overlays the cervix), 19 placental abruption (the placenta detaches partially or completely before the birth), 19 and premature birth.8 Even in women planning repeat cesarean, uterine rupture occurs at a rate of 1 in 500 versus 1 in 10,000 in women with no uterine scar.27
I feel less fear with this birth and I think it has to do with your faith and obviously your medical background.»
The pressures are the same but with less help, advice and awareness available, it may not be as easy for single fathers to obtain support with fears of failing & judgement at the forefront of their minds.
While he readily admitted it wasn't as nutritious (nor as tasty) as scratch - prepared food in a Mom - and - Pop operation, the adherence to standards meant it was less likely we would contract diarrhea (which was one of his biggest fears — may have had something to do with his service overseas just after WWII.)
And also the correlation between your truly - terrified - of - poop friend and your own fears — your imagination is generally worse than reality, and even when reality IS pretty gross (like that time my baby had an explosive poop all over my lap at a restaurant that only had the tiniest bathroom ever, like there wasn't enough room between the toilet and the door for the diaper bag, much less a three - month - old) you just sort of... take it in stride and deal with it, knowing that the benefits of babies and children outweigh the occasional brush with grossness.
Pulling on the cord was first recommended by Mauriceau in 1673, who feared that the uterus might close before the placenta was spontaneously delivered.21 In fact, the recumbent (lying) postures, increasingly adopted under doctor's care meant that spontaneous delivery of the placenta was less likely: the upright postures that women and midwives have traditionally used encourage the placenta to fall out with the help of gravity.
Currently 12 weeks pregnant, and with her due date just over a year after her previous one (Will was due 12/7/14, and the baby they are affectionately calling SmallPaul until they know his / her gender is due 12/12/15), she and Darrell are doing their best to balance mourning the loss of their first child less than a year ago and the excitement — and fear — of being pregnant again.
Without even giving you a moment to catch your breath after the third set of birthday candles have been blown, you'll find yourself living with a threenager, the less - publicized, but arguably more feared older sibling of a Terrible Two - Year - Old.
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