Sentences with phrase «with less oxygen»

Although the Oregon lava tube environment is less harsh than Mars — the Red Planet is colder, with less oxygen — «it does show that bacteria can live in similar conditions,» said study co-author Martin Fisk of Oregon State University.
After a couple of cups of beet juice, they could do the exact same amount of work with less oxygen.
In other words, the increased G - force in rebounding means you get more benefit with less oxygen used and less exertion on the heart.
With less oxygen available, the birds irreversibly lose consciousness.
Blood that is highly oxygenated is red, but gets bluer with less oxygen.

Not exact matches

Swissotel Berlin's «deep sleep» package: A 20 - minute «mountain air treatment» (with 4 % less oxygen) and a herbal drink before bedtime; a 30 - minute light - therapy session when you wake.
With just two people on the mission, less oxygen, supplies, and emergency gear will be needed, thus limiting the total weight of the capsule and likely allowing the company to launch sooner.
Automatic VFFS vacuum packaging machine, with partial or total back gas flush, ensures oxygen residue to be less than 1.5 %.
Our fully automated vacuum packaging system, with partial or total back gas flush, ensures oxygen residue of less than 1.5 %.
This fully automated vacuum packaging system with partial or total back gas flush ensures oxygen residue of less than 1.5 % for a broad range of packaging types and valve options at increased output speeds.
This fully automated vacuum packaging system with partial or total back gas flush ensures oxygen residue of less than 1.5 % for a broad range of packaging types and valve options.
They determined a material with less than 90 percent carbon and enhanced by oxygen, rather than nitrogen or sulfur, worked best for both carbon capture and methane selectivity, especially for materials activated at temperatures approaching 800 degrees Celsius.
The rising temperatures cause layers of ocean water to stratify so the more oxygen - rich surface waters are less able to mix with oxygen - poor waters from the deeper ocean.
Chan says that lighter warm water creates a cap over the colder depths, making it less likely that deeper waters — where everything from «plankton to whale poop» sucks up oxygen — will rise to mix with the oxygenated surface.
When a certain amount of oxygen vacancies (4 mol %) exists in the material, the proton concentration around Zr is higher than that around the rare - earth element which indicates protons with less influence from the trapping effects of the rare - earth element (Fig. 1).
When an oxygen molecule comes in and wants to react with that surface, much less energy is needed to break the oxygen - oxygen bond in the oxygen molecule.
They found that soluble iron in the earliest oceans quickly combined with oxygen to form rust — forming reactive oxygen molecules, which damage biological tissue and make the cyananobacteria grow more slowly and produce less oxygen.
The relevance to atmospheric composition is that silica - rich rocks have far less iron and sulfur than silica - poor rocks, and iron and sulfur react with oxygen and form a sink for oxygen.
Simple sponges can live with 200 times less oxygen than present atmospheric levels, supporting the idea that animals evolved before oxygen - rich oceans
Even with 200 times less oxygen than is currently found in the atmosphere, the sponges survived until the end of the study, 10 days after oxygen levels finished dropping.
Because radiation therapy requires the presence of oxygen to be effective, tumors with high interstitial pressure are often less receptive to radiation therapy.
This allowed the carbon to be stored in the seabed instead of being released into the air, and thus less oxygen was needed to react with carbon.
With an atmosphere of much less than one percent oxygen, scientists have presumed that there were things living in deep water in the mud that didn't need sunlight or oxygen, but Czaja says experts didn't have any direct evidence for them until now.
By comparison, slightly younger deposits with lower molybdenum and rhenium concentrations had osmium isotope evidence for less continental input, indicating the oxygen in the atmosphere had disappeared.
By processing oxygen faster, women are less likely to accumulate molecules linked with muscle fatigue, effort perception and poor athletic performance.
Scientists have long known how the people of the Tibetan Plateau, including Nepal's famous mountain - climbing Sherpa, deal with oxygen levels up to 40 % less than those at sea level.
Less well known are other higher titanium oxides — those with a higher number of titanium and oxygen atoms than TiO — that are now the subject of intensifying research due to their potential use in next - generation electronic devices.
Red dots mark places on the coast where oxygen has plummeted to 2 milligrams per liter or less, and blue areas mark zones with the same low - oxygen levels in the open ocean.
Less oxygen seems like a good thing for methane, since they are incompatible gases, but with oxygen at such extremely low levels, another problem arises.
The production of methane is accelerated because stationary pools of water contain much less oxygen than a flowing river interacting with the atmosphere and microbes thrive in low - oxygen environments.
The endosteal region, connective tissue that lines bones, by contrast, is less hypoxic, because it is perfused with more oxygen - carrying arteries.
«Lens membranes with a high content of saturated sphingolipids... are less susceptible to oxidation because there is relatively less oxygen in these ordered bilayers, as well as fewer double bonds to become oxidized... (W) hale lens lipid composition and structure support the finding that lens lipid hydrocarbon order is directly related to the sphingolipid content and indirectly related to the phosphatidylcholine content of the lenses of many animals.»
Although LGM oxygen isotope changes can not be used to independently assess cooling, they provide a useful additional constraint that is difficult to reconcile with a cooling much less than 3 deg.
It is a variable carbon star, which is to say a late type star that resembles a red giant (or less frequently a red dwarf), that has an atmosphere with more carbon than oxygen.
There are some less obvious benefits of pilates and sex that have to do with oxygen.
So by replacing carbs with healthy fats, your cells» mitochondria are less likely to suffer damage from free radicals that are caused by reactive oxygen species or ROS.
As Booker explains, the more you do this, the more efficient you become meaning your body is able to deliver oxygen, pump blood, and meet the demands of exercise with less work.
Fat oxidation on the other hand occurs in the oxygen CO2 exchange ratio of 1:0.7 so not only do you produce less CO2 as a by product which allows for slower breathing, but you also aren't dealing with the ever increasingly acidic environment created by glucose metabolism.
Nike created a new measurement called «Nike Fuel» (measures exercise based on a sort of algorithm for oxygen kinetics), which can seem fairly arbitrary or at least less useful than working with calories.
Same work, with 19 % less oxygen.
When this happens the oxygenated blood cells do not reach many of these cancer cells with the end result being they receive far less oxygen.
With less blood flow, your skin doesn't get as much oxygen and important nutrients, such as vitamin A.
Also, this torque will depends on the quality of the air (I mean the less denser, more denser with the oxygen molecules)...?
With a car that has electronic fuel injection, it makes sense to me that burning oil is going to mess up oxygen sensor readings which is going to lead to less - than - optimal fuel regulation.
The three drag races between the two cars end with the Stingray on top each time, though just barely, but the video host points out that the test was done at high altitude where the air has less oxygen, putting the oxygen - loving Corvette V8 at about a 15 percent power disadvantage but having no effect on the electric motor of the i8.
Confining a French Bulldog to an overhead bin would create more of a stressful environment with less available oxygen.
This means that although the oxygen percentage in the air stays the same, you will still take in less oxygen with every breath you take because the air is less dense, or «thinner».
EANx does this by replacing some of the nitrogen in the air with oxygen, this means you absorb less nitrogen during a dive, which gives you longer no decompression limits.
Space Engineers is much less forgiving in that aspect, as starting off on a planet with little to no oxygen will most likely result in you running out of your supply before you can even start constructing an oxygen tank, let alone shelter.
In 1968, Mexico City, with its high altitude containing 30 % less oxygen than...
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