Sentences with phrase «with little context»

With little context, those numbers don't really mean much.
This is where it starts to get even trickier, prompting Zwillinger's references to Santa Claus and blind faith: «[A] decision by a provider to challenge must be made alone, under acute time pressure, with sensitivity to what's at stake, with little context and while under a gag order.»
We will cover exam preparation in more detail in a separate portion of this series, but — given the all - important nature of the exam — let's begin by setting the stage with a little context about the end - game so you can always keep your eye on the prize.
Blanket radio ads, press releases and social media calls all target broad groups with little context or comparison.
@GabrielDiego Plain text on the internet with little context is not good at indicating sarcasm, and given that this is a site for asking serious questions about finances, I tend to default to taking everything here literally unless shown otherwise.
The column instead presented Norquist's agenda with little context, the agenda he apparently talked to Republican leaders about — from private school vouchers to a flat tax to requiring voter approval for any tax increase.
Even with little context for the moment, viewers can tell from the look on Hap's face and the»40s period setting just how big a line Henry is crossing.

Not exact matches

The inverted pyramid style pushes the most vital information to the top of the release, with too little emphasis on context.
Simply blasting out an impersonal message to thousands of contacts with little or no context is no longer going to cut it the way it might have in the early 2000s.
To give a little context into what's achievable with Facebook Ads, we ran an experiment to see what a budget of $ 5 per day would get us.
As a little context, I invited Zuckerberg to join an annual event I organize, along with Kevin Delaney from Quartz and Ben Smith from...
Dalton et al. (1998)(reviewing 31 studies of board leadership structure and finding «little evidence of systematic governance structure / financial performance relationships») and Rhoades et al. (2001)(meta - analysis of 22 independent samples across 5,271 companies indicates that independent leadership structure has a significant impact on performance, but this impact varies with context).
Things get quite technical at a few points and I wanted to ensure everyone enjoyed this conversation but providing a little bit of context with that 20 - minute introduction.
Noel once told me that he started his walk away from Christianity in that context; graduate school finalized that journey and when I came to know him, he was a massively articulate, Bible - steeped skeptic with little taste for the cultural Christianity that characterized all too much of the deep South.
Considering the video was part of a VHS feature film (also called R.I.O.T.), it's a little unfair to judge it on its stand - alone merit, but even with a deeper context, dance - offs are always unintentionally funny, just ask Kevin Bacon..
What bothers me most is that so many of the Scripture references that are used to support the pledges are taken out of context and really have little or nothing to do with the author's theories.I believe God will hold this man and those who abuse God's Word accountable.
There is the ongoing problem of biased representation in the media, with plenty of space given to the atheistic opinions of Hawking and Dawkins, and little if any coverage given to the promotion and integration of science which takes place within the context of the Church.
Modern philosophy was a little like fundamentalism in that the characteristic obsession of the rationalist with clarity and decontextualized truth expresses a fear that once you put things in context, once you let contingency back in, cherished verities may crumble.
But Roman Catholicism is a little leery of context, because context bespeaks local church, and local church is always in tension with universal church.»
ps - calling it a blessing is a little edgy but he clearly means that in a certain context and I think its fair for an entertainer to start the conversation with a statement that grabs your attention this way.
Regrettably, she does little more than provide us with a reminder of a textbook example of eisegesis (reading «into» the biblical text one's own ideology) rather than exegesis (reading «out of» Scripture with attentiveness to historical and literary context, even if it conflicts with one's own personal views).
One of the greatest crises that the modern church has been polluted with, is the very little importance correct context (in its original meaning) has.
Anyone with a little bit of sense understands that in the context of Matthew 27:42, the word «save» does not mean escape from hell and entrance into heaven, or receiving eternal life.
In this light the particular problem for the twentieth century Christian as viewed by Cobb is that the structure of existence assumed by Jesus in his day bears little resemblance to the structure of existence which characterizes us, so that the translation of the quality of life achieved by Jesus into a context with which we can identify more immediately is no less radical than the contrast between his situation and ours (PPCT 397).
But the question of how to interpret the doctrine of the universality and unsurpassability of Christ in the context of inter-religious dialogue is now with us for good, and the fact that it will not go away means that we may be at least a little closer to an answer than we were before.
In other words, listeners experienced fragmented communication — little pieces of information supplied with very little context, background, or perspective.
This ideology sees the world in terms of good and bad, us and them, free and slave, the free West and the communist East, with very little complexity and almost no historical perspective, context or explanations.
Treating the Bible as a collection of blessings and promises, filled with little morsels of truth taken out of context (he uses the example of inspirational calendars that predictably use Jeremiah 31:31 as a promise to all people at all times)
A little context here would be nice before everyone jumps to conclusions that Jesus was married because someone recounted that he said «My wife...» Are these people really historians, or folks with some kind of agenda?
But he added, «it's a small text with very little context.
However, for people who are dissatisfied with their local church, who have little established connection with a local church, or whose religious consciousness may be awakened by a viewed religious program, the research indicates that paid - time religious programs, by presenting themselves as competent alternatives to the local church, offering a range of services similar to the local church, and not referring respondents or enquirers to a local church, may be acting as a barrier to people's developing their faith most fully within this interpersonal context.
Still, in this context, Berger compares the deficiencies of every «actually existing socialism» with a vision of capitalism that seems to have little to do with any «actually existing capitalism.»
In this context where Moses appears with unparalleled vigor, if not violence, it is a remarkable touch that the story incorporates the strange little narrative of Miriam's and Aaron's insubordination (Num.
This earlier situation (in the India, Sri Lanka, and Kenya context at least) basically meant just certifying «business as usual» tea production areas with very little or no value - addition from a biodiversity point of view.
I preferred the blow up option, but I am now of the belief that it was hardly feasible in current context, even worse with our biggest assets not being 100 %, positions with little market, or under controle for 2020 - 21 when the next wave arrives.
Robson added that Zinedine Zidane's success despite a lack of experience has to be taken with context, claiming he needed to do very little in his role to maintain themselves.
The league haphazardly vomited those changes out Monday with little to no clarity or context, and now he's trying to provide that clarity on the fly.
I agree with you that it's a pretty obvious work and that Rusev has done this exact thing like a dozen or so times previously, but just a little quibble / context that if you change your twitter handle, you lose the blue tick.
I have no problem if someone wants to slaughter one of our players if a) they don't make it personal b) make use of and cite facts rather than trot out the mantras prevalent at the time and c) try to be logical with a little perspective and context.
In other biological contexts, ferritin primarily functions as an iron - storage molecule; however, colostrum ferritin appears to have little iron associated with it [21] and thus may instead enable the neonate to sequester iron.
Moreover, by modern standards, the charters were both extremely limited documents — overwhelmingly concerned with feudal administration, with little relevance to those living outside the context of medieval England.
Despite this context of job scarcity and the structural precariousness they have to face, the young are often regarded with little sympathy.
Now the 2015 election is just over a year away, we know the political context in which it can be deployed: the «good society» breaks the economic deadlock by opening up a way to spend money better, and fits in with Miliband's broader «One Nation» dialogue about helping the little people deal with the faceless monolithic institutions of the private — and now, the public — sectors.
The Deputy Minister pleaded that Ghanaians need to put the current challenges in context, that with a little bit of patience, things will pay off.
For a little context, President Barack Obama won the 19th Congressional District with 52 percent of the vote in 2012 and was polling at 49 percent in the district in September 2012.
The expert review panel recommended one practice guideline based on a 2005 randomized trial that provided data to support a memory retraining protocol.12, 13 The trial enrolled 29 subjects with MS - related learning deficits and randomized them to either the control group (n = 14) or the experimental group (n = 15).13 Both groups participated in 8 «treatment» sessions, which consisted of nontraining memory tasks for the control group and the Story Memory Technique (SMT), which taught the skills of visualization and context to improve learning, for the experimental group.13 In subjects with moderately severe impairment, 88 % in the experimental group showed significant improvement in learning abilities compared with 38 % in the control group (P <.01).13 Subjects with mild impairment showed little improvement.13 On this basis, the technique used in this study was recommended by the review panel as a practice guideline for the rehabilitation of learning and memory in persons with MS. 12
«I guess they had very little left to work with, having culled in the first round the emails that could most easily be taken out of context to try to make me look bad.»
A clear, direct, one - to - one relationship between pesticides and polio over a period of 30 years, with pesticides preceding polio incidence in the context of the CNS - related physiology just described, leaves little room for complicated virus arguments, even as a cofactor, unless there exists a rigorous proof for virus causation.
Now I want to work my way into answering your question, but there's a little bit of, kind of context I want to provide the listeners with so that they understand how this all kind of unravels in the gut, so to speak.
Again, I've been doing some — some intermittent fast but I wanted to push the envelope and see, «Okay, let's see how I do with a little bit longer fast — no, context here.»
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