Sentences with phrase «with little faith»

I accepted his instructions affably, but with little faith, then popped open a bottle of beer and started to get into the rhythm of relaxation.
But don't worry — a new breed of environmentalists has just released a manifesto declaring that, with a little faith in technology, humanity can move into a «great» new century of prosperity and universal human dignity on a thriving planet.
Out of control for 6 months, I tried his product as a last resort and with little faith.
With little faith in the markets, my wife and I are looking for conservative options for our retirement savings.
In fact, Joffe's remake asserts itself as an adaptation with little faith in its own ideas or the intelligence of its audience.
Every believer is an atheist who has agreed to test his doubt with a little faith.

Not exact matches

But Carmody puts little faith in Whac - A-Mole campaigns, and his experience with Goon has him wanting something more.
Sometimes it takes a little work or a leap of faith up front, but if you put passive income strategies into place and stick with your plan passive income is definitely a realistic goal.
Sometimes it takes a little work or a leap of faith up front, but if you put passive income strategies into place and stick with your plan passive income is definitely a re...
When Sparrow Records in Nashville caught wind of Kendall's little - talked - about faith, they decided to partner with their mainstream big brother and sent her out with big named Christian acts such as Third Day, Nichole Nordeman and Delirious.
People of faith toss around the term «theory» with very little understanding of what a theory is, or how the scientific method works.
some of you atheists are still talking... I can hear you... the little patter of your heart as it increases in rate because you are so ticked off at those mean «ol believers whom you hate so much you just have to put all your time into the CNN posts dealing with faith and God... You are so predictable... blather on without me though, I have to go get my sons from practice, so you will have to spew your hate on those left behind... Merry Christmas!
It has little to do with faith but everything to do with knowing we were loved.
He slams faith, he slams UFO's, he slams anything his tiny little brain can't explain with concrete facts.
We have the lowly at the bottom who have little except for their «faith», then you have the guys with a special link to their «deity», who preach to the lowly about all their «sins»... I wonder what's in it for the creator?
Just pointing out that considering the mistranslations and following incorrect beliefs there is very little in the bible that you can take for granted, or as having been given «directly from god», many priests / pastors take this statement and run with it saying that that is where you have to have «faith».
It's true what you say about the Mormon faith being a little sketchy, I'll agree with you on that one.
We acknowledge with gratitude your devotion to the cause of religious freedom at home as well as abroad and your labors to protect the conscience rights of the Little Sisters of the Poor and people of all faiths and shades of belief.
I talk about how the evangelical obsession with sex can make Christian living seem like little more than sticking to a list of rules, and how millennials long for faith communities in which they are safe asking tough questions and wrestling with doubt.
I'm a physicist and I know a little bit about how research monies are granted, and one's faith has nothing to do with it.
After years of doubt and deconstruction, we'd made peace with the meandering nature of our own faith journeys, but raising our little boy to do the same seemed daunting.
I think there's a pretty nice cycle for seminary students: year 1: totally enthusiastic, young idealistic faith year 2: fairly smug, enthralled with knowing and using hip theology terms year 3: tired, disillusioned, a little bitter, anti-something or other year 4: just starting to get over one's self, wanting to «get out there»
Any real faith (meaning the kind that actually does move mountains) died out of the «Christian Church» when the Bible was canonized, with little exception, and most of the exceptions were exterminated.
Less than a hundred years later, it will be little less than blasphemy to identify the truly «existential» with existence in faith.
The relation between Christian faith and the scientific way of understanding nature involves many complex and unresolved issues, but the plain fact is that scientific understanding had to grow largely under secular auspices, with too little encouragement and understanding from the religious tradition.
~ They felt that they had lost touch with their faith, expressed little interest in church attendance.»
The Faith magazine continues to provide me with a bimonthly boost to living my faith in this little corner of SomeFaith magazine continues to provide me with a bimonthly boost to living my faith in this little corner of Somefaith in this little corner of Somerset.
You're complaining about people sharing their faith with others, being «pushy,» and in the same post putting in your little plug for whatever system you follow.
Christians give him so little credit for being the person with the greatest amount of Faith in the history of all time.
I feel my relationship with God is based on practising the little bit of faith that's slowly becoming apparent in my heart.
The Storm Theatre and Blackfriar's Reparatory Company (with a little help from Shakespeare, of course) have conjured up a delightful world worth a visit where faith, hope and love reign, all governed by a great deal of wit.
And with those honest but fearful souls whose faith is so weak that it amounts to little more than an intellectual conformity to a passive attitude of assent to religions of authority, the Father is ever alert to honor and foster even all such feeble attempts to reach out for him.
It is clear to me that this has little or nothing to do with faith and everything to do with ignorance and bigotry.
It likewise implied, however, that faith in Jesus Christ must be on European terms, take them or leave them, and that the forms it took — organizational, ethical, doctrinal, liturgical — must be, with as much adaptation as necessary but as little adaptation as possible, the ones it had acquired in its European configuration.
Clive, you point out how others often don't understand what Jesus was saying; but while Jesus often labors to try and make things clear to the unbeliever («Oh, you of little faith) or at the very least the author tries to make it clear for us in retrospect (At the time they didn't understand that he spoke of this...), in this case Jesus switches from something that might be figurative to essentially say «no, I seriously mean this» and it concludes not with Jesus saying «don't go away, this is what I actually mean» but confirming that people would refuse to accept that God intended for them to actually fill themselves with the life that He offered so they stopped following him.
At a time of unprecedented transition in the Christian Movement, when (as George Orwell once put it) «the little orthodoxies of the right and the left vie with one another for possession of our souls,» it is necessary to assert both the modesty and the complex, nuanced character of Christian faith and theology against the false certainties of true belief, ideology and religious simplism.
I propose to study first an archetypical case: a secularization that occurred swiftly, with little anticipation, then a rush of public events, then a formal severance between the parties, and lastly a slow, even protracted process whereby the spirit and loyalty and identity of the institution is drained of manifest faith.
Many atheists don't see a problem with insulting a person's faith because they care very little for the person taking the brunt of their lowbrow insults.
The faith of the Church adapted itself to the disappointment of its first expectations with little disturbance, beyond a deepening of the conviction that through the Spirit Christ had already «come again'to His people, (John 14:16 - 23) to reign over them for ever «until the consummation of the Age».
I hear, «All ye of little faith...» played to harp music in my head, Michael there next to the musicians with a great sword, with the forming of any doubt.
I believe that little children can have faith; I believe that when a parent gazes at a child or grandchild — I did this morning with my fourmonth - old grandson; we just had a bit of eye contact and smiling at each other — there's a wonderful sense of love which passes between them, which is pre-articulate.
I learned when i studied the Bible, and met a man that taught religious studies at Penn.State Remember, God loves you, even with faith as little as the size of a mustard seed!!
Moreover, the faith that YHWH was the Lord of history meant that in contrast with the mythological cultures, where the gods were little interested in human affairs, the spotlight of divine concern was pointed directly to the human scene.
If it pays too little attention to its source and goal in the encounter with God in Jesus Christ, it will be led into barren speculations which weaken rather than strengthen the faith that Christian reflection should serve.
If, on the other hand, being Christian continues to mean little more than being predictable middle - class liberals with a tinge of something called spirituality, then the few exceptional things that congregations occasionally manage to perform ethically will lack any foundation in repentance and faith.
Niebuhr provides a helpful analogy illustrating how relation to a community's «internal history» can connect contemporary believers with the saving events that are often of little interest to those outside of the Christian faith tradition.
My faith in God, then, born or reborn out of the ruin of thirty years» attempts at thinking, was slowly taking shape in the midst of close companionship with working scientists, a little of whose temper I may have caught.
I think if you can come to grips with your hatred you may see that there are people of faith who may know a little more than you.
I've talked with some who have given up on faith altogether, others who have shifted allegiance to another religious tradition, and a lot who (like me) are still a little uncertain about which road to take next.
So maybe that goes along with Jeremy's description of great / little faith: It takes greater faith to believe something for which we have no physical evidence.
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