Sentences with phrase «with loaches»

«Despite this short time span, the fish show trademark adaptations to cave life compared with loaches from surface locations nearby, including a pale body colouration, much smaller eyes, plus larger nostrils and barbels,» she says.

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The pale, tiny fish with long, whiskerlike barbs sprouting from its head (above) is a new species of loach, as yet unnamed.
This family of loaches, sometimes called sting - loaches, is found in Eurasia and Morocco and has about 28 genera with about 236 species (Berra The evolution of tetrapods began about 400 million years ago in the Devonian Period with the earliest tetrapods evolved from lobe - finned fishes.
For example, spiny eels, freshwater stingrays and many loaches love to burrow in the substrate, so their tanks are best outfitted with fine sand - like gravel.
For example: tetras, barbs, danios, rasboras, catfish and loaches are all Ostariophysian fishes with certain internal structures in common.
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