Sentences with phrase «with market rates»

Many sovereign bond markets too have been exceptionally volatile — with market rates for Italian and Spanish debt soaring, before falling back in the last three days.
The conference emphasized the numerous opportunities today for investors to enable the to transition to a cleaner, lower carbon economy through projects with market rates of return.
The court noted that, as the rate prescribed by law is «currently out of line with market rates», where the court has discretion, that rate need not be applied.
After each withdrawal abroad, I did check against my currency exchange app and found that the amount deducted from my account was always consistent with the market rate.
But, use caution when comparing your job with market rates, because salaries vary dramatically by location.
Also known as variable or adjustable rate bonds, floating rate bonds have an interest rate that periodically changes with the market rate.
* a section 8 tenant can not just decide to move / break the lease as is possible with a market rate tenant.
It said the royalty was not in line with market rates.
Most credit cards nowadays have variable interest rates which fluctuate with market rates so the interest rate you're paying today may wind up being lower tomorrow.
Most credit cards nowadays have variable interest rates which fluctuate with market rates so...
Over time, as the 4NEW coin increases in value to be at par with market rates for energy prices, consumers will be able to trade these coins in for their routine energy needs, or trade it through crypto exchanges.
ARC Pensions Law is a high performance environment: salaries and benefits are commensurate with market rates at major firms.
And when states fail to increase their per - child payments to keep pace with market rates, parents find themselves armed with a voucher than no one will take: Since the child care providers can make more money accepting a child whose parents can afford to pay market rates, that's what they do.
Another idea is to buy a bond fund which has coupon rates which float with the market rate.
«players were not available for the borderline - laughable offer I made that had nothing to do with the market rate and was based on my own crazy internal valuation»
«If we can't guarantee that any Inwood residents are going to have access to those units, then it doesn't matter,» Jennifer Fox, who lives in the area, said at Monday night's meeting at the YM & YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood, «Aren't we more concerned with the market rate housing, and what that is going to do to our community?»
With a variable - rate mortgage, those mortgage lenders and investors know their returns will fluctuate along with market rates, so they're willing to accept a lower initial rate than they would on a fixed - rate loan.
Take a 200000 dollar purchase for a buyer with a 720 credit score, market rates and compare it side by side with a FHA transaction with market rates:
«You can't hire your spouse to do the books and pay them an income that's way out of whack with market rates,» says Rumer.
The price is extremely high; however I think that it is inline with market rate for a hotel room in Amsterdam.
It is highly recommended to read the policy terms and conditions very carefully in your offer document before finalizing on anything as you may want to look into your payment methods, options, any penalties in case of slippage of payments, recurring interests, and benefits with market rate policies of your saving plans.
It is vital employers remain up - to - date with market rate remuneration packages and keep the 2018 Hays Asia Salary Guide to be released in January 2018 close by as a ready reference.
In the late 1980s, it began taking inventory of public land and spearheading development of mixed - income housing — affordable, combined with market rate — on various county properties.
A variable universal life insurance contract may be attractive to those clients willing to bear a little extra risk in their life insurance contract for the opportunity to have a higher cash value, over time, with market rate returns.
The arbitrator was satisfied that the funding terms were in line with market rates.
Because Skadden voluntarily reduced its fees (for example, charging $ 450 an hour for a partner or $ 300 an hour for a sixth - year associate), the judge found that an additional discount to bring fees consistent with market rates for civil rights cases was not warranted.
• When the bond fund's yields start to go back up to par with market rates (because new higher - yielding bonds are always being purchased), then this attracts money that was sitting on the sidelines waiting before, because they were afraid of interest rates going up.
With a variable - rate mortgage, the interest you pay fluctuates with market rates.
Usually the rate is fixed for a certain amount of time, but after that time it fluctuates with the market rates.
It will be paid to you with a market rate of interest; that is, the same rate of interest earned by the U.S. Treasury securities purchased by the Retirement Fund (the account that contains all employee and employer contributions to CSRS and FERS).
With the market rates being liable to several factors, the gold rates in Ahmedabad - like any other place - is a dodgy thing to define.
The purpose of the interest rate adjustment is primarily to bring the interest rate on the mortgage in line with market rates.
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