Sentences with phrase «with more compassion»

The therapeutic relationship creates a safe space to foster a deeper understanding of how to engage with one's self and others with more compassion and acceptance.
Through the skills you'll learn and the trust we'll build together, you can start living each day with more compassion than the last.
Members of the audience commented that the hospital experience has to be improved with more compassion and dignity offered to patients.
A lens with more compassion and a clearer understanding that those who go through divorce need our support and encouragement instead of judgment.
Saying goodbye with more compassion and understanding will likely help reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety that divorce creates.
Once you realize what a difficult situation means to another person, you can approach the issue with more compassion, generosity, empathy, and patience.
«Are you an adolescent, parent, or adult wanting to derive more meaning in your life, engage in healthy relationships and move through your world with more compassion for yourself and others?
Maybe God's people treated their dromedaries with more compassion than to use them that way.»
We now treat the handicapped and mentally ill with more compassion knowing the cause of their distress.
God will never waste the hurt in your life and you will minister with more compassion and authority for your pain.
The mother posted on Facebook asking Tesco «to give your staff the training they clearly require in order to treat women in this situation with more compassion in future».
As my twins grow from babies into toddlers, and my older son becomes a strong lanky boy, I am beginning to view my postpartum self with more compassion and respect.
By holding our experience with non-judgmental awareness, curiosity, and playfulness, we can simultaneously hold our children's experience with more compassion.
Couples were encouraged through a series of lectures and exercises to approach their relationships with more compassion and empathy by doing things like listening as a friend, practicing random acts of kindness and affection, and using the language of acceptance.
Bob Harper is one of the Biggest Loser trainers, and while he seems to work with more compassion than his counterpart, Jillian Michaels, his methods are no less intense and effective.
A standout in a solid ensemble, Stuhlbarg, looking almost alarmingly like Robin Williams, brings a quiet tenderness to the proceedings, a tone he elevates in a late - film monologue that could not have been delivered with more compassion or love.
Likewise, her personality failings — an unwillingness to be picked up and discomfort with having strange folk grab at her — would likely be viewed with more compassion if she did wasn't so darn wee and adorable.
On the other hand, cryptocurrencies might bootstrap humankind with more compassion, tenderness, and love.
The ultimate goals of this work are to come to know yourself more deeply; to live with more compassion, connectedness, satisfaction, joy and freedom.
Helped me see my own patterns and more importantly helped me see my husband with more compassion and grace.
Better quality marriages with more compassion, clearer communication, and better cooperation.
With more compassion, understanding, and love for myself, I was able to release the unrealistic expectations I had set, take ownership of my current situation, and liberate myself from guilt and shame.
However, the film manages to treat her with more compassion as it reveals more depths to her character.
I've been encouraged to look at those around me with more compassion and to appreciate all the tiny, everyday miracles that make up a life — to notice more and to look at the world with renewed wonder.
I am looking for a way to see the bigger picture through human stories, with more compassion and less fighting.
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