Sentences with phrase «with multiple males»

A female can and will breed with multiple males, and one litter of kittens can have more than one father.
I know that many of these women connect with multiple males at once because it boosts their ego.
«Because females of most species mate with multiple males within a reproductive cycle, intrasexual competition and intersexual choice can continue in the form of sperm competition and cryptic female choice,» says Pitnick.
Female chimpanzees have sex with multiple males while ovulating, so a male that can produce more sperm has a better chance of dislodging other males» sperm and a better chance of his own sperm's survival.
The most socially complex of the bees, they thrived in colonies led by the egg - laying queen, who ensured the genetic fitness of her progeny by breeding with multiple male drones from other colonies.
(Female flies typically mate with multiple males over a short time period.)
Evolutionarily, the only successful defense in females appears to be polyandry: Females that mate with multiple males make it hard for any one male to know that he is, or is not, the father of her offspring.
If a female dog goes into heat and is willing to mate with multiple male dogs, she might just end up pregnant with a litter of half - siblings.
Females must mate with multiple male partners to reach maximum fertility.
For instance, I have successfully kept dart frogs together — even with multiple males — by providing a large number of hide spaces in a fairly massive tank.
Females hold several eggs at any one time, and will often breed with multiple males.
Moreover, by mating with multiple males, some researchers have argued, paternity becomes confused.
The correct polygamist relationship is one with multiple males — all employed - and if there's enough men in a marrige working together towards the same goal — pleasing the woman of course — just maybe they will eventually figure out how to make at least one woman happy.
So why would a female prairie dog take the risk to mate with multiple males?
«Do female birds mate with multiple males to protect their young?.»
The females in her studies are promiscuous and mate with multiple males, which we also know that blue tit females do.»
We also know that the females that have had their brood attacked by predators will be more likely to mate with multiple males the following year.
«In many species, such as the blue tit, females often mate with multiple males.
A new analysis of courtships from thousands of encounters between finches, as well as genetic analyses of paternity, reveals that the female offspring of more promiscuous males are more likely to mate with multiple males themselves.
When a female worm mates with multiple males, the sperm jostle each other, competing for access to the eggs.
Females of the red jungle fowl mate with multiple males, including brothers.
When ant queens mate with multiple males their sperm have a single time - window to compete with rival ejaculates for storage in the reproductive organs of the queens.
But in the last four decades scientists have discovered that, in most species, females mate with multiple males, and that paternity of offspring in a single brood is often mixed.
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