Sentences with phrase «with multiple parts»

There were six questions total, and I had 30 minutes to answer a question with multiple parts.
A single piece of plastic may contain five to 30 chemicals, and a plastic item with multiple parts (like a baby bottle) may contain more than 100.
An automated system can assist the driver with multiple parts of the driving task like steering, speed, following distance and lane changes.
If it's an item with multiple parts it should list each part and where you can find it in the store / warehouse.
Not only do preschoolers continue to acquire toys at an alarming rate, but more and more those toys — blocks, puzzles, car collections — come with multiple parts, which preschoolers love to dump out and mix up.
Unlike kits with multiple parts, the Ring is a single device that comes with a mounting kit and an installation guide.
Unreturned, lost, or damaged material and materials with multiple parts that are returned incomplete will be billed to your account.
Using malleable materials like styrofoam and polyurethane, de Jong builds up complex installations with multiple parts, casting characters in sets that feel, at times, like a moment borrowed from the stage or screen.
Stevens, who worked in the Kelley studio for 10 years before taking over the foundation after his death, said Kelley produced 3,000 to 4,000 titles, many with multiple parts.
Google's Assistant — found in its Google Home device — can answer complex questions with multiple parts as well as follow - up questions.
So, with one voice command, they can interact with multiple parts of your smart home at the same time, «creating a completely unified experience», Lifx explained.
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