Sentences with phrase «with narrative possibility»

I also wanted to interweave several historical stories into the novel, as China's history is so fascinating and rich with narrative possibility.
It's a moment ripe with narrative possibility.
Guest blogger Courtney Boddie of the New Victory Theater offers a lesson plan to implement the Common Core ELA standards through creative play with the narrative possibilities of reimagining a classic fairytale.

Not exact matches

This is an infinite which expresses itself in a narrative vision, not a predetermined narrative nor one which intends to include only a particular kind of people or a particular reality, but a story which is much more open than the old story used to be — a story, indeed, with many strands rather than with one, and a story which is not going to any predetermined place but which is constantly open to the best possibility that is relevant for it.
The fact that he can grant this yet not give such possibility a greater place in his narrative suggests that, with respect to the question of the relation between politics and ethics at least, Taylor is not at all a modem, however much he may believe that the modem identity brings with it some genuine goods.
Postliberalism, with its emphasis on culture and language, narrative and community, character and virtue, opened possibilities for being theologically serious and doctrinally orthodox while avoiding the restrictive biblicism of the evangelical world.
He points out that «the rhetorical structure of this narrative is calculated to hold the reader within the tale and, from within the tale, to confront the reader with the possibility of believing in the resurrection.
Paul Tough has a sharp eye for the telling detail, a sure grasp of the literature, and a gift for storytelling that together make for a bracing narrative, hard - edged in its realism but also brimming with hope and possibility.
It doesn't have much to do with history, has nothing to do with physical possibility, and only has a passing familiarity with narrative coherence.
If nothing else, Garland possesses a gift for baiting the imagination; his narratives ooze with possibility, pulling you in with their clammy tendrils of intrigue.
Note that I didn't call The Forbidden Room Maddin's «latest film,» for this isn't so much a film as an encyclopedic compendium of cinematic possibilities, a cauldron bubbling over with highly spiced visual and narrative tropes.
In Take Shelter we saw Nichols and Shannon examine the nature of paranoia in a fascinating way, but with an added sci - fi element and a thriller pursuit narrative, Midnight Special opens up a world of possibility for the actor - director team.
Bresson's films are frequently based on literary texts; Hanoun, by way of contrast, begins Une simple histoire with a title card that signals his concern with narrative film's documentary possibilities:
Woody is addled with dementia and has settled into a kind of leave - me - alone stasis, but he's dead set on making the trip from Montana to Lincoln to claim it, which in turns leads to a stop in a place where he hasn't seen old acquaintances and relatives for decades — and which opens up the story to all sorts of narrative and thematic possibilities.
The time limit adds a sensible narrative purpose for replays, constantly urging you to hurry along while the well - written prose tempts you away from that goal with its seemingly limitless possibilities for discovery.
But then, by the time you're this far into the movie, you've either resolved to go with every nonsensical flow of the film or have long since ditched the possibility that they would right this ship before it crashed and sank from its reckless attempts at a plausible narrative arc.
In this path, third - grade teacher Ellen O'Malley's model narrative (and the formulaic first lines it produced from students), when compared with 10th - grade teacher Dave Weber's peer review of first lines, illustrates the pitfalls and possibilities of teacher prompts to student writing.
Thus we have our narrative; 25 floors of enemies to shoot with the possibility of death around every corner and one burning question; what the hell is going on?
It's this fusion of a retro - inspired aesthetic following suit with its inspiration, and the possibilities present with improved technology like painted backgrounds and detailed particle effects, all accompanied by a gentle and melodic soundtrack, that creates a captivating aesthetic suited to the narrative.
With this project, Party for Introverts attempts to establish a connection between the mediums of game and short story, reworking the possibilities when narrative and interactivity merge.
Once I got into the games industry, and started to have fun with the possibilities of narrative driven games like Hector: Badge of Carnage and Schrödinger's Cat, it seemed like as good a place as any to unleash Mona Lisa.»
Tacoma I know will stick with me for a very long time, much like Gone Home did, thanks to its well - designed space station, narrative, and characters that I felt like I got to know by the end of the game, cheering them on as they faced the perils of life in space and the limited possibilities when issues arise.
And the stretch of time I had available, insufferable as it could sometimes be, did allow me to immerse myself in this sheer possibility: exploring dialogue choices or narrative tangents, becoming entangled in side quests, wasting hours with reading material in virtual bookshelves, practicing augmented skills and character improvements, and piecing together the convoluted cyberpunk lore.
With no columns or other structural elements to impede curators, says De Salvo, «We can articulate them as we wish... They don't enforce a linear narrative, they open up a lot of possibilities
Akin to how children role - play with dolls, Hershman Leeson's construction of female cyborgs opens up the place of play where viewers are prompted to take leaps of imagination by either engaging with the narrative or considering the possibilities for future technologies and society at large.
The Soane's collaboration with Factum Arte is a brilliant counterbalance to that tendency, proposing radical new possibilities for conservation and the role of facsimiles in a world ready to progress beyond giddy, self - consuming narratives of simulacra and simulation, and achieve originality anew.
Elmgreen & Dragset consider an exhibition to be a work of art in itself, with all its narrative, choreographic and social possibilities and «Biography» will examine the very conditions of exhibiting.
By combining key loans from University of Chicago alumni and Chicago - area collectors with works from the Smart's collection, the series offers an open platform to examine the composition and role of the Museum's collection and how the addition of new works can shift and expand the narrative possibilities the Smart can create and share.
They also met with Lighthouse's creative technologist, Natalia Buckley to brainstorm the possibilities of how the narrative could work online.
Lerma functionalizes our contemporary desire for materially, chromatically rich abstract painting as a wa ¬ ¬ y to encourage the possibility of a deeper engagement with the motivating content and narrative behind the work.
Djurberg has said that animation as a form of expression now seems like second nature; it gives her the possibility to work closely and intuitively with the development of a narrative.
Benning's narrative collages, incorporating images of toys, photographs, bits of family movies and the artist's own close - up conversations with the camera, opened up the artist's possibilities.
This piece resists any clear - cut narrative or the possibility of an answer, generating instead many meanings, evoking a distant place or notable event along with notions of anticipation and latent melancholia.
Using cultural matter as his material - medium, he references art, history and theory to form a spatial and temporal narrative arc made up of intercommunicating texts, combined with an interest in the sculptural possibilities of cinematic structures and mise en scène.
Garth Evans (b. 1934) is central to the narrative of British sculpture, his work experimenting consistently with the possibilities of medium, form, weight and scale.
Kurland remains a storyteller, and her new work combines engaged photojournalism with a sure feel for its narrative possibilities.
Conceived as two parts of a larger whole, these works typically deal with opposing subjects that complicate and advance the meaning of the work on either side, a strategy that allowed Wróblewski to convey multiple narrative and stylistic possibilities.
If action painting is dying for a raison d'être, Blizard injected the genre with new narrative possibilities.
It is this commitment to rigorous research, saturated with the possibility of an imaginary narrative, which makes the enigmatic work appealing.
On another level, we playfully explore new narrative possibilities with the flat donut - shape (i.e. the new frame shape) moving image resulting from the use of the special lens.
Both are concerned with «painting» as a subject rather then a process, opening up the lexicon of possibilities for painting in general, painting not as a vehicle for personal narrative -LSB-...]
Two figures hold hands in a lush African wilderness — the work appearing variably as an abstraction and an Edenic fantasy, conjuring up a narrative landscape rife with possibility.
Their facelessness opens up ambiguous narrative possibilities, like empty canvases with which to construct meaning.
For Guérin, her canvases - measuring 14 x 11 inches and 20 x 16 inches - are a breeding ground for disparate forms that congest the picture plane, suffusing it with palpable, irresolvable narratives and possibilities.
Their facelessness opens up ambiguous narrative possibilities, as if they were empty canvases with which to construct meaning.
The Toy Box mode of Disney Infinity is a surprisingly robust, wide - open world, and while it lacks the narrative - based experience provided by the character - specific playsets, it makes up for it with seemingly endless creative possibilities.
This aspect of Pandora — merging immersive theater with the big - budget theme park world — points to impressive possibilities, particularly if Disney decides to push things further on the narrative front.
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