Sentences with phrase «with narrow pelvises»

THEM: * recite SOGC guidelines for induction after 41 weeks, cite data showing an increase in the risk of stillbirth after 39 weeks, particularly amongst older mothers, me with a narrow pelvis, a first - timer carrying a posterior baby estimated at 9.2 lbs, BPP / NST only a snapshot of what's happening right at that moment and while a bad BPP / NST is unequivocally a poor sign, a good BPP / NST is not always indicative of zero issues * And then they played the dead baby card.

Not exact matches

«That coincided with the pelvis narrowing, to allow walking upright, which limited the size of the infant at time of birth — all humans are born in a certain state of prematurity.
When he returned to the site a few months later, he was able to free from the cliff almost the complete skeleton of a bizarre mammal, the size of a horse, with an enormous pelvis and a narrow, long face, resembling that of an anteater.
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