Sentences with phrase «with near»

Such membership is in accord with the near - IR spectrum, which points to a surface gravity (age) and metallicity typical of the field population.
When injected into a tumor and irradiated with near - infrared laser light, the nanoflowers heat up and kill the cancer cells around...
The authors then tested the tumor targeting capability of iPSC - EPCs labelled with the near - infrared fluorescent dye DiR in two established mouse breast cancer models.
Instruments on the glider will provide scientists back on shore with a near - real - time view of fine - scale mixing processes in the upper ocean that play an important role in the movement of carbon, nutrients, and other chemicals through the marine system.
The observations, taken with the Near Infrared Camera 2 (NIRC2) on the Keck 2 telescope more than eight years after the microlensing event, provided a precise measurement of the foreground and background stars» relative motion.
Notably, scientists can add distinct chemical and structural patterns into the membranes with near atomic precision.
Using data of tau Boo b collected with the Near Infrared Echelle Spectrograph (NIRSPEC) instrument at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawai'i, the researchers were able to compare the molecular signature of water to the light spectrum emitted by the planet, confirming that the atmosphere did indeed include water vapor.
For that purpose, it is equipped with a Telescope Wide - View Cameras and Light Detection and Ranging, as well as with a Near Infrared Spectrometer.
Even when diabetes is kept in check, sufferers must grapple with near - daily fluctuations of glucose levels in the blood.
In order words, landing with a near flat foot onto the ground.
In a paper published in Nature Communications, he and his colleagues have taken an important step: precisely controlling the mixing of optical signals via tailored electric fields, and obtaining outputs with a near perfect contrast and extremely large on / off ratios.
The direct consequence is frequently a sudden shift in the business model of a company from, for example, drug development towards a service model with near - term cash - generating capability.
Being so very, very far away, and therefore holding their positions in our sky with what appears to be perfect constancy, quasars allow us to find our bearings here on Earth with near - perfect precision.
Results of the investigation have numerous uses in the field of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as well as the chemical industry, as this new method is capable of generating hydrogen from methane gas and electricity in just one step and with near - zero energy loss.
The pathogen with a near 100 percent mortality rate could wipe out amphibian species already decimated by habitat loss
To provide farmers with near - real time drought information, NSF - funded researchers developed the Global Integrated Drought Monitoring and Prediction System (GIDMaPs).
«Many of the phenomena associated with near - death experiences can be biologically explained,» says neuroscientist Dean Mobbs, at the University of Cambridge's Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit.
What's more, a follow - up study found that more typical brain responses correlated «with near perfect accuracy» with higher scores on a range of cognitive tests at age 4, and even higher scores at age 6, Kuhl says.
The particles, which are invisible to the naked eye, contain colored stripes of nanocrystals that glow brightly when lit up with near - infrared light.
As warm, rather than hot objects, they are best viewed with near - infrared cameras.
What is happening in the mind of a gambler when confronted with a near - miss event?
In East Germany, I grew up with near - perfect gender equality.
Any glowing areas that can't be cut out are given phototherapy — irradiated with a near infrared laser, which causes the nanoparticles to heat up and kill the residual cancer cells.
Next spring, Assendorp plans to observe the cloud with a near - infrared camera at the European Southern Observatory in Chile.
With this near field nanoscope they saw that the light ripples on the graphene moved more than 300 times slower than light, and dramatically different from what is expected from classical physics laws.
Traditional digital computers depend on millions of transistors opening and closing with near perfection, making an error less than once per 1 trillion times.
Patients with a single illness who take many drugs have an increased risk of being admitted to hospital, but for patients with multiple conditions, taking many medicines is now associated with a near - normal risk of admission.
We all grew up with the near - future promise of smart robots, but today we have little better than the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner.
They will know that compound X inhibits kinases A, B and C, but compound Z inhibits kinases D and E. With such a big data set people can easily find compounds of particular interest to them and know that the compounds are annotated with near full - kinome inhibition data.»
And because the worm is transparent and the adult has only 959 cells, development of every stage from egg to adult can be observed under the microscope and documented with near perfect detail while the worm is alive, an achievement accomplished in the 1970s by Sidney Brenner, a University of Cambridge researcher and legend in the field.
These love - hate configurations of atoms could be used to test quantum computers and model high - temperature superconductors, materials that transmit electricity with near - perfect efficiency.
When performed in tandem, two molecular biology laboratory tests distinguish, with near certainty, pancreatic lesions that mimic early signs of cancer but are completely benign.
With knowledge and planning, they say, it's possible to prepare for — or in some cases prevent — rare but devastating natural disasters such as blasts of particles from the sun, collisions with near - Earth asteroids like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs, and supervolcanoes that dwarf any eruptions in recorded history.
Conversations with near - strangers quickly dive into protected caverns of feeling, values, and dreams as we touch one another's emotional selves and wrestle unanswered questions such as the meaning of life.
The team is now working on a new generation of improved devices that will allow deterministic production of single photons straight from the chip into optical fibers, without any additional optical components, with a near unity efficiency.
In the second phase, researchers hit the gold nanoparticles with a low - energy laser with near - infrared (NIR) light.
Science Cinémathèque, a project funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, features reviews of recent movies such as Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man and a series of short student films on such topics as wormholes, the patterns in pinecones and sunflowers, and Ignaz Semmelweis, the 19th - century Hungarian physician whose campaign to promote hand washing among doctors was met with near - universal scorn.
We're going through a comparable revolution thanks to the proliferation of cheap devices for snapping digital photographs, coupled with the near - infinite storage of the latest personal computers.
«To capture the effects of different black holes we used realistic simulations of accretion disks with near - identical initial setups.
The other gap, associated with the near - nodal regime where a coherent peak in the spectrum can be observed, did not increase with less doping, a behavior not previously observed in the single particle spectra.
On the afternoon of May 10, a storm with near - hurricane - force winds engulfed the peak and trapped 26 climbers on the slopes.
The cancer shot With a near - endless supply of patients willing to undergo novel treatments, cancer researchers have been among the most aggressive in experimenting with therapeutic vaccination.
Space may seem empty, but it's actually a dynamic place populated with near - invisible matter, and dominated by forces, in particular those created by magnetic fields.
When the superheated fluids come in contact with near - freezing seawater, these minerals precipitate, forming dark, smoke - like plumes of particles.
Richard's head injuries are consistent with some near - contemporary accounts of the battle, which suggest that Richard abandoned his horse after it became stuck in a mire and was killed while fighting his enemies.»
Layne Berge, a graduate student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at NDSU, is presenting a paper titled «A UHF RFID Antenna for a Wireless Sensor Platform with a Near - Isotropic Radiation Pattern,» as part of the IEEE conference.
That usually requires growing materials with near - perfect crystalline quality, as defects usually gobble up the electrical charges, the photons of light, or both.
Britton found that the vast majority of her group with near - death experience entered REM sleep at 110 minutes.
Van Lommel then repeated this process after a two - year interval and found the group with near - death experience still had complete memories of the event, while others» recollections were strikingly less vivid.
In a real - world scenario, ground - based missile defense systems have to cope with near - impossible conditions: For instance, in addition to releasing a weapon - carrying warhead, a missile might deploy a cloud of decoys that look similar to a real warhead, confounding the defense system's attempts to take out the real thing.
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