Sentences with phrase «with new additions»

On the back is the single speaker unit, along with the new addition of a fingerprint scanner that is found below the camera.
A new home along with a new addition to your family is a big adjustment.
The Portuguese manager has said that he would like to strengthen the team with some new additions in the summer.
With a new quarterly update comes with it our new additions to the best games list.
However, as with any new addition to a family, there are often adjustments and changes that can be made to make the transition easier for everyone in the household.
Mine hasn't been too bad either, we've achieved a lot more than usual even with a new addition to the family!
We already created some images for you to get an idea of what we are adding and we can not wait to see what you can do with these new additions.
I hope you're doing well with the new addition to the family!
She will be able to wear this for any occasion and we are extremely happy with this new addition to her wardrobe.
With new additions made to the sedan it looks bolder, sharper and more powerful.
To stay updated with new additions to the store, use the «follow» tab at the top right of the store to get email alerts.
Innovative design eliminates arm fatigue so you can focus on bonding with your new addition to the family.
This is to ensure everyone feels comfortable with the new addition.
The collection is always growing, with new additions including the papers of sculptors working today, making a visit to our archive a must for anyone interested in British sculpture.
No longer have the problem of a lack of seating and impress your friends and family with you new addition of glamorous and quality furniture.
Glad you get a kick out of the site and best of luck with the new addition!
We believe that the manuscript has been significantly improved with these new additions.
Life is getting ready to deal you some big financial surprises with a new addition on the way.
So when deciding which dog will fit into your home, please consider the amount of time you have to spend with your new addition.
We'll update these pages every single day with any new additions or delays, keeping you up to date on just when you can expect to see every single video game.
Doing a mental inventory before I make my purchase allows me to calculate how much of my wardrobe will work with the new addition.
This gives them three months, so there is no pressure on any of us, everyone will get to redeem their download code and enjoy playing their games with the new additions.
Get in the swing of spring with some new additions straight from our wish list!
Many pregnant women worry about how their first baby will cope with a new addition to the family, but this is a common fear.
She prides herself on making sure each owner understands how to communicate with their new additions while teaching both dog and human the ins and outs of basic obedience.
The process outlined below will help you as you begin the introduction process and your life with the new addition.
A healthy puppy is a happy puppy, which is why we've provided some essential tips to help you get started with your newest addition.
The delay could also give markets time to move higher which, when coupled with the new additions to your portfolio, could significantly improve your financial position in retirement.
It has been beautiful watching how each family member interacts with our newest addition.
With each new addition there have been adjustments made, but on the whole, our home is one of peace.
Life has been pretty hectic with the new addition, and I'm certain that I am not the only one who is feeling a little less motivated.
One of my goals is to be more efficient with my time especially since I want to spend every moment with my new addition.
I love to mix my favourite pieces with some newer additions, like this skirt with my favourite leather jacket and perfect grey tank.
Another deciding factor was the cost of maintenance together with a new addition to the family.
After completing your adoption, you'll take your first family photo with your new addition before taking your new pet home!
It's important to ensure the quality of everyone's life is enhanced with this new addition.
Their stable home life has been disrupted temporarily with the new addition to the family.
Be sure you are able to do some formal training with your new addition.
In addition, individual dogs always have their own personality so taking the good with the bad is par for the course with any new addition to the family.
We're definitely saving more cats with these new additions!
What is cool is, fans have kept the game alive with new additions, corrections, edits and more.
But this is the sequel, so of course we will see the previous town / dungeons / monster with some new addition here and there.
The only immediate differences being certain characters are either dead or missing and as a result some of the crew is now replaced with new additions.
The team has been further strengthened with new additions and is currently expanding into the «interactive entertainment» market.
If you provide daily walks and consistency by establishing a routine, your dog will feel secure with the new addition to the family.
And what can new parents do to ensure that their relationship stays strong even as it changes with the new addition to the family?
I love how the original french curvy legs are there and then it's way more functional with the new addition!
With these new additions in place, players can see at least two more hours added.
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