Sentences with phrase «with novel approaches»

Years ago a popular health magazine decided to try to answer that same question with a novel approach.
You still have to write grants that address outstanding questions with novel approaches to get funded.
The upgraded edition is expected to negate the earlier product's drawbacks with a novel approach of tackling trivial but vital issues.
It is a fascinating piece of work with a novel approach
Vitti is breaking new ground by replacing our broken system of women's health with her novel approach.
Resting with this novel approach to my sweet cravings, I realized that I did not want to be a stressed out person who soothed herself with unconscious indulgences into creamy deliciousness.
It requires a willingness to invest in new technologies and the patience to experiment with novel approaches, a commitment to ongoing professional development and reliable technical support, and an openness to learn from mistakes, making quick adjustments in response.
She has prioritized turning around underperforming schools, both traditional and charter, as we saw recently with the novel approach to fold struggling Santa Monica Charter School into highly successful Fenton Avenue Charter School.
The Vacation Gals attempts to solve this problem with a novel approach: by having three bloggers spread across the USA covering their own backyards.
One increasingly popular program, the decade - old Vive, combines time - tested principles of parent training with a novel approach involving two separate therapists: a «mentor» for the struggling youth and a «coach» for the youth's struggling parents.
A Perth lawyer has come up with a novel approach that addresses two issues facing the law community — a lack of job opportunities for recent graduates and a funding shortfall for community legal centres.
At the time, envelope manufacturing was dominated by a few big players, and to break in, New York Envelope came up with a novel approach.
One of his coaching clients came up with a novel approach.
With this novel approach, the researchers found that the therapy reduced the virus in the brain, preventing harm to nerve cells.
Now, Tony Rose, Publisher and CEO of Amber Communications, has come up with a novel approach to teaching the history of the U.S. which dispenses with the terms «black race» and «white race» altogether.
Secondly, the learner must let go of familiar ways of approaching the problem and come up with a novel approach to the solution.
So schools from Washington to California to Hawaii are taking a fresh look at an old problem and coming up with novel approaches to resolve their truancy woes.
Heywood Hill bookstore in London has come up with a novel approach to sell books — it has appointed its first bookseller - at - large in Asia.
With a novel approach, Mosse uses a military grade thermal imaging camera, which can detect human bodies from 30.3 km away.
Of course, over time, he has gained considerable experience, but when he was thinking about how to start a law firm with no experience he came up with a novel approach — he brought in outside attorneys to help.
«With its novel approach to fostering startups in a virtual setting, Nexuslab has introduced an innovative way of enabling Blockchain innovation.
Stress the fact that you're a team player and enjoy helping come up with novel approaches and efficiencies while stressing the need for professionalism.
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