Sentences with phrase «with obvious deficiencies»

Otto Rogers: A young center that can score goals with no obvious deficiencies.

Not exact matches

«Golden Rice is the obvious cure (for vitamin A deficiency which causes blindness) but because it was created with genetic science, Greenpeace and anti-GMO movement fervently oppose it.
The bad news is obvious — we haven't signed anyone despite some pretty obvious deficiencies in the squad, exposed with painful clarity at times last season.
Breastfed babies should not be routinely supplemented with vitamin C except in cases of obvious scurvy (vitamin C deficiency).
Pandering moron... For emphasis, you know nothing and will remain a crass observer with low intelligence and obvious academic deficiencies poignant in your inability to comprehend simple comments made in lucid language.
The final correction that must be made is equally obvious — when treating someone with a hormone deficiency, use only bio-identical hormones.
While it has commonly been thought that Americans» intake of essential micronutrients is adequate, evidence indicates that damage occurs at nutrient levels higher than those known to cause acute deficiency disease and, in some individuals (e.g., those with SNPs resulting in lessened KM), it is obvious that higher than DRI levels of the associated enzyme co-factors are necessary for optimal function.
(NaturalHealth365) Let's start with the obvious — vitamin C deficiency is dangerous and can cause chronic disease.
It's only as the novelty of the movie's off - kilter locale wears off that its deficiencies start to become clear, with the three leads» ill - fated efforts at stepping into the shoes of their respective characters certainly standing as the most obvious example of this.
I agree with the trial judge that mere compliance with minimum standards or guidelines is not, in itself, sufficient to avoid liability if there was an obvious deficiency or risk.
In Hunt v. Carey Canada Ltd., 1990 CanLII 90 (SCC), [1990] 2 S.C.R. 959 — still the leading case on the plain and obvious test — it was stated that, for this purpose, pleadings are to be read generously without regard to drafting deficiencies, and that questions that are important and difficult should be left to be dealt with on the basis of a full evidentiary record at trial.
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