Sentences with phrase «with occasional excursions»

I was at my no - decompression limits on nearly every dive because of my desire to swim along the edge of the walls, with occasional excursions over the edge to see something interesting.
The black and tan is a dog that can run for miles, although it is usually content with a moderate jog or long walk, with an occasional excursion into the field.
About Blog A Brief History of the saree blouse and Indian fashion before 1960 with an occasional excursion after.

Not exact matches

Just then the nice people at The American Interest came with a very different suggestion — that I should write a blog under their auspices (if that is the right term in cyberspace language), dealing mainly with current developments in religion, but allowing for occasional excursions into other areas.
If you have to move many people or a lot of cargo in an economical manner - with an occasional trip off the road - there is no better way to do it than with the new, giant Excursion - the biggest sport - utility vehicle yet.
The scope of his genius included portraiture, landscape painting, mythological painting, realistic stories, symbolical representations, tragedy, comedy, satire, farce, men, gods, devils, witches, the seen and the unseen and as was the case with Shakespeare's extravagant genius - an occasional excursion into the obscene.
The co-chairs did a skillful job of focusing the discussion on paragraph - by - paragraph textual comments, with only the occasional excursion into recitation of well - known talking points.
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