Sentences with phrase «with opposing views»

Since when is it a bad idea for people with opposing views on an issue to sit down and understand each other?
This is usual sparked by a simple business disagreement — two people with opposing views on how to proceed with the work at hand.
What I don't understand is why theological bloggers, conservative or liberal, have an innate «need» to address what others with opposing views say.
Conflict resolution usually involves two or more groups with opposing views regarding specific issues, and another group or individual who is considered to be neutral in their opinion on the subject.
Experts and the government have expressed concern over the ongoing divide — with opposing views as to how it can be closed.
However, no one with opposing views is allowed to do anything anymore without controversy.
Even with opposing views, there is agreement on why some breeds fair better with allergic owners.
It was remarkable to have such a large assembly of industry leaders with opposing views and concerns listen to each other respectfully and with genuine interest.
I gave up with discourse with opposing views after almost 50 years.
Sometimes they banter back and forth with opposing views on a topic.
Two groups with opposing views were identified among the experts.
Earthquake experts with opposing views found common ground working around a table and on a hiking trail.
Finally they came to the conclusion that there was not room on earth for two such powerful and determined personalities with opposing views of the way of life that man must go to be saved.
Are you going to allow a Catholic person who BELIEVES and follows the Catholic rules to answer this person tomorow with opposing views?
The two units predominantly comprised of men with opposing views over whether Ireland should receive self - governance from London.
Pundits weighed in, filling airwaves and editorial pages with opposing views.
John Lennox and Richard Dawkins are two Oxford university professors with opposing views on the issue of faith that you claim to be absurd.
But I think a love connection goes beyond politics - and personal bonds are probably the one thing that can bring people with opposing views together.
New this year is Askwith Debates, where experts with opposing views converse on controversial topics.
Nevertheless, the political tensions have created a fundamental dilemma for teachers: how to make class work relevant while acceding to school efforts to prevent or minimize political blow - ups between students, parents, and administrators with opposing views.
In a 2012 review of related literature for the evaluation of empowering local schools for the Department of Education, Employment and Work Relations, Brian Caldwell reduces any engagement with opposing view to a single sentence:
It's not the first time Cook and Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg have made comments with opposing views on the services and their effects on users» privacy.
Whether your family has recently gone through a difficult situation or you're simply dealing with opposing views, attitudes, and personalities, a family counselor can greatly improve your family's well - being.
If you wish to heal your marriage when your spouse works with their affair partner, it is essential that you stop treating each other as adversaries with opposing views.
Obviously, there are many excellent blogs that facilitate discussions between climate experts, but as the climate debate is highly polarized and politicized, blog discussions between experts with opposing views are rare.
Akers believes reverse psychology comes into play, stating that winter buyers come up with opposing views of summer buyers to find reasons to buy and tough it out in a slow market.
But to me is a political joke from Akuffo - Addo because he could not even work with people with opposing views to his as required in democratic dispensation.
They then conducted a series of experiments that measured how open to being wrong the volunteers were and how it affected their estimation of people with opposing views, as well as how accurately they'd understood the arguments they'd been presented with.
Accepting this fallibility not only makes it easier to respect a view you disagree with, but to have understanding and compassion for the person with the opposing view, since you recognized that we all make mistakes.
But the way he seeks to understand and be generous towards those with opposing views hasn't just helped him cope with Brexit.
Two Christian conferences arranged by those with opposing views on sexuality have been held within a...
Two Christian conferences arranged by those with opposing views on sexuality have been held within a week of each other.
So if you regularly debate people with opposing views, your news feed will become filled with people with opposing views.
Maybe you aren't trying to convince those with opposing views, but simply searching for other like - minded individuals to help convince yourselves that all is well.
Passionate people with opposing views, rarely join forces to advocate for a particular issue.
Also, the National Chairman of the party, Mr. Uche Secondus, on Saturday, accused Buhari of running a «police state», warning that clamping down on those with opposing views was capable of truncating democracy.
Within days of the announcement of Tuface's protests, sympathising groups aligning with or against the musician have sprung up with opposing views to robe the protests in a colorful political garb.
How are you about letting those with opposing views post, VJ?
I don't think there is a person alive who can say otherwise — political divides will always exist, but I wish we, as a country, would remember to treat those with opposing views with respect.
Obviously, there are many excellent blogs that facilitate discussions between climate experts, but since the climate debate is highly polarized and politicized, blog discussions between experts with opposing views are rare.
There are several blogs that facilitate discussions between climate experts but since the climate debate is highly polarized and politicized, blog discussions between experts with opposing views are rare.
As far as hiding your name, it seems that you think you should be able to» beat up those with opposing views» anonomously while those reacting to you should take your comments in stride, and assume that you are an honest Hard Working Agent.
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