Sentences with phrase «with ordination»

Alina Treiger, 31, became the first female rabbi in Germany since World War II with her ordination Thursday, the German news outlet The Local reported.
Wesleyans themselves began to experiment with the ordination of women in the 1860s.
The man behind an independent report into the controversy surrounding the appointment of the Bishop of Sheffield has said he sees no reason why traditionalists who don't agree with the ordination of women can't become diocesan bishops.
What a huge leap to imagine that an ancient purity code in Leviticus 18 bears upon consenting gays and lesbians in the 21st century and has anything to do with ordination.
We weren't demythologizing the Bible or playing down the blood or the cross of Jesus or the judgment of God (as Mark's logic would suggest these are interrelated with the ordination of women as pastors).
And today with the ordination Mass attended by the bishop and all the priests, you see that effort has been rewarded.

Not exact matches

Far from seeking his own advancement, each move up the echelons of the episcopal ladder has been met with surprise by Justin Welby, perhaps influenced by the fact he was told there wasn't «place for him in the modern Church of England» when he first applied for ordination.
She also said the Diocese first received complaints about Storey in early 2009 and spoke with police and withdrew him from ordination training.
As a working pastor in the south going up for her ordination endorsement this year there a moments when I think that I'll find such relief once I'm finished with my examinations... until I remember all the stories of the «stained glass ceiling» that I've heard from my fully ordained clergy - sisters... and I realize the hard work is just going to begin next year.
He is also frustrated with the church's is left wing, which he thinks has been engrossed in personal issues such as the ordination of gays and lesbians, and has abandoned its former emphasis on economic issues.
With such a recommendation, the advocates of women's ordination decided that their only hope was to persuade the session to allow any division that opted for it to proceed unilaterally.
With these changes the only functions a licensed woman pastor can not perform are the formal organization of churches and the ordination of others.
Meanwhile, conservatives mobilized opposition to women's ordination, with the wives of older and retired ministers playing an especially prominent role.
Just so, the priest is «alone» but not lonely because through the character of soul he receives at ordination, Christ is always with him.
In Britain and across Europe, Mass attendance has slumped over the past decades, along with marriages, baptisms, and ordinations to the priesthood.
Then, in a detailed analysis of a paragraph at the end of the letter to the Romans, he demolishes any hope given to the cause of women's ordination by the brief reference to Junias (or Junia), clearly showing we can not know with any certainty the sex of this member of the early church, nor his or her place in relation to the apostles.
Where else do we get the opportunity to be fed with the Word of God, explained to us by some one filled with the Holy Spirit at his ordination?
Holloway is in line with other theologians like Jean Galot, in grounding the vowed chastity of the priest in the priestly character of Christ that he is given in ordination.
Here they have insisted that the national church restrict the freedom of annual conferences with respect to ordination and the freedom of local congregations with respect to the kinds of services they are allowed to hold.
Rogue ordinations of priests and consecrations of bishops are nothing new in Christian history, but with the breakaways to the Old Catholic Church following Vatican Council I in the nineteenth century, the phenomenon of episcopi vagantes (bishops on the loose) became a pronounced feature of an underworld of apostate Catholics and sectarian Anglicans.
The CTS has done a competent job with Jim Gallagher's simple booklet telling the story of John Paul's life - the childhood marked by his mother's early death along with that of his brother; the deep, strong bond with his father; the grim years of the German occupation and his tough job in a stone quarry; the mysticism and prayer - life; the youth drama groups; the ordination in a Poland coming to grips with what was to be a decades - long imposition of Communism.
Starting backwards with Coll's fourth point, that it is what deacons and deaconesses are rather than what they do that is significant for the Church, Coll explains that on the issue of ordination generally, the «ontological» versus «functional» debate continues (p207).
In the Eastern church, those who were married before ordination could continue to live with their wives, except for a bishop who was expected to find a nunnery where his wife could live.
The Roman Catholic Church said Beijing forced bishops to participate in the ordination of Joseph Guo Jincai, while China charged the Vatican with interfering with religious liberty in China.
In line with the tradition, he defended clerical celibacy, ruled out contraception, and firmly opposed the ordination of women.
The seminarian who takes the bait and strikes back at the therapeutic regime will likely be sent for special psychological counseling, which provides the formation team with additional material for a recommendation that he be rejected for ordination.
Catholics tell the story of a ten - year - old attending the ordination of a bishop with his father.
And I sat with the local community for a long time to determine how we were going to do this ordination — what kind of music and what kind of dance and what kind of liturgy — and I was all gung - ho for the fact that they had so many possible ways of incarnating the liturgy through their own African embodiment and rhythms and so forth, but they were absolutely adamant: they wanted Gregorian chant.
Only later did I become involved with Roman Catholic groups such as the Women's Ordination Conference or the National Assembly of Religious Women, which contacted me because of my position at Notre Dame.
Together with my response at the first Women's Ordination Conference in 1975 they also caused professional - political difficulties after my return as a tenured professor from my sabbatical at Union.
I know a young woman seminarian whose approval for ordination was postponed for a year with the explanation by the examining committee that they knew she could stand the postponement better than other, less mature candidates.
A council should be opened whose concerns would no longer be interecclesial — dealing with priests, bishops, women's ordination and so forth — but would center on far more essential problems.
The recognition of the validity of her ordination by Archbishop Kolini — and some hints of openness toward women's ordination from Akinola himself — coupled with her being called to All Souls in Wheaton suggests that women's ministry may be an issue in the future for Common Cause.
Questions have been asked about the consistency of The Rev. Vosper in regard to her public statements as opposed to her public professions of faith and belief at the time of her ordination and every single time she was covenanted into a new pastoral relationship, including in 1997 with her current congregation.
Had Joshua presided at my ordination, I doubt he would have let me get by with a simple vow to study, pray, teach and preach.
I would hazard a guess that when she took her ordination vows, she took them with integrity and a clear conscience but that over time she's changed her mind as any intelligent adult would and should.
My friend agreed that this was indeed so for the human use of these words but insisted that when used in connection with God fore - ordination and freedom, predestination and our own responsibility for our end, were compatible.
In 2013, the church broke fellowship with the ELCA and the Church of Sweden over the blessing of same - sex marriage and the ordination of pastors in same - sex relationships.
While the poll shows support for Francis» statement on social issues, American Catholics appear to disagree with the pope on the ordination of female priests.
In a recent discussion with a group of seminary students, I was struck by the apparent confusion over the nature of ordination among young persons about to enter professional ministry.
At the very least, recovering the tradition Puts Students in touch with the assumptions that function in the hymnbooks and prayerbooks of their prospective parishioners, the lections from which they will preach and the ordination papers they must write.
Pope Benedict XVI used Twitter to announce the launch of a new Vatican website, timed to coincide with Wednesday's 60th anniversary of his ordination as a priest.
My friend Sarah heard them when her questions about women's ordination were met with charges that she didn't take the Bible seriously.
Thus, the priests are merely slavish members of the pope's body (this is a spirito - magic reality), connected with the pope - head by the magical consecration or ordination.
Most of them, to judge by what I've seen of them and their advance notices, are by authors who want to change the subject - to what's wrong with church teaching on sexuality, to celibacy, to women's ordination, to democratizing decision making, to anything but fidelity.
With due respect for Father Neuhaus» human compassion, I submit that even if the priest were guilty of nothing more than harboring sexual lust in his heart toward a male or female of any age, the priest ought to have immediately recognized that he had not been given the gift of celibacy, and thus had badly misjudged his ability to keep his ordination vows.
To take only one example of this failure, why is it that our denominations seem ready to engage in this great upheaval over gay and lesbian ordination all alone, with hardly a reference to the struggles and decisions of other parts of the ecumenical church?
Toward the end of Ut Unum Sint, John Paul cites some of the questions that must be addressed in conversation with the communities issuing from the tragic divisions of the sixteenth century: (1) The relationship between Sacred Scripture, as the highest authority in matters of faith, and Sacred Tradition, as indispensable to the interpretation of the Word of God; (2) The Eucharist as the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, an offering of praise to the Father, the sacrificial memorial and Real Presence of Christ and the sanctifying outpouring of the Holy Spirit; (3) Ordination, as a Sacrament, to the threefold ministry of the episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate; (4) The Magisterium of the Church, entrusted to the pope and the bishops in communion with him, understood as a responsibility and an authority exercised in the name of Christ for teaching and safeguarding the faith; (5) The Virgin Mary, as Mother of God and Icon of the Church, the spiritual Mother who intercedes for Christ's disciples and for all humanity.
When the church is consumed and possessed by mortgages, capital campaigns, membership numbers, qualifications for membership or deacon or elder, the variety and format of financial reports, redecorating, ordination policies, the proper delineation of committee responsibilities, the aggregation and strengthening and protection of church hierarchical authority, the preference for political associations and prominence instead of being a voice and influence for justice and compassion, seasonal vestment colors, the abandonment and refusal to acknowledge congregations who dare to be excited by their proclaiming and provoking and living and sharing the Good News, the continual choosing and preoccupation with better organization over better outreach, or what styles of worship are to be offered — then it is time for an earth - shaking, stone - rolling, curtain ripping, hurricane - strength, fiery and noisy transformational revolution that will resurrect the Good News in the body and spirit of communities and individuals.
What needs our especial attention in this matter, however, is that every experience, with or without the high commission of the Church's ordination, opens the question of authority to interpret the Gospel.
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