Sentences with phrase «with other rabbis»

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In the Talmud, the fundamental Jewish legal text, there is an extended discussion about the phrase «eye for an eye,» with multiple rabbis arguing, and the text concluding, that the phrase means nothing other than financial compensation.
Rabbis often argued strenuously with each other.
Or a rabbi poses this problem, «With all the other things I have to do, how can I guide my congregation to gear into local mental health strategy?»
In challenging that misconstruction of Jewish history and theology, along with several other deeply problematic aspects of Dabru Emet, Prof. Levenson did a great service to furthering open discussion on a topic that is far from resolved in the minds of most rabbis and Jewish thinkers, Prof. Novak's «normative text for Jews» notwithstanding.
You might want to start with a few google searches on rabbi's who molest children and then see if you can list reasons to believe the miricles of Jewish mythology over those claimed by other religions.
Messianic Jews say their relationships with other Jews, even other rabbis, are much better than the statements of Jewish spokespersons and watchdog groups would suggest.
Rather I start with the 1981 publication of a book by an American Jewish rabbi that rocked the sensibilities of Christian pastors across the U.S. and initiated an exciting new dialogue on the problem — in traditional Jewish and Christian thought — of theodicy, and then look back at other earlier contributions along a similar track, concerning a possibly limited God.
Undoubtedly Jesus would have agreed with the rabbis» emphasis on generosity in dealing with others.
Schneiderman was also photographed with Stern at a fundraiser held at a Monsey rabbi's home before his successful run in the primary against four other Democrats.
Haimi and Mazurek, too, have taken pains to conduct their Sobibór work in consultation with the chief rabbi and other religious advisers, a cooperative approach that has helped ensure the work's continuation.
Put in simple terms, in our own lives, we KNOW we have a personality with feelings and thoughts, and that sometimes those feelings and thoughts have been a result of the way we were brought up, the conflicts we have between choices, our frustrations, needs, and a whole lot of other things that sometimes require professional help (pastors, counselors, rabbis, psychiatrists, psychologists).
In the case of the rabbi, as with many other cases in the genre of «ministerial exception,» the court simply refuses to second - guess the religious institution's reason for the termination, even where it gives no justification at all.
As I mentioned during the interview, we do not advocate divorce: anyone with marital troubles should consult with their priest, pastor, rabbi, marital therapist, or other clergy or professional and do all that they can to repair their relationship, especially if there are children involved.
No provision of this chapter shall be construed to limit the performance of activities of a rabbi, priest, minister, or member of the clergy of any religious denomination or sect, or use of the terms «Christian counselor» or «Christian clinical counselor» when the activities are within the scope of the performance of his or her regular or specialized ministerial duties and no compensation is received by him or her, or when such activities are performed, with or without compensation, by a person for or under the auspices or sponsorship, individually or in conjunction with others, of an established and legally cognizable church, denomination, or sect, and when the person rendering service remains accountable to the established authority thereof.
Rabbi Jason Miller of Farmington Hills, Mich., who is a part - time rabbi at Congregation B'nai Israel in Sylvania, Ohio, and director of Kosher Michigan, says the holidays are a good fit with each other.
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