Sentences with phrase «with other groups»

We make every effort to work with other groups in the area and the state to ensure that the right dog goes to the right family.
The researchers hope to partner with other groups in the future to conduct laboratory experiments with microbes to confirm that real - world evolution supports their findings.
It's not clear how well this protocol would work with other groups of people.
Also, by working with other group members, you greatly expand your network.
One group completed a 10 week Mind - Body program and had a 55 % pregnancy success rate compared with the other group who only had a 20 % success rate.
He said the possibility of partnering with other groups or asking voters via a referendum will be explored.
The group psychotherapy client participates in a plethora of relationships: with the psychotherapist as well as with other group members.
They will create a miniature version of the field layout and plan a presentation that shares with the other groups how geometry plays a role in the sport.
In other words, Canadian publishers compete with other groups.
One watches my video while I work with the other group on the same or a similar concept.
Once you become a member, you can join group discussion pages, and begin to meet and connect with other group members.
On this site, a group of friends create one profile - and from there, groups are matched with other groups.
As you meet and interact with other group members, the whole group learns to work on shared problems — one of the most beneficial aspects of group therapy.
If alliances could be formed with other groups with similar interests, then that was the way to go.
Both studies find that teachers who are better with one group are, in most cases, also better with the other group.
To the extent it does so with any one group, to that extent will it trigger conflict with other groups.
Our team of experienced lawyers provide an integrated service working closely with other groups within the firm where necessary.
I only joined because it was specifically for BBWs, however, they are now affiliated with other groups.
Best Friends works collaboratively with other groups, government, and regular folks throughout the nation.
These exercises could likely be used with other groups, too.
At night and breakfast the following mornings, we'd compare notes with other groups.
There is a limit, however, to what a small team can achieve, so relationships were formed with other groups, such as the maintenance and design teams to maximise initiatives.
But if advertisers want plus - sized people's money, why don't they appeal to their sense of belonging and self - worth, like they do with every other group?
In small group counseling, individuals or couples talk with other group members about the problems confronting them.
The weekly experience of corporate worship is supportive to many persons, including those who can not identify with other group experiences demanding more intimate participation.
We have made contact with other groups and we support and promote their work as they do ours.
Best of all, you can opt for private dining or sit at the large interactive table with other groups.
Here are some illustrations of how churches can cooperate with other groups in working for more adequate treatment resources in their communities, states, nation, and the world.
History has already shown this is true with the other groups.
You'll get and give the most when you communicate frequently and directly with other group members.
We also understand that we are not alone in struggle and that we must unite with other groups and individuals who support democracy, self - determination and the empowerment of our communities.
Going to conferences and presenting posters and talks is a good way to get new feedback on your work and develop channels of communication with other groups and individuals.
You can journal on your own or share the entries with other group members.
Why not compare your current policy rates with other group insurance rates?
Baby Driver added another Editing nomination to its list growing wins in that category with other groups.
Student autonomy: Students should interact with other groups frequently, for the purposes of both extending their work and getting help.
Continue in the same way with other groups of 2 to 4 students.
They could use these groups to ask and answer questions and share updates, photos, and documents with other group members.
Always be on the lookout for innovations in keeping pets out of your shelter, and share your winning strategies with other groups, too.
When it comes to picking a name, choose one that describes what you do, is distinctive or easily remembered, and won't cause confusion with other groups with similar names.
Dogs with other groups that are in foster homes are less at risk and thus a lower priority.
This time with other groups of tourists, who were leaving one by one as we were getting close to the end of the afternoon.
Please note that whilst you will be assigned your private surf coach at the beach, you may share the transfer to the beach with other group lesson participants.
This allows players who don't have a squad or clan during their gaming session to be matched up with other groups online that need players to join them for any mode.
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