Sentences with phrase «with other living things»

It explores the current and recurring issues concerning man's position within the universe and his relationship with other living things.
The first is that human beings, along with all other living things, are amazingly self - consistent.
It's a sociopathic behavior and it made me wonder if he was ever genuinely able to form meaningful connections with other living things.
Recognition of our solidarity with all other living things can not erase our distinction from them.
Whether they are gliding around reefs in the oceans or crawling across a field toward a cluster of shady trees, turtles and tortoises work to keep nature in balance and share peace and beauty with all other living things.
In Scandinavia he witnessed these nature play areas in action and concluded that, yes, kids do beat up the forest, but they develop a wonderful active relationship with nature and clear empathy with other living things.
In Harvest Moon one of the core elements of game play is building strong relationships with other living things.
The activity of creating a display can decrease your stress and anxiety levels and boost your mood and creativity, while caring for your terrarium can give you a sense of responsibility and strengthen your connection with other living things.
Much like humans, trees rely on the interactions they have with other living things, and especially with their microbiome.
: An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
Divided into two sections, the show explores the current and recurring issues concerning man's position within the universe and his relationship with other living things.
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