Sentences with phrase «with other professions»

This is easy to remember and should be followed as with any other profession.
We lose too many of the best teachers: Contrary to popular belief, overall teacher turnover is modest compared with other professions.
In terms of salary levels, vet assistants are competitive with other professions requiring a similar level of education and commitment.
More stringent up - front evaluation would bring teaching more in line with other professions, such as law or medicine, which establish higher barriers to entry.
That ratio is not very conducive to building a balanced referral relationship with other professions.
She also sheds light on how ABA Model Rule 5.4 came to be and ultimately how it has prevented lawyers from collaborating with other professions to deliver legal services.
And, as was happening with other professions at this time, standards were established that would control membership in the profession.
Far from the usual love doctor who will always be there to cater to your needs, it really takes a far different approach to dating single doctors compared to people with other professions.
But at the same time, it shares a great deal with other professions that seek to influence and... deal with the truth, shall we say.
As is true with other professions, a few give the whole group a bad name.
As is the case with every other profession, an accounting resume too shall possess certain typical characteristics.
What if you are in the midst of your career, but want to give it a change with some other profession you haven't worked in?
Unlike with some other professions, the level and type of education server applicants have is not as important to employers.
There is another important consideration — these professions are closely allied with other professions to best serve the needs of their clients.
Just as with all other professions, there are good ones, and not so good ones.
This favorably compares with other professions that require the same level of education.
It will also bring teaching in line with other professions, where recognition of expertise and expectation of career - long professional learning are well - established.
The union is also calling for pay levels which remain competitive in the longer term with other professions and reward teachers fairly; a common pay increase for all teachers, recognising that different pay awards for different groups are ineffective and demotivating; and additional government funding for all schools to help them implement the award.
Over three quarters (78 %) of teachers who responded to the survey do not think teaching is competitive with other professions in terms of pay and over two thirds (67 %) believe that people are being put off a career in teaching because of the pay.
This term is defined as one profession operating in isolation or in competition with other professions within their area of work; a sense of insecurity that one profession feels it is being encroached upon by another profession.
Jobs in the automotive service profession are projected to grow at a rate of 9 percent, which is average in comparison with other professions in the nation.
Seminary education should include supervised opportunities to learn how to work with other professions in serving troubled persons.
ABSs are free to attract external UK and overseas investors, and go into business with other professions.
(3) Counselor education is offered pastors who may choose a parish setting, a seminary, or a hospital as the base for this supervised intensive learning in teamwork, referral, and consultation with other professions.
In the letter, NAHT ask for four clear assurances from Mr Hammond, including that the proposed national funding formula includes an uplift in spending on schools and that teacher pay keeps pace with other professions.
She proposes that, state supreme courts consider amending their Rules of Professional Conduct to grant more flexibility to lawyers so they may participate in business ventures with other professions.
However, as with all other professions or hobbies, having the right tools greatly simplifies things.
Whether we look at salary or fringe benefits, there seems to be ample evidence that, when compared with other professions, teachers are paid adequately enough to attract qualified individuals to the job.
In addition, the annual median wage for vet techs is over $ 29,000, making this field very competitive with other professions that demand a similar level of education.
skills and insights, or even with the clarification of status and relationships with the other professions in partnership programs and community care - giving services.
Commenting on the reports, Tory MP John Butterfill said: «We do have an official review body which is supposed to make sure we keep in line with other professions.
While NCES currently gathers information on salaries and benefits through the quadrennial Schools and Staffing Survey, this survey does not collect information that would permit comparisons with other professions.
To stand up to this formidable challenge, the legal profession must embrace diversity; collaborate with other professions and paraprofessionals; and utilize technology to provide affordable access to legal services for all.
Pay levels which remain competitive in the longer term with other professions and reward teachers fairly;
If North Carolinians want a highly - talented, diverse, dedicated teaching force, then we must follow in the footsteps of countries like South Korea, Finland, and Singapore, and offer our teachers a pay package that's competitive with other professions in the state.
Compared with other professions, having a Ph.D. in a scientific subject enables you to work abroad with relative ease, a welcome compensation for the personal sacrifices often made during graduate studies.
Indeed, we can reconstruct a school of the past that is appropriate to the modern era, where teachers» salaries are competitive with other professions, where students are taught by older peers under the supervision of master teachers who can use technology for pedagogical purposes.
The introduction of Chartered Teacher Status will help to raise the status of teachers and the important role they play, bringing teaching in line with other professions.
As with any other profession, there are those principals who excel at what they do and those who lack the skills necessary to be successful.
Murray believes law is catching up with other professions, most of which have already adapted to new technology, but that it is more likely that automation and AI will support lawyers rather than entirely replace them in the fashion of financial «robo - adviser» services.
The nature of the legal profession is changing, just as it is with every other profession and occupation.
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