Sentences with phrase «with painful side effects»

Although the defective medical device was taken off the market in 2013, many Americans are still dealing with painful side effects.

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Week.3: your baby may be getting their first teeth or getting a few more teeth at this stage and they may be struggling with some nasty side - effects, including a high temperature, rosy cheeks and painful gums.
There are multiple painful side effects associated with diabetes.
In extreme cases, those patients end up with severe complications, chronic and painful side effects, and may even die of GVHD.»
Still, the modern Pill can come with unwanted side effects, such as nausea, weight gain or weight loss, and painful or missed periods.
In addition to possible side effects or practitioner error (leaving you with weeks to months of uneven smiles, droopy lids or worse...), many people complain that it is painful and expensive.
Unfortunately, the pill comes with a host of undesirable side effects that include, gut / digestive problems, Amenorrhea (no periods), lack of ovulation, mild to severe acne, thyroid dysfunction, mild to severe mood disorders, disruptive food cravings, low to non-existent sex drive, lack of vaginal lubrication, painful sex, thinning of the vaginal tissue and weight gain or inability to lose weight, just to name a few.
Unlike most plumpers that leave you with that tingly and slightly painful feeling, this one is on the gentler side, and also creates an airbrush effect as it blurs fine lines.
In addition to painful side effects, some patients required repeat surgeries in order to correct complications with their transvaginal mesh.
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