Sentences with phrase «with palaeontologists»

His conversations with palaeontologists gave him the impression that nobody really knew how dinosaurs sounded.
Together with the palaeontologist Jean Vannier (CNRS / Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 / ENS de Lyon) and other colleagues, the zoologist Brigitte Schoenemann from the University of Cologne played a leading role in this research.

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For 130 years palaeontologists have been working with a classification system in which dinosaur species have been placed in to two distinct categories: Ornithischia and Saurischia.
Gould was a man of many parts — invertebrate palaeontologist, evolutionary theorist, historian of science, crusader against creationism and a prolific populariser of science with a slew of bestselling books.
THE traditional image of the fossil - hunting palaeontologist — traipsing across parched badlands armed with nothing but hand tools and a sharp eye — may be in for an overhaul.
Dean Lomax, a palaeontologist and Honorary Scientist at The University of Manchester, working with Professor Judy Massare of Brockport College, New York, have studied thousands of ichthyosaur fossils and have delved through hundreds of years of records to solve an ancient mystery.
In the late 1960s, new fossils from Montana and Mongolia provided Robert Bakker, a palaeontologist at the University of Colorado at Boulder, with evidence for his controversial claims that dinosaurs were warm - blooded.
We decided to repeat the study with a larger data set and a better understanding of bird biology because other palaeontologists were starting to use the original results in Science in order to predict the incubation behaviour of other dinosaur species.
«Until we began to document fossilised brains, nerve cords and optic nerves from the Cambrian, neuroanatomists and palaeontologists did their studies in parallel but didn't really work with each other.
There is always a question about Jurassic Park (laughs), I even worked with Jack Horner (Editor's note: Palaeontologist who worked on the films).
So the popular girl becomes Jack Black's portly palaeontologist, the dorky kid is endowed with Dwayne «The Rock» Johnson's mega biceps, while brainy girl Martha is transformed into kickass heroine Ruby Roundhouse (Karen Gillan).
Palaeontologists test theories of evolutionary relationships by predicting the nature of intermediate forms that might (with luck) be found — a recent example is the feathered «dino - bird» from China, which corresponded quite nicely with Heilbrunner's predicted precursor for Archaeopteryx from 1912 or so.
But when he proposes links between his own historical field and that of climate science he drops all scholarly standards and quotes any old conference paper or telephone conversation he feels like; mad activists and conspiracy theorists like Oreskes and Powell; or Mark Maslin, a professor - cum - company director who combines his job at my old university as palaeontologist or geographer or climatologist (all descriptions of his expertise taken from «the Conversation») with that of director of Rezatec Ltd, a company set up by the Royal Society as a «Leading provider of data - as - a-service geospatial data analytics» to serve those who may be worried to death by forecasts of eco-doom to be found in the books and articles of Mark Maslin.
BIO: Dr. Carter was a palaeontologist, stratigrapher, marine geologist and environmental scientist with more than 30 years professional experience.
Dr. Robert M. Carter was a palaeontologist, stratigrapher, marine geologist and environmental scientist with more than 30 years professional experience, and held degrees from the University of Otago (New Zealand) and the University of Cambridge (England).
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