Sentences with phrase «with pendulous»

These are most common in dogs with pendulous ears like cocker spaniels and basset hounds.
Dogs with pendulous ears (ie.
The ears of dogs (especially those with pendulous ears like the Löwchen) are ideal for the growth of bacteria and fungi because they are moist and warm and contain wax and other debris.
Dogs with pendulous ears, like cocker spaniels and basset hounds, and dogs with hairy inner ear flaps, like miniature poodles and schnauzers, are more susceptible to ear infections than other breeds.
In the wild, orangutans spend most of their lives aloft, maneuvering with pendulous grace, as they pursue mainly solitary lives, except during childrearing.
Several bearded deities are depicted with pendulous breasts and rounded stomachs, symbolizing «the fertility of the Nile,» Kendall says.

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Fruit angular, pendulous, from one and a half to two and a half inches long, covered with irregular protuberances, bright red.
My breasts swelled from an ample B cup to a pendulous D cup, heavy with milk and persistently sore from the pressure.
The monsters are giant wormlike creatures with sharp teeth, gaping maws, and pendulous appendages that humans can't outrun or out power without some ingenuity.
And how can you not love Bailey's story of the Creature from the Black Lagoon who, brought to Hollywood with promises of work as an actor, amidst lunches of sushi, love advice from Boris Karloff, and the ever more pendulous gravity of memory, ends up trapped in making a film of what is, essentially, his true story, just another goddamn monster flick?
There are few things cuter than baby Nubian goats with their huge, pendulous ears, bright eyes and mis - chievous antics.
Dogs with floppy, or pendulous, ears are notorious for ear problems.
Ear Problems: Cockers may experience a variety of problems with their long, pendulous ears.
She has a large, fairly narrow head with a square muzzle and deep flews, deep - set eyes, and long, pendulous, low - set ears.
Some perpetuating factors, such as the natural dog ear anatomy, particularly in dogs with long pendulous ears, is factor that requires some level of owner awareness, since problems are always a risk.
It has a large but narrow head that's well covered with hair; dark and deeply set eyes; long, pendulous, and folded ears; and a large, dark nose with wide nostrils.
Wrinkles and Dewlap — The head and face should be covered with heavy wrinkles, and at the throat, from jaw to chest, there should be two loose pendulous folds, forming the dewlap.
Thinning of the haircoat, thinning of the skin itself, a pendulous abdomen (think of a pot - bellied dog), changes in liver enzymes, itchy skin sores, increased susceptibility to infection, lethargy and behavioral changes are some of the signs that can be seen with Cushing's disease.
Lips edged with black, not pendulous but well brought together, giving a clean finish to the mouth.
The breed standard describes the Neapolitan Mastiff's head as being large in proportion to the rest of the dog, covered with wrinkles and deep folds, with penetrating deep - set eyes hidden under heavy upper lids, drooping haws (lower eyelids), pendulous lips and an pronounced dewlap (loose skin under the neck and chin that creates a multi-chin appearance).
The head is furnished with an amount of loose skin, which in nearly every position appears superabundant, but more particularly so when the head is carried low; the skin then falls into loose, pendulous ridges and folds, especially over the forehead and sides of the face.
Anish Kapoor has become famous for monumental sculpture, but in 1997, working with red wool and fiberglass, he made Body to Body, a pendulous, somewhat mysterious, but obviously sexy work.
With her unlined face and only slightly pendulous, full - figured body, she appears, at 78, a figure of remarkably undiminished erotic appeal.
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