Sentences with phrase «with physical reality»

The relation between philosophy and natural science must be a close one, for both are concerned with physical reality.
The economic costs of natural disasters related to global warming are adding up; some of the largest effects of these catastrophes can be felt in the United States, where politics and policies are not keeping pace with the physical realities of climate change.
Putting them in a white wall gallery space, which I consider as a contemplative space where people who are never confronted with physical reality.
The articles follow the convention which allows fantasy tales unconnected with physical reality to count as part of physical science, provided that they have no spiritual meaning.
Cracking open the façade only hinted at in the American images, the Vietnam photographs mix dignity and acceptance with the physical reality of war.
Their ministrations to prepare the body for viewing and eventual burial compounded this familiarity, intimately acquainting them with the physical realities of death.
Others simply confront us with the physical reality of the work, inasmuch as that's possible.
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