Sentences with phrase «with pillars of fire»

Not exact matches

Of course, with Coles soon to fly the Wesfarmers coup, Scott needs the pillars of his conglomerate model to be firing on all cylinderOf course, with Coles soon to fly the Wesfarmers coup, Scott needs the pillars of his conglomerate model to be firing on all cylinderof his conglomerate model to be firing on all cylinders.
Reminds me of Moses leading the children of Israel («god wrestlers) out of Egypt «darkness») and into the wild («wilderness») with nothing but momentary manna, pillars of fire, columns of smoke to guide them unknowingly.
The God who, the ancient story tells us, led the people of Israel with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night can lead us by the clouds of the subconscious and the fires of imagination as truly as by consciously studied thought.
Israelites (Jews) were led out of Egypt by a man that, with the power of his God, parted the Red Sea, was protected by a pillar of fire when Pharaoh tried to reclaim them.
Pillars crash through the walls from nowhere and walls rise up from the ground, Colonel Mustang can snap and set a lot of things on fire with ease, and even when the effects are a little silly rather than scary — a certain scene of army - building towards the end — it's still fun to watch.
I'm mowing down hordes of cute, walking bullets with a gun that fires junk mail, while a turtle in a space helmet provides covering fire as I frantically roll from upturned table to stone pillar.
Victor's basic skills can be tweaked and augmented by a selection of two Demon powers — powerful spells with effects that summon meteors, unleash explosive shockwaves, or draw down a roving pillar of fire.
The sculpture, Fingertrips, a track by Aphex Twin — rock, spider or crustacean ¬ — might inhabit the landscape with A Rain Eroded Pillar Beside Black Caravels Floating on a Sea of Fire.
They have been moving by faith and following the leading of God, just like the Israelites did with the pillars of cloud and fire in the desert.
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