Sentences with phrase «with points of course»

For example, in 2014 I took my wife on a trip to Spain and Portugal, booked with points of course.

Not exact matches

Of course not, but that wasn't the point of surrounding himself with so much potential but as - yet - unrealized knowledgOf course not, but that wasn't the point of surrounding himself with so much potential but as - yet - unrealized knowledgof surrounding himself with so much potential but as - yet - unrealized knowledge.
Millions of Americans will, of course, be affected with rates going up by a quarter point.
There's even a crash course titled Starting a Business is Like Starting a Family, which gets bonus points for being a video that starts with a lot of wine drinking.
«We have a dedicated center for supply chain management,» Hartmann points out, adding that about six courses are taught in that specialty each year, that the school also offers a master's degree in supply chain management, and that the school's departments of operations and IT management has nine faculty members with industry expertise.
Case in point with Branson: In the course of the parade a young fan (pre-teen?)
There is, of course, another way of dealing with a break point, which is cutting back energy use, though it has seldom been used throughout history.
Of course, getting to the point of actually filing the paperwork with the bankruptcy court means overcoming the emotions that accompany the decisioOf course, getting to the point of actually filing the paperwork with the bankruptcy court means overcoming the emotions that accompany the decisioof actually filing the paperwork with the bankruptcy court means overcoming the emotions that accompany the decision.
Of course, you should come prepared for the meeting with a few thoughts and talking points, but don't get discouraged from sharing your opinion in the future if you're wrong about something.
Of course, with debt in 2016 rising by roughly 40 — 45 percentage points of GDP while nominal GDP grew by less than 8 percent, it isn't easy to explain how the real value of assets in China grew by roughly 40 — 45 percentage points of GDP, nor why it is proving so difficult to rein in credit growth without a sharp slowdown in GDP growtOf course, with debt in 2016 rising by roughly 40 — 45 percentage points of GDP while nominal GDP grew by less than 8 percent, it isn't easy to explain how the real value of assets in China grew by roughly 40 — 45 percentage points of GDP, nor why it is proving so difficult to rein in credit growth without a sharp slowdown in GDP growtof GDP while nominal GDP grew by less than 8 percent, it isn't easy to explain how the real value of assets in China grew by roughly 40 — 45 percentage points of GDP, nor why it is proving so difficult to rein in credit growth without a sharp slowdown in GDP growtof assets in China grew by roughly 40 — 45 percentage points of GDP, nor why it is proving so difficult to rein in credit growth without a sharp slowdown in GDP growtof GDP, nor why it is proving so difficult to rein in credit growth without a sharp slowdown in GDP growth.
By that point, of course, CA had already gotten the bulk of its user data from Facebook users — most notably from their profile pages, where user interests and likes provided the company with the building blocks of personality profiles it created to help determine whether users would be susceptible to different kinds of political messaging.
Of course, a handful of observers are so self - satisfied with pointing out the challenges since 2009 that I've regularly admitted and already addressed that they confuse the message with the messenger; ignoring objective evidence as a consequencOf course, a handful of observers are so self - satisfied with pointing out the challenges since 2009 that I've regularly admitted and already addressed that they confuse the message with the messenger; ignoring objective evidence as a consequencof observers are so self - satisfied with pointing out the challenges since 2009 that I've regularly admitted and already addressed that they confuse the message with the messenger; ignoring objective evidence as a consequence.
With these points in mind, we believe that investors would be well served by examining data objectively and by trying to suppress any anchored biases when shifting fundamental conditions require a new course of action.
Of course debt growing faster than debt - servicing capacity is unsustainable, so we will set as our first financial sector target the point at which the two grow in line with each other.
The concern, of course, is that Canadian goods with a carbon tax may become much less attractive from a price point perspective.
These points are all, of course, interrelated: Apple's organizational structure, focus, and release - focused development cycle enable it to create highly differentiated products, even as the exact same structure, focus, and development cycle underly the company's struggles in iterative services.1 Similarly, Amazon's highly modular structure, varied businesses, and iterative approach to those businesses enable it to create services with itself as its first, best, customer, and then extend those services to developers and retailers, even as the exact same factors lead to product disasters like the Fire Phone.
In the daily course of business with onsite colleagues, it's easy for company leaders, managers, and colleagues to distribute casual high - fives, congratulations, and acknowledgment for a job well done, points out Shannon Miles, CEO of BELAY, an entirely virtual company with 70 employees that provides virtual workforce solutions in bookkeeping, copywriting, web support, and administrative assistance.
Of course, Saxo's market access and liquidity sourcing is extremely comprehensive and extends well beyond just the names above, but these are the institutions with whom Saxo has counterparty default risk, which is the salient point.
The increase of around 1 percentage point in long - term interest rates over the course of this year was associated with a fall in dwelling investment in the September quarter.
It will depend if enough Canadians, like Albertans, will have reached a saturation point with their government and decide that it's time to change the trajectory and course of government.
With weak consumer demand dampening investment, the economy is likely to shrink by close to 1 percentage point over the course of the year.
Certainly the Japanese, so its all being done so — with the — Donald Trump wanting to turn around the trade deficit, you can't help but say hey maybe they are actually onto something because they have an independent central bank well --(unintelligible) the independent central bank that goes upon its course based on what its seeing here you know based on domestic economic activity, while everybody else is setting it to international standards then tariffs become the — I guess the alternative especially when the feds is raising the interest rates and they're the only central bank really raising interest rates... I know... the bank of England went half a basis point, quarter basis point and they are project to go a quarter basis point tomorrow which we will see.
A pick - up in employment growth in the course of the current year would seem consistent with the range of indicators pointing to faster growth in overall activity.
Of course it is just a plan how I can get there and it may change through the years But with this plan I will never loose the focus to reach that point and according to that plan I can reach financial freedom in the year 2028.
Some of the coins are at important inflection points, so the next larger move will be crucial for the market, with Ethereum's long - term setup especially being in the center of attention, besides, of course, Bitcoin.
Of course, delaying isn't always better — or always possible — for everyone, particularly for people with health issues, because it can take years to reach the breakeven point.
Of course they are going to «struggle» in the sense that they are males with a sex drive, and they will notice beautiful women and be attracted to them, but there's no need to condition my little boys to notice every time a woman is dressed «immodestly,» as I was as a child, pointing out «inappropriately dressed» women at the beach in bikinis, or drawing attention to every hint of cleavage, bare midriffs or even tight pantOf course they are going to «struggle» in the sense that they are males with a sex drive, and they will notice beautiful women and be attracted to them, but there's no need to condition my little boys to notice every time a woman is dressed «immodestly,» as I was as a child, pointing out «inappropriately dressed» women at the beach in bikinis, or drawing attention to every hint of cleavage, bare midriffs or even tight pantof cleavage, bare midriffs or even tight pants.
The article I referenced is perhaps heavy - handed and biased, but here is another one with similar points (of course, they both may be slanted and written by the «persecuted» Protestants):
And of course the whole point is not to share with others what isn't real or true for you, a point that is not lost on super pastor Rob as we return to the dilemma of living an honest faith when you become the latest pastor in demand.
Of course they may end up disagreeing with Bernard of Clairvaux, Augustine, and Barth about the moral significance of our being created male and female, but shouldn't they be a little less sanguine about it and a little more deferential, to the point of saying, «We believe the tradition made a grave mistake in its disallowance of gay partnerships, but at the same time we acknowledge our deep indebtedness to that tradition for giving us the theological and ethical vision to even make our argument for inclusion»Of course they may end up disagreeing with Bernard of Clairvaux, Augustine, and Barth about the moral significance of our being created male and female, but shouldn't they be a little less sanguine about it and a little more deferential, to the point of saying, «We believe the tradition made a grave mistake in its disallowance of gay partnerships, but at the same time we acknowledge our deep indebtedness to that tradition for giving us the theological and ethical vision to even make our argument for inclusion»of Clairvaux, Augustine, and Barth about the moral significance of our being created male and female, but shouldn't they be a little less sanguine about it and a little more deferential, to the point of saying, «We believe the tradition made a grave mistake in its disallowance of gay partnerships, but at the same time we acknowledge our deep indebtedness to that tradition for giving us the theological and ethical vision to even make our argument for inclusion»of our being created male and female, but shouldn't they be a little less sanguine about it and a little more deferential, to the point of saying, «We believe the tradition made a grave mistake in its disallowance of gay partnerships, but at the same time we acknowledge our deep indebtedness to that tradition for giving us the theological and ethical vision to even make our argument for inclusion»of saying, «We believe the tradition made a grave mistake in its disallowance of gay partnerships, but at the same time we acknowledge our deep indebtedness to that tradition for giving us the theological and ethical vision to even make our argument for inclusion»of gay partnerships, but at the same time we acknowledge our deep indebtedness to that tradition for giving us the theological and ethical vision to even make our argument for inclusion»?
Of course I do understand that Kermit is NOT MISSING THE POINT... Kermit is not interested in the point... the saying is... MY MIND IS MADE UP DO N'T CONFUSE ME WITH FACTS... that's how many people live... in an altered reaPOINT... Kermit is not interested in the point... the saying is... MY MIND IS MADE UP DO N'T CONFUSE ME WITH FACTS... that's how many people live... in an altered reapoint... the saying is... MY MIND IS MADE UP DO N'T CONFUSE ME WITH FACTS... that's how many people live... in an altered reality.
Of course, people have to point to observable behavior and explained it with the spiritual as well.
[I disagree with the assertion that Mars Hill is a cult, but I think Fred's point about our tendency to see sexual betrayal as bad «because it involves sex rather than because it involves betrayal» is spot - on, and his concerns about Driscoll's preoccupation with sex and power are, of course, warranted.]
Of course, with this parable, Jesus makes the point that many, many people are called but few are chosen.
For instance, when in the course of discussion it is clear that the one receiving such admonishment actually disagrees with the point being made, then continued dogging attempts to force the other party to change does indeed become «manipulative coercion».
I agree with Gary's point: «when in the course of discussion it is clear that the one receiving such admonishment actually disagrees with the point being made, then continued dogging attempts to force the other party to change does indeed become «manipulative coercion.»»
That's what I've been saying as well since partway through my studies of Genesis 1... though of course, as Tessa points out, this is a command with a blessing.
In reference to your disdain for pointing out «lies», please provide verifiable evidence (with references, of course) that your god exists.
Of course those that have that sin won't admit it, instead argue with anyone that points the obvious out
It presents ever - new facets when in the course of the intellectual history of mankind it is confronted with ever - new human experiences, because it points to the infinite mystery of God as the centre of our own existence.
Of course there are many other problems with the triple - O god explanation that I won't get into, but I hope I've made my point clearer.
Once the shock wore off though, I realized that money abuses and issues, while endemic within churches, still only account for a portion of the many ways in which churches have wounded people and thus there is undoubtedly plenty of people in search of a safe place who do not have any of the same issues that I have with linking money and spirituality, so really you were only excluding a certain portion of people from safety by attaching a price tag to it, those for whom money issues are a sticking point and of course those who simply don't have the extra funds to commit.
The word Messiah, which means literally «anointed one,» points strictly, of course, to an individual; but in the psychology of Israel with its facile and often unconscious transitions from individual to corporate personality, we are hardly wrong in allowing a broader definition to the term Messianism, in which emphasis is placed upon the redemptive function of the human entity, whether group or individual.
Those who point with alarm to a precipitate decline of the oldline churches and a sudden thriving of conservative ones are not, of course, referring only to numbers.
The starting point is of course to feel confident and at ease with the lover role, but then a little mental and physical journey has to take place to cross over from mother to lover.
From his vantage point as president of Harvard, Bok analyzes the dilemmas of liberal education, showing how its coexistence with the demands of professional schools in times of change and uncertainty requires its advocates to set it on a sound course.
In short, everything happens as though, in the course of its phyletic existence, every living form achieved (with more or less success) what may be called a period, or even a point, of socialization.
Of course I do not believe that at all and I thought I pointed out that you disagree with them already so I am a bit confused by your comments.
The constructive suggestions in Rosen's book are confined to the no - illness point of view, along with a plea for more research, which, of course, is needed.
Of course, even here, I differ with Andy on some points.
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