Sentences with phrase «with precepting»

Future employers look favorably on applicants with precepting experience because it demonstrates initiative and is an endorsement of your skills.
Rush obviously hasn't read the Catechism of the Catholic Church ( and is not familiar with the Precepts of the Catholic Church.
Much harm has been done throughout history in the name of Christianity, but not in keeping with its precepts.
Professor DiIulio again: «It is reasonable to suppose that by doubling or tripling the number of officers on regular duty in and around drug - infested, crime - torn neighborhoods, and by deploying them in accordance with the precepts of community policing, the streets and sidewalks of even the most blighted inner city could be made safe enough for children to play and adults to stroll.»
They must know better then I. I hungered to know God better and all they did was fill me with precepts, teach me that God rewards us according to our works and they talk with 2 mouths.
Our age has lost none of its appetite for fables of personal liberation, and it tends to side with the rebels Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson, or with the precepts of Emersonian self - reliance, or with the antinomian moral fables offered repeatedly by movies.
They aren't concerned with the precepts (love) of Jesus.
I am sure in some type of aestetically peaceful way that this prophet (s) will forgive you for saying such a thing to get these pieces of identification that you may need to peacefully conduct your life in accordance with their precepts and your beliefs of the same.
This does not mean that gays can not join the group - they simply have to agree with the precepts of the group - which is pretty much the case with any group.
Despite continuing gross noncompliance with its precepts, and despite setbacks and long periods of reaction, I saw the gradual fulfillment of these ideals as a determining trend.
The Law with its precepts could have become for men the occasion for recognizing the absolute will of God.
In a classroom, creating a culture of kindness might begin with a precept, or a universe - of - obligation activity.
While the TAVF approach may appear to be aberrational compared with Wall Street convention and with the precepts that make up almost all of the academic literature, the Third Avenue approach seems to me to be the majority, mainstream approach in the U.S. economy.
On another level, Erased de Kooning Drawing can also be read as evidence of an action or a recording of an event, and, as such, is aligned with the precepts of action painting or gestural abstraction that dominated the New York art scene in the early 1950s.
In keeping with the precepts of «modular» design, which has become popular in commercial and residential construction, the plan calls for «high - quality, low - cost shop fabrication» and «simplified maintenance features,» among other features that would presumably drive down costs while increasing efficiency.
The thing to understand about veganism, as a philosophy, is that it starts with the precept that we, as humans, do not have any right to «use» animals for anything.
The training enables you to identify principles in the Code's Preamble — an aspirational statement about what the organization stands for — and to learn how the Code compares and contrasts with the precepts of general business ethics.

Not exact matches

Those of us who hang out a fair bit on blogs and online will be familiar with many of David's precepts, from his long, detailed and popular answers on the topic on Quora.
In place of traditional American liberty based on the principles of limited government, Obamacarians are erecting a bureaucratic state, complete with centralized control, cronyism, ideological impositions, benefits to favored constituencies, ever increasing dependencies, spiced with an anti religion agenda that would force religious non profits and charities to choose between their service missions and following the precepts of their faith (through the Free Birth Control / Sterilization / Abortifacient Rule for now, more later).
We are urged to contrast Jesus's way with the way of precepts, formulas, and commands.
«banned mormon cartoon» youTube search gets you a lot of info as to basic precepts so you can decide for yourself if it's just another denomination or something totally different with Jesus having 3 polygamous wives.
See: Mormons share with orthodox Christians some important moral precepts from the Bible.
Mother's Day struck a resonant chord in the culture - with all those unnerved by women's suffrage and urban migration, with Protestants long familiar with the maternal ideals of evangelical womanhood, with business leaders (especially florists) who were quick to see the commercial potential, with politicians who still regularly voiced the Enlightenment precept that virtuous mothers were the essential undergirding of the republic in nurturing sons to be responsible citizens.
Sorry for the tardy reply, I'll try to pick up my intended point with another question: Moral precepts can improve with new knowledge.
If Israel views itself as caretaker of the land — its divine mission, in Buber's view — whose owner always makes space for those who need it (for those who choose to live with the same inclusive spirit), the religious precept of imitatio dei would require us as Jews to share that space, even the holy city of Jerusalem, to make it a «divine place» — the place «God intended to have made of it.»
The two most inspirational biblical precepts that apply to this issue are the same that apply to any social issue: 1) Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself.
But there is no doubting the popularity and fruits of the charismatic influence, with many of its adherents being instinctively on the side of orthodox belief and moral precepts.
We can not of course go more closely here into the question why the Church has the right and duty, not only to promulgate and inculcate the precepts of immutable divine law and to supervise its observance, but on its own initiative to go beyond this and lay down positive legal prescriptions, and impose obedience to them as a Christian's duty, although they are enacted with full consciousness that they are not necessarily eternally valid but can be changed and even abolished.
The reason is not that a moral precept is binding even if it is not proclaimed by the Church with sufficient clarity, although the Church could and should do so.
That distinction being presupposed, let us first ask what is to be said on the question of mutability or immutability of canon law and the Catholic style of life bound up with it, if we may so describe all the practices, rules, modes of behaviour in a Catholic's church life and his secular life lived on Christian lines, which hold good or previously held good through education, church precept etc..
These spontaneous factors of a free decision not articulated in propositions, not explicitly focussed, not recoverable by introspection, can of course ex supposito never be critically judged and elucidated by reflection and theoretical verification, by express confrontation with the explicit precepts of the natural law, the Gospel and the Church.
On this account, natural law is derivative from the right of nature, in the sense that the former consists in general precepts with which reason counsels the pursuit of self - preservation, and the social contract is based solely on those precepts.
Point being, that she used language more open to metaphor / interpretation, and you were the one to equate it with a theological precept, that of «Divine Intervention».
The biggest problem with religion is that it causes some people to believe they have a right or duty to impose the precepts of their religion on others.
The report states, «Whether a priest keeps his vows and lives in accordance with the moral precepts of the Church is the business of his bishop, his fellow priests, and his parishioners.»
Among the precepts of Christ in the Gospels, and the precepts with which they are illustrated and supplemented in the Epistles, there are few which could be applied as positive rules, to be followed mechanically, and enforced if necessary by legal sanctions.
Its virtue, to borrow a precept from Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics, is that it refuses to treat its subject with a greater precision than is appropriate.
Athiests are the most hypocritical bunch I have ever heard.They slam religion (christianity) for imposing itself upon others, while they demand that religion should be outlawed simply because they don't agree with the concepts or precepts of that religion (christianity).
When people go around claiming that America is a Christian nation and make it plain as day that that means for them that their moral precepts should be imposed with the force of law, that is NOT a private matter.
In continuing his pursuit of the truth, which carries with it a precise method of making the distinction between the definitely true and the possibly false, he employs the triage of his second precept of Discourse on Method: «The second, to divide each of the difficulties that I would examine as individual parcels, as much as it would be possible and required for a better resolution» (18).
He advised priests: «Preach to the people with simplicity and piety; give them the truths of the faith and the precepts of the Church; tell them the meaning of virtue and the danger of vice.»
These ideas are further elaborated in the Talmud and the Midrash, the major sources of traditional Judaism, which teach, for example, that the authentic observance of religious precepts is possible only in the Land of Israel and that only there is it possible for a Jew to have direct communion with God.
It is indeed this capacity to exist, by belonging to a system of freedoms, which is postulated here; thereby is concretized «that perspective» (Aussicht), evoked from the beginning of the Dialectic, that view «into a higher immutable order of things, in which we already are, and in which, to continue our existence in accordance with the supreme decree of reason, we may now, after this discovery, be directed by definite precepts» (p. 112).
He was fashioning a «how it worked» program from the Akron success with the Bible and the precepts of the Oxford Group.
Any form of Christianity that keeps it's precepts to itself is all right with me.
Just as metaphysical first principles are discovered in a mode of enquiry, so the precepts of natural law are those «presupposed in any situation in which learning and enquiry between rational individuals about their individual and common goods can be advanced and by any relationship in which individuals can conduct themselves with rational integrity.»
«Love one another...» Hitherto the evangelical precept has seemed simply to mean, «Do not harm one another», or, «Seek with all possible care and devotion to diminish injustice, heal wounds and soften enmities in the world around you.»
«Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men» Isaiah 29:13
This admixture appears based upon the conjunction of revealed religion with the natural law as set in creation by its Creator, at the head of which is the mind of man — law which defines nature's constitution from the physical to the structure of human society, including the general moral precepts by which it must be governed.
«It must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same - sex marriage should not be condoned,» writes Kennedy in a paragraph that will likely become the focus of scrutiny by church - state experts.
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