Sentences with phrase «with questionable ingredients»

If you have been using personal care products and beauty products with any questionable ingredients in them, this is your wake up call.
Today's food manufacturers make processed foods that are extremely salty and sweet with questionable ingredients that may be leading to food addictions and unhealthy cravings.
So, you don't have to buy any muscle supplements with questionable ingredients.
There is no reason to roll the dice with questionable ingredients.
This is not the time to be using products with questionable ingredients, fillers and other additives.
A «light rebrand» might be the term for Panera's focus on food with no questionable ingredients.
Unless you're buying food made from high - quality, human - grade ingredients, there's a high possibility that your store - bought pet food does not comply with your pet's genetic makeup, and may be loaded with questionable ingredients like:
It is much cheaper and healthier than buying up little jars of mystery slop with questionable ingredients that many babies don't care for anyway.
Grocery stores of course do their own brining with overly salty solutions with questionable ingredients (that you end up paying for since it adds to the weight).
The counterfeit market for HGH is widespread, and production in filthy warehouses with questionable ingredients is rampant overseas.
Easy recipe for homemade Easter peeps, a healthy and fun alternative to commercial brands at the supermarket with questionable ingredients.
Although Hershey's cocoa powder has only one ingredient, the rest of their products are all filled with questionable ingredients.
American companies including Kellogg's, Kraft and McDonald's, have stopped using artificial dyes abroad while they continue to sell foods with the questionable ingredients to the U.S. market in lieu of their obvious capabilities to use natural alternatives.
It's loaded with questionable ingredients, likely to cause digestive disorders among other symptoms, and doesn't even supply much butterfat, which is the real reason people go to the freezer to get out that pint of ice cream.
And although I've done my best to ignore the ingredient list in my beloved Hood Golden eggnog (high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors and RED 40, YELLOW 5 & 6) for the past several years, I decided that it was high time to make my own... with no questionable ingredients.
Growing up in the Midwest, the words «salad» and «slaw» usually were synonymous with «lots of mayo filled with questionable ingredients and very few ingredients with nutritional value».
And although I've done my best to ignore the ingredient list in my beloved Hood Golden eggnog (high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors and RED 40, YELLOW 5 & 6) for the past several years, I decided that it was high time to make my own... with no questionable ingredients.
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