Sentences with phrase «with radical ideas»

With his vulnerable subjects depicted in hospital rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms, Steers engaged with radical ideas about male intimacy, queer politics, fragility and health care at the height of the AIDS crisis.
Bryan Cranston stars as Blacklisted and beleaguered screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, but this tale of two trailers suggest slightly different Trumbos: the first trailer portrays the titular writer as a rich man with radical ideas who is then broken down by accusations of being a Communist before he finds screenwriting success again; the new trailer starts off with the hard - luck story of Trumbo before playing up the fight against Congress and the war against censorship.
The inevitable question that always comes up with radical ideas like these is: «How can I tell if the career is a real possibility, or if it's just a fantasy?»
And I'm hoping that they will come up with radical ideas.
«It will be impossible for people such as me who want constantly to come forward with radical ideas from the right and for Labour Members who want to come forward with radical ideas from the left to wade through the dominance of the Liberal establishment in the other place.
Our party more than ever needs leaders with radical ideas leading fresh debate — not robots.
Final Fantasy VII character designer Tetsuya Nomura called up director Yoshinori Kitase one Sunday evening with a radical idea: «Let's just kill Aerith.»

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Let's say you just came up with an idea that could become a household commodity: a radical new design for a commode.
It's an idea that the organizers have apparently been looking into, with a 4,000 acre property in Northern Nevada even identified as the ideal site for a permanent community where the Burning Man principles of «radical inclusion» and «gifting» could be the law of the land year - round.
I became obsessed with radical science, the future of technology, the future of biotech... I was reading very interesting scientists and authors that were speaking about ideas of singularity, and life extension, and science fiction.
One possible, if somewhat radical, idea to start with might be to limit the ability of individuals and corporations to transfer or sell patents, especially in the event of bankruptcy.
To create that balance, companies have to give their creative people more leeway on radical innovations, and not allow analysts with spreadsheets to shoot the ideas down prematurely.
The group's vice president for international economic affairs, Linda Menghetti Dempsey, told a congressional subcommittee in April that such an effort would be «at once both a radical idea and, in our estimation, the most pragmatic and effective way forward» on trade with China.
One might be puzzled at how a philosophical radical regarding traditional beliefs could incline to conservative ideas with respects to practices and institutions, but there is no great mystery.
Metaxas explains that the US is not bound by ethnic identity or geography, but by a radical idea based on liberty and freedom for all, and that Americans must reconnect with this idea or risk losing the foundation of what made the US exceptional in the first place.
I repeat: I hope I am wrong; but I am, all the same, beginning to wonder if the warm support with which even quite unexpected people in our hierarchy (like Bishop Hollis) greeted the establishment of the Ordinariate this time round (you will remember the hostility with which they squashed a similar but less radical basic idea in the Nineties) was really as wholehearted as it seemed at the time: or were they simply saying what they knew the Pope wanted them to say, but without any real belief in the idea itself?
He seeks the essence of an idea, a doctrine, a point of view; and when he finds it, he discards all the qualifications with which it is surrounded in order to elicit its pure and radical meaning.
Seems there are plenty who are willing to take that one and run with it, even though it was a radical idea that took a couple thousand years to catch on.
This was not a new idea in Israel; but Jesus saw so clearly its radical implications, gave himself to it so utterly, embodied it so movingly in his life and expressed it with such power and beauty in his words, that a new thing had happened in Israel.
Crawford situates Wahhabism in the second part of the twentieth century within what he terms the formation of «hybrid» radical groups — Al - Qa «ida and ISIS, but also earlier groups such as the Awakening movement that took shape in the early 1990's that «infused [Wahhabism] with new ideas» and «drew the line between belief and unbelief at new points on the religio - political spectrum.»
So much that is wrong with contemporary Western society — radical individualism, consumerism, the glorification of choice for its own sake — represents the debased enactment of originally rich religious images and philosophical ideas.
Though his fear that his own sinfulness would separate him from God helped lead to then - radical ideas about salvation outside of man's own ability to be righteous, doubts about his faith, thinking and relationship with God would haunt him later in life.
His ease with difficult theological concepts, not least his immersion in the thought of Erasmus and the long line of thinkers and activists who took Erasmus's ideas in a more radical direction, is evident throughout his account of the early Reformation.
While Tinder never explicitly equates his notion of agape with rights - based claims, he is not as careful as he might have been to make clear the radical distinction between these two ideas.
The degree to which modern philosophy represents a radical break with all traditional ideas is only gradually becoming clear, in part because the early modern philosophers were concerned to disguise the full implications of their teachings.
Ockham's radical emphasis on the will is an idea with very serious «real world» consequences.
Capello, by contrast, dealt with it once and for all, introducing the radical idea that selecting a football team wasn't just a matter of selecting the best or most famous players, but of finding a team made up of complementary parts.
And Jack Scott, the feared «sports activist,» moves right into Walton's house, fills his head with more radical ideas, and soon Walton is being hounded all across the country by the FBI because Scott allegedly is hiding Patty Hearst and her Symbionese Liberation Army kidnappers.
But London's leading natural — birth guru and the obstetrician who helped deliver Gwyneth Paltrow's baby Apple, has some radical ideas about childbirth, starting with the very idea of labour.
So, with the vision of his sad little face still in my mind, I tentatively presented my radical idea.
This idea is radical, but would make couples communicate more about what they want from the marriage, and then they would have to reevaluate and decide whether to change the contract with life changes.
The founding itself, however can be seen as a radical jump away from tradition onto an untried form of government, a move at odds with the idea conservatism.
Tom Tugendhat, the chair of the Foreign Affairs committee, himself branded with the dreaded Westminster tag of «one to watch», cites Badenoch (along with fellow 2017 Tory MPs Bim Afolami and Ben Bradley — more on him later) as «seriously impressive, capable and [colleagues] who have got some very radical Conservative ideas
I will take every opportunity to set out my ideas for a radical Labour Party that can replace failed Tory austerity with a plan for prosperity.»
Hall spokesman Patrick McGarrity said: «Our democracy is weakened by candidates who spend millions of their own dollars trying to buy elections and then force their radical ideas on people like letting corporate polluters like BP off the hook — sticking taxpayers with the bill.»
A party of ideas, prepared to take radical and practical action on the inequality that blights so much of Scotland, damages our economy and takes everyone else down with it.
Mr Corbyn said he was positive about improving his party's poll ratings and its performance at the ballot box, but also risked disappointing some senior Labour MPs by dismissing the radical idea of a «progressive alliance» with the Liberal Democrats.
The question of whether or not to impose green taxes on gas guzzling cars caused division in Westminster again today, with three members of an environmental commission launching a minority report calling the idea «retrospective taxation» while the rest of the committee called for more radical proposals.
For example, an absolute threshold in the number of votes (e.g. requiring a certain proportion of the whole population or of registered voters to be elected rather than a plurality of the vote) can seem intuitively appealing but has never, to my knowledge, been implemented for a national election, precisely because leaving an important office unfilled is a problem (unless, of course, you subscribe to radical small - government ideas, in which case the question seems moot and you might just as well do away with elections or democracy itself).
And with every new radical idea comes a price tag: Higher taxes and debt, more job - killing regulations, and government oversight over more of our daily lives.
With a Red - Green alliance, Greens will have the political platform to argue for their more radical ideas about building an emancipated post-growth society and strengthening local economies.
Jack Straw has said he is not opposed to the idea of the alternative vote system where people can rank their preferences for MPs, but it is a hardly a radical change to the way we elect our politicians and the Tory leader David Cameron has said that at least with first past the post you can kick out a government.
Letwin co-authored Britain's biggest enterprise: ideas for radical reform of the NHS, a 1988 Centre for Policy Studies pamphlet written with John Redwood which advocated a closer relationship between the National Health Service and the private sector.
But he spoke of the need to be a «more radical party with more radical ideas» if it wanted to be seen as a «grown - up party».
The new research, published online today in Science, is consistent with the idea that these so - called free radicals are a cause of aging, but additional work is needed to clarify how the protein actually extends lives.
Large institutions tend to develop a momentum that makes them less likely to come up with really radical ideas than those less - fashionable centres may produce.
«Maybe an idea we come up with in the game by Friday could end up being something that is very successful in a dramatic and very radical way that it changes the game.
Schindall's group had a radical idea: Cover the plates with millions of microscopic filaments known as carbon nanotubes.
Botstein and Davis led an effort that resulted in an idea that at the time was absolutely radical, namely, that you don't have to map the observable traits, known as phenotypes, but instead can follow inheritance patterns using random differences in DNA as genetic markers — differences neutral to evolution and that have nothing to do with observable traits.
There are two main theoretical models, one based on small magnetite particles that may reorient in an external magnetic field and the other based on the idea that upon photo excitation a certain type of molecules in the eye of a bird support a radical pair formed by two electrons which evolve under the joint action of the Zeeman interaction with the external magnetic field and the hyperfine interaction with the supporting molecule.
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