Sentences with phrase «with real talent»

We need a young ambitious coach with real talent.
For parents of those athletes with real talent, special challenges await.
Teachers with real talent entertain and engage through song, dance, musical storytelling, instrumental jam sessions, and more.
He's still a great shooter and passer who should be even better with real talent around him.
Wenger's only & major undoing is his inability to beef up the squad with real talents but pinning Wenger down to poor squad selection doesn't wash, this has been clearly revealed by bellerin and Campbell shows afteral a coach knows every aspect to each and every player's game and infact I'm beginning to think Wenger has limited a greater damage so far through his team selection by restricting some players to the bench.
Jack is the only one amongst that crew with any real talent, including Xhaka,, mediocre Rubbish lot
If we're going to be tokenistic why not put somebody with real talent, such as Shailesh Vara, into the Shadow Cabinet?
I think the biggest mistake anyone with a real talent can make is devaluing his or her work.
Their shared testimony constitutes a touching and well - deserved tribute to a fallen comrade with real talent.
«Get Out» puts Peele in an excellent position for a career as a writer - director with real talent on both sides of the hyphen.
In fact, you can see this on video as well, only much better, in the Danny De Vito directed, The War of the Roses, which features actors with real talent and a screenplay that actually took chances.
A visionary leader with a real talent to execute reform at scale, she led reforms to improve the quality of education in Colombia, where she has served as minister of education since 2002.
Why should we (The book buying public) support an industry that exploits the people with the real talent?
With real talent in dwindling supply, clients getting angrier about legal fees, and a law firm leadership vacuum in the offing, this approach strikes me as more than slightly insane.
They are a deep crew though and with some real talent..
I think Trotz when he was with the Perds did a lot with a little but he couldn't take them to the next level until they were willing to support him with real talent.
Only a few of those with real talent, luck and perseverance are going to become real professionals.
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