Sentences with phrase «with regard to climate change»

Does the company think about its environmental and financial impact with regard to climate change, pollution and waste?
The temperature that climate scientists typically reference and care about with regard to climate change is «the average global temperature across land and ocean surface areas».
There are so many factors with regards to climate change that it's necessary to keep an open mind.
We fear that if we act with regard to climate change it will involve a change for the worse to our present standard of living and life is already hard enough without making further sacrifices is it not?
The challenges that we face with that ever - increasing population with regards to climate change, food and water availability, sustainability — those problems are going to be solved by science, and they're going to be solved by the kids today.
«They know this is a fascinating place with regard to climate changes, which I think is a...
Further to Fred Pearce's editorial on the outcome of the Rio +20 Earth Summit (30 June, p 3), the disarray in international politics that he highlighted with regard to climate change is now so potentially dangerous that no one can affect to be a disinterested observer.
You report US President Trump's executive orders reducing the powers of the Environment Protection Agency and restricting scientists with regard to climate change research (11 February, p 4).
Instead of just producing knowledge about our planet and the problems it is facing with regard to climate change, water shortages and depletion of biodiversity for example, Lucid also wants to get this knowledge to lead to action.
With a huge assist from the media such as the New York Times which continue to play the false equivalency card with regards to climate change and science as a whole.
For me this anti-science environmentalism became increasingly inconsistent with my pro-science environmentalism with regard to climate change.
This guidance document presents that employment, social protection, social dialogue and workers» rights need to be an integral part of any policy in pursuit of sustainable development, including with regard to climate change.
Koonin is humble and doesn't claim primary expertise, but he definitely has synthetic expertise with regard to climate change
They are the ones driving most country's politics with regards to climate change, trade, development, natural resources, etc... This is also the case in many, if not all, developing countries.
Prof. Bruce Monger presents the basic difference between the two presidential candidates with regard to climate change and follow with his opinion on what is at stake with this election.
Scientists can make the same kind of probability study with regard to climate change, Boslough says, «but the nature of the problem is very different.»
It is also critical of the IPCC, describing the UN as being «influenced by political considerations» with regards to climate change science.
This project generated important knowledge on how the vulnerability of agriculture could be reduced and how the buffering ability and resilience could be improved with regard to climate change, climate variability, and changes in the occurrence and strength of extreme weather events.
Questions arose with regard to climate change and stability of the Antarctic ice shield.
which offers a comprehensive snapshot of where we currently stand with regard to climate change through a range of different perspectives.
It won't have escaped many of our readers» notice that there has been what can only be described as a media frenzy (mostly in the UK) with regards to climate change in recent weeks.
«It's not a substitute for, say, Canadians claiming their own government wasn't acting properly with regards to climate change
The Working on Country element provides the Department with the opportunity to work with and engage Indigenous people to collaboratively develop broader policies and strategies with regard to climate change, such as implementing low intensity burning in some regions to increase resilience to climate change impacts.
With regard to climate change, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has done remarkable work in mobilizing the search for scientific consensus and possible solutions.
With regards to climate change, 400 ppm is a psychological rather than a physical threshold.
''... it does appear that the public at large is becoming increasingly aware that something other than science is going on with regard to climate change, and that the proposed policies are likely to cause severe problems for the world economy.
With regards to climate change, I agree with George Brandis who is shocked by the «authoritarianism» with which some proponents of climate change exclude alternative viewpoints.
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