Sentences with phrase «with relevant expertise»

Thus, the need for scientists with relevant expertise in the venture capital industry will also increase.
These same local stakeholders, with the addition of students, community - based organizations, local government representatives, and others with relevant expertise are invited to partake in local Title IV planning.
The first is the need to distribute and cultivate leadership among faculty with relevant expertise: no principal will be able to meaningfully implement this work alone.
Professionals with relevant expertise are given priority in the issuance of immigration facilities.
At this point our administrators will assign your order to the writer with relevant expertise and specific industry experience.
The study requires students to observe and interact with adults with relevant expertise and experience in a variety of situations.
Somehow we suspect you will insist that the surgery be performed by a surgeon with relevant expertise.
Last month, the agency established a surveillance team comprising of 30 members, including agency and local finance bureau officials with relevant expertise.
It should be packed with relevant expertise and speak directly to the employer's needs.
You can choose from entry, professional, executive, military and career change levels which always helps us assign the writer with relevant expertise to work on your order.
If you tracked what documents or discussions a learner reviewed, you could recommend additional information or introduce that person to a coworker with relevant expertise who could provide valuable mentoring.
No, not until you post a job, and even then, only lawyers with relevant expertise and who have conducted the necessary conflict checks will be able to review your job and submit proposals to you.
MI5, MI6 and GCHQ offer some training schemes for school leavers with A levels and you are also eligible to apply for a range of positions as a non-graduate with relevant expertise and skills.
We also endorse the recommendation: «The president should bring together scientists and others with relevant expertise for a White House summit on climate science, the urgency of action, and the opportunity for timely solutions.»
«As a result of the rapid and significant evolution our business and the narrowing of our operational focus onto inclisiran, our board of directors determined to restructure the board, adding directors with relevant expertise and experience and reducing the board's overall size from twelve to seven members, providing a more agile and efficient structure,» the company said in its 10 - K filing.
Okada says KEK currently has 30 to 40 scientists and engineers with relevant expertise but will need about triple that number to manage its share of the final design work.
The Commission is keen to hear from civil society stakeholders with relevant expertise in relation to the inspection of places of detention.
«A public network like the one we're proposing would help potential clients find manufacturers with relevant expertise and equipment in an efficient way,» says Starly, who is an associate professor in NC State's Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering.
Specifically, during the peer - review process, each submission will be reviewed by experts with relevant expertise, ensuring fair and objective decision - making, which will be guaranteed by experts sitting on the Editorial Board.
And, as Fasan notes, the award enables three researchers with relevant expertise to work on a project that they would not have been able to pursue on their own.
Assessment evidence is evaluated by individuals with relevant expertise against criteria that matter for performance in the field.
When we start work on a new project we filter the contributors with relevant expertise and push an assignment notice.
If I'm a layman with no relevant expertise I might not be qualified to judge whether the code / data is correct, but even I can probably tell if it present.
We need diverse and responsive directors in the boardroom with the relevant expertise to manage the company's strategy and risks.
Cowtan & Way (2013) has received extensive praise among scientists with relevant expertise due to the quality and importance of the paper.
Many statutory inquiries have been chaired by non-lawyers with relevant expertise, for example, the inquiry into the 2005 E.coli outbreak was chaired by a bacteriologist.
The Court of Appeal also noted that insurance arbitrators are recognized to have expertise and experience in interpreting insurance law and since parties select their decision - maker a presumption is created that the parties will choose an arbitrator with relevant expertise.
This makes for not enough work currently to justify opening department offices in many other jurisdictions, but enough to feel the pinch of the cost of a regular need for fairly expensive counseling from firms with relevant expertise.
It also helps them quickly locate their colleagues with relevant expertise.
The Parliament should establish a Human Rights Committee of members with relevant expertise and such a committee should conduct a public inquiry into the benefits to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the wider Australian community of international Indigenous awareness and co-operation; and how to involve Australia and its citizens, especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, in this burgeoning field of international relations.
The institutes would have their own boards drawn from people with relevant expertise.
In a typical investigation, the RIO - led committee — made up mostly of faculty with relevant expertise — reconstructs the research behind a scientific result from its documentation (which may be sparse, cryptic, or fabricated)-- so the RIO job requires deep insight into how scientists work.
The president should bring together scientists and others with relevant expertise for a White House summit on climate science, the urgency of action, and the opportunity for timely solutions.
This is the first time (that I am aware of) that a lawyer with relevant expertise and experience has agreed to engage in these on - line discussions.
And because of the insidious nature and the significant liability risks of sexual harassment, managerial and supervisory training is arguably most effectively delivered by external trainers, in a substantive depth, ideally including sessions by each of a legal, workplace and health professional with relevant expertise, customized to the workplace and the policy.
These employers offer some training schemes for school leavers with A levels and you are eligible to apply for a range of positions as a non-graduate with relevant expertise and skills.
Scientists with relevant expertise have a professional responsibility to share their evidence - based insight with the public, experts say
Every professional organization of scientists with relevant expertise?
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