Sentences with phrase «with repeated use»

We know just how messy these things can get with repeated use!
They're sharp and go through cloth easily, and they stay sharp with repeated use.
Similar to a muscle, the thickness of a region in the brain is believed to increase with repeated use.
This indoor exercise bike is modeled to enhance your endurance levels and increase stamina gradually with repeated use.
With repeated use over several weeks, skin becomes clearer, more radiant, and noticeably healthier.
Fortunately, I was able to cloud his judgment with the repeated use of phrases like, «clad it with some kind of cottage - style siding», and «paint -LSB-...]
Fortunately, I was able to cloud his judgment with the repeated use of phrases like, «clad it with some kind of cottage - style siding», and «paint it a warmer color», and we made an offer on the place in September of 2007.
As to be expected with any sensitivity toothpaste, this toothpaste won't cure your pain in one brushing, but it will gradually ease the ache of sensitive teeth with repeated use, and in a matter of weeks many people will enjoy lasting relief.
AnyRoad CEO Jonathan Yaffe told the website that the inside liners wear quickly with repeated use.
So to help you get this lower sugar regularity into your life, I've compiled 50 «properly» * sugar - free recipes that will do this — decrease your preference to sweetness with repeated use.
«In comparison, our proposed process stores energy thermo - chemically more efficiently than conventional energy - storage systems, the coproduced hydrogen has alternate uses in the transportation - chemical - petrochemical industries, and unlike batteries, the stored energy does not discharge over time and the storage medium does not degrade with repeated uses
In a poorly designed hook, says Stress Photonics engineer Brian Bartel, you would see a bright orange spot on the inside curve — a spot where the hook would most likely snap with repeated use.
«There is hardly any loss of sensitivity or color change with repeated use, as long as the organisation from the peptide remains.»
Nonetheless, agriculture's use of ash has been limited over fears of heavy metal accumulation with repeated use, especially with ash that can contain higher amounts of toxic substances such as arsenic, wrote Li and other researchers in a paper to be published in the journal HortTechnology.
Later, a different doctor informed me that the boric acid would erode away vaginal lining with repeated use.
-- promise healthier hair with repeated use.
Dresser features English Dovetail joinery which ensures that the drawers will endure with repeated use.
Best laminated so cards stay intact with repeated use.
One of my old Toyotas does this when its cold or just after the first start of the day, once everything warms up there is no more shudder so it's being contaminated by moisture or oil, which gets wiped away with repeated use of the clutch - the heat probably helps too.
We also noted good resistance to pedal fade even with repeated use.
You level up your character with repeated use (although what this means is currently unclear).
But if Google's Assistant can get better with repeated use, it could help Google Home close the gap with other voice - powered speakers very quickly.
Substance abuse is a chronic relapsing disease and with repeated use dependency and addiction is inevitable with most drugs.
The concern isn't so much over a sentence like I didn't see know no one, but with repeated use of not or other negatives in a long, complicated sentence where the net effect may be uncertain.
The first half of your original post, with the repeated use of all caps for the word «MEN», came off as very misogynistic and frankly, about as dimwitted as the Neanderthal level of thinking it represented.
In my experience, Today's Mom Cozy Comfort pregnancy pillow was okay short - term, but it flattened out with repeated use.
Look for a pumping band made from a strong elastic material that won't stretch out with repeated use.
With repeated use, tolerance may develop, meaning more of the drug is required to achieve the same euphoric effect.
Unfortunately, with the repeated use of the same insecticides, flies develop resistance through genetic mutations that make these products less effective.
With repeated use, the voltage and amount of energy that can be reversibly stored and released gradually declines.
In my experience, the effects of sugaring last for weeks and with repeated use, can last up to six weeks before it's time to go again.
But it is not discriminative in its killing, so, with repeated use, it can also disrupt the good vaginal bacteria, which can lead to more bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.
Formaldehyde, a commonly used cosmetic preservative, has been confirmed to be a carcinogen when used in large quantities, or with repeated use.
This will help tighten up your jawline while elevating facial areas, and with repeated use, say hello to a more defined complexion.
Students grasp the full meaning of words gradually, with repeated use and varied contexts that illustrate how meanings can change.
From there, clothing can also be ranked up with repeated use, providing yet another boost and encouraging players to experiment.
The exhibition, made possible by the remarkable sponsorship of Fundación BBVA, also takes a closer look at his still lifes (with their repeated use of the guéridon and fruit bowl motifs), his Canéphores, his postwar billiard tables, and the studios and birds produced towards the end of his life, which amplify and sum up his artistic research.
With repeated use, an ammonia - based cleaner can cloud leaded and stained - glass windows, and the damage can't be repaired, he cautions.
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