Sentences with phrase «with right leg»

Borges, too weak to talk, sat silently in a wheelchair with his right leg propped up.
What happens is, if she had an iliotibial band issue on this side, every time she steps forward with her right leg, these muscles in the front of the thigh should be firing.
Begin by sitting on the floor with your right leg extended straight out in front of you.
Then push forcefully with your right leg up into full step up so that you're standing on the top of the box.
Find the same set - up that you did for the side - bending, where you are in a Z - sit with your right hip flush to the BOSU Ball with the right leg in front and the left leg in back.
Sit on the floor with the right leg bent, the left leg straight and the arms extended overhead.
Perform all necessary reps with your right leg, then switch to the left and do the same amount.
Do one set with your right leg, at that point switch and rehash with your left.
Step down with the right leg, lowering into a squat and keeping the back straight, the torso upright and the abs in.
Lower, repeat the pushup and the leg lift with your right leg.
Inhale, and take a large step forward with your right leg, keeping your arms by your sides.
Begin with the right leg, then the left leg.
Step forward with your right leg and slowly lower your body until your front knee is bent at least 90 degrees.
From here, you should be in speed skater position, crouched down and balancing on the left leg with the right leg extended diagonally behind you.
Step forward with right leg outside of right hand.
After my daughter was born, I began experiencing lower back pain as well as a severe shooting pain down my sciatic nerve every time I took a step with my right leg.
Hold, return to starting position, and repeat with right leg.
Assume the Superman 1 position with your right leg back in the air, knee pointing toward the ground.
Complete the prescribed number of repetitions with your left leg, then do the same number with your right leg.
Do 5 - 10 with your right leg up.
Repeat 5 - 10 times with your right leg up.
First practice with the right leg raised above the ground and then with the left leg raised.
Step backward into a lunge with your right leg as you lean forward at your hips and lean towards your feet.
For more advanced: add in a leg lift (hold the plank with right leg lifted 2 inches off floor and switch halfway).
Next, step forward with your right leg and lower your body.
Now reach back with your right leg and set your SHIN on the bench.
Do your reps with your left leg on the bench then switch and lead with your right leg on the bench.
It felt and looked broken, but doctors claimed there was too much inflammation to be certain... Anyway, that was 6 years ago and I have been noticing problems with my right leg slowly getting worse and worse.
Step back down and repeat with your right leg.
Waking Up: Went to bed at 11:30 pm & got up at 6:05 am with the right leg / buttock area of inflammation with shooting pains — however it's getting better.
Repeat with your right leg.
So, when you swing the sandbag around the right side of your head and over to the left side, you lunge back with the right leg, and when you swing the sandbag around the left side of your head and over to the right side, you lunge back with the left leg.
As soon as you're done with the right leg, switch over to the left leg and do 25 repetitions.
Step 4: As soon as you stand lunge back with your right leg and transfer the weight back to your left hand.
While stabilizing with your right leg, straighten your left leg.
Step forward with your right leg and gradually bend your right knee.
Sit with right leg straight out, and left knee bent, with left foot placed on the outside of right knee.
Repeat with the right leg bent.
Bring your left foot back to the ground and repeat with your right leg.
Sit on the floor with your right leg straight and your left leg bent (your legs form a number four) With your back straight, raise arms then lower while reaching for your toes.
Lunge backward with right leg, bending both knees 90 degrees.
Try to bring the heels equidistant from the hips: with the right leg on top you'll have to tug the right heel in closer to the left hip.
Take one step to the right with your right leg and step in with your left (you should roll slightly to your right).
Stand and bring your right foot up next to your left, then repeat with the right leg lunging forward.
Reverse direction by jumping to the right with your right leg.
Place both hands on the pumpkin and step back with the right leg (b).
Then, step back with your right leg so that your left foot lowers you to the floor.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder - width apart and take an exaggerated step forward with your right leg into a deep lunge.
Repeat with the right leg crossed over the left.
Return to standing by lowering the weight to your shoulder, pressing your right heel into the floor, and bringing your left leg forward to complete one rep. Alternate legs, and step back with right leg.
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