Sentences with phrase «with severe injuries»

If someone survives a near drowning they can be left with severe injuries such as permanent brain damage and disability.
His number one focus is helping people with severe injuries get the legal representation they desire.
Unfortunately, some patients with severe injuries or rapidly worsening neurological signs may die from their trauma despite treatment.
Driving too fast can result in serious crashes with severe injuries and even fatalities.
There were numerous victims with severe injuries that needed immediate attention.
However, because they have been «programmed» not to back down, they often continue to fight even with severe injuries, sometimes until death.
This can be really frustrating with severe injuries, when your character starts out with substantial limb damage.
It is now used in connection with severe injuries or deaths resulting from electrical shock.
They could have to cope with severe injuries, major surgery, extensive rehabilitation, and lasting disability.
You're likely left with severe injuries and damage to your vehicle.
«If this bears out, as it appears that it will, nobody should probably leave the hospital with a severe injury and a disorder of consciousness without having this measurement.»
Car crashes involving pedestrians are likely to end with severe injuries.
He understands the intricacies of the insurance industry; how to navigate the complex medical issues associated with severe injuries; and perhaps most important, he was extremely kind, compassionate and understanding.»»»
On the other hand, due to the nature of the career, you must be able to handle your emotions as well, especially when helping treat animals with severe injuries or those who must be euthanized.
He has the talent to be old Harvey, he's coming back from injury this year (given that he was pitching with a severe injury last year) and he had a bad April?
«The alleged actions by RD Legal — scamming 9/11 heroes and former NFL players struggling with severe injuries — are simply shameful,» NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said in a statement.
The next day, the slug was gone, and the chicks were dead with severe injuries on their bodies that hinted at the slug as the culprit.
But two years ago, tissue engineers in Europe successfully implanted a lab - grown left bronchus into a woman with severe injuries.
He slogs forward with severe injuries, relying on the kindness of strangers to point the way home.
Parents should know that this film includes references to a horrific rape and murder of a teenager and it shows serious violence with severe injuries, as well as very strong and crude language, drinking, and smoking.
We had help treating Miracle, the dog found near the railroad tracks with severe injuries.
Veterinary staff at the hospital suspect that Zelda was abused by her previous owners, as they were forced to bring her in after reports of a dog with severe injuries.
But like any professional relationship, the practice of medicine creates numerous opportunities for negligence — lapses of concentration or outright incompetence — leaving us or loved ones with severe injuries.
Others with severe injuries may face a permanent disability or disfigurement, while others may not survive their injuries.
The attorneys of Miller & Steiert are committed to helping people with severe injuries by providing the legal services they need to get back on their feet and on with their lives.
Edward Halverson avoided a charge of attempted murder for the attack, which left his wife in the hospital for two weeks with severe injuries.
Those that do are often burdened with severe injuries that can include partial or complete paralysis.
We here at Grillo Barristers will work with your insurers and treatment providers to ensure that anyone with severe injuries receive the best level of treatment that can be afforded to them.
Given the failure to find group differences in psychological distress and family functioning and the relatively low levels of stress and burden even among the severe TBI group, we concluded that injury stresses diminished after longer periods following injury and that most families, even those of children with severe injuries, adapted favorably.
As with any severe injury, it is essential that you receive prompt and appropriate medical care after a personal watercraft or boat accident.
Sadly on the eve of the 2011 season he almost died in a rallying accident, and was left with severe injuries to his arm that left him unable to drive an F1 car again.
One person was hit by a snow plow and died after being taken to the hospital with severe injuries.
For the first time, doctors in Switzerland have grafted cartilage from the nose into the knees of patients with severe injuries to this connective tissue, the tearing of which can lead to pain and even osteoarthritis.
Advice from a New Orleans Accident Lawyer Car crashes involving pedestrians are likely to end with severe injuries.
The costs associated with severe injuries can be overwhelming, and in some cases, they can total millions of dollars or more.
The ICU has helped in the healing of unknown numbers of people with severe injuries and acute illnesses.
To do what he has done, with the severe injuries he had, he comes back every time, is dedicated and he deserves a lot of respect.
Wofa K, one of the two gentlemen, who featured prominently in advertisements on television showcasing the many infrastructural projects by President Mahama, has been left with severe injuries to his head, ears, arms and ribs, following a physical attack on him.
Another patient survived that accident, but was left with severe injuries.
Developing brain - computer interface devices, such as the brain - controlled drone, may help those with severe injuries retain independence.
Twinkle, the Chihuahua, came to us with severe injuries including a protruding eye, a puncture wound to the shoulder, and a broken jaw.
Take a moment to picture what it was like for Alex, a 2 - year - old Domestic Shorthair who was brought to the Manhattan location of Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) with severe injuries to his face, head, and body.
The 2 - month - old pup named Flynn was brought to the San Diego Humane Society June 5 with severe injuries to his mouth, society officials said.
Sadly, some dogs come to us with severe injuries or illnesses that require a lengthy and expensive recovery.
Your perfectly trained and controlled dog may disregard your commands and charge an animal that acts aggressive or unusual in order to protect you — and may well wind up paying for it with severe injuries, or even their life.
Frenchy became the de-facto caretaker of Anacapa Island for the National Park Service until 1956 when, at the age of 80, he was forced to leave after a fall left him with severe injuries.
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