Sentences with phrase «with sexual issues»

She is in clinical practice and deals with sexual issues in individual, couple and group therapy.
Most church leaders who struggle with sexual issues do not seek help.
I have experience working with sexual issues and with same sex couples as well as straight couples.
I feel more competent to deal with sexual issues in the room and will follow up with more training in sex therapy.
I have pursued additional training to work comfortably with sexual issues for both individuals and the couple.
I work most often with sexual issues, affairs, and addiction issues.
AASECT Certified Sex Therapists are licensed mental health professionals, trained to assess, diagnose, and provide in - depth psychotherapy, who have specialized in treating clients with sexual issues and concerns.
Not only do HGH injections help with sexual issues, but they also help ease the symptoms of menopause.
On the other hand, he wrestled with homosexuality, and the Church is not great at dealing with sexual issues period, let alone same - sex issues.
Along the same lines he also defended the principle behind Humanae Vitae with particular cogency, not as an isolated concern with sexual issues but as a vital aspect of the total vision of human nature integrated into Christ.
At times all therapists are confronted with sexual issues when working with couples; the most common being discrepancies in desire, lack of attraction or sexual incompatibility.
AASECT Certified Sex Therapists are licensed mental health professionals, trained to provide in - depth psychotherapy, who have specialized in treating clients with sexual issues and concerns.
I think in dropping the ball with Lonnie there sprang up various ministries to deal with people struggling with sexual issues, especially at The Vineyard.
Liz talks about how she works with clients dealing with sexual issues and how other therapists can approach the topic in ways that make clients feel comfotable and heard.
I work with heterosexual and same - sex couples, married and unmarried, long - partnered, and newly together, seeking help with sexual issues, conflict, infidelity, parenting differences, lack of connection, trust, questions about whether to stay in the marriage.
This potentially great pairing has inspired us, as a trio of certified sex therapists who also practice EFT, to develop a training tailored for our EFT community on working with sexual issues.
With Lonnie, you realized that along with perhaps being this person with a unique ability to draw and influence others, he was also a guy that struggled to the core of his being with sexual issues.
The best way to deal with sexual issues is to talk it out and explore together how to improve your sex life.
The results also offer important information to psychotherapists whose clients are struggling with sexual issues.
The best way to deal with sexual issues is to talk it out and explore together how to improve your sex life.
I have an extensive history with individuals and couples dealing with sexual issues, depression, anxiety, fears, life transitions, workplace dynamics, relationship functioning, substance use and abuse, stress, self - esteem, coming out issues for individuals and for couples in crisis or transition over coming - out issues, divorce, open relationship dynamics (polyamory), affair recovery, grief, personal growth, employee assistance (EAP), life balance and trauma.
Perhaps you are struggling with sexual issues?
AASECT Certified Sex Therapist: Potential AASECT Certified Sex Therapists are mental health professionals, trained to provide in - depth psychotherapy, who have specialized in treating clients with sexual issues and concerns.
Sex therapists, psychotherapists who are specifically trained to help individuals and couples identify the source of sexual distress, deal with sexual issues, and / or reduce or remove emotional barriers in order to enhance sexual experiences, have experience treating issues related to:
AASECT Certified Sex Therapists are mental health professionals, trained to provide in - depth psychotherapy, who have specialized in treating clients with sexual issues and concerns.
Couples therapy can also be helpful to assist both partners in dealing with sexual issues.
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