Sentences with phrase «with short life spans»

Given that today much of plant genetics focuses on altering genes and examining the offspring, it makes sense to use organisms with a short life span.
Using products with short life spans may seem attractive at first, but robust, low maintenance solutions that are reliable for decades to come will put the school in a better position.
You'd be surprised how many parents prefer pets with short life spans.
First, we have to acknowledge the low number of groups with a short life span.
Also, god let Mr. Hawkins live this long from an illness with a short life span.
But even still, even with a shorter life span, they are still doing what God wants them to do, and that is to be fruitful and multiply and increase on the face of the earth.
Due to the time frames involved in spawning generation after generation of complex creatures, such experimentation is necessarily limited to specimens with short life spans / gestational periods like bacteria, single cell organisms and fruit flies.
They are often times not recyclable and for something with a short life span as far as quality goes, this is a sad thing.
And so questions loom: How could asocial invertebrates with short life spans develop signs of intelligence?
Ludovic Dickel of the University of Caen Basse - Normandy, who led the cuttlefish study, says that for animals with a short life span, it is never too early to start learning.
Unless Russians are genetically cursed with a shorter life span, shouldn't the fact that people can live longer in other countries prove that Russian life expectancy is not hitting the limit?
If you wish to have a bird but do not want to invest so much money into a pet for 80 years, perhaps you may want to consider a smaller bird with shorter life span and lesser annual investment.
We do nt know what it is, But there his rules, He made us with a short life span but a eternal spirit, He has plans for us in Heaven, But only those he can trust.
With their shorter life spans than people, cats have had many more generations to evolve ways of manipulating their owners through their calls.
With a short life span, bamboo is a highly renewable resource without harming the eco-environment.
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