Sentences with phrase «with side effects»

She has cancer, but is 9 months into chemotherapy with no side effects and feeling great.
Though behavioral parent training is known to have positive results for children with ADHD, fewer parents and mental health and medical practitioners know about it than medication prescribed for ADHD, which can come with side effects and is not recommended as a first - line treatment for preschool - age children, DuPaul said.
There's another way that's more fun, with no side effects: having sex with your mate.
These include concerns about and past experience with side effects, drug interactions or hormones; affordability and accessibility; how frequently they expect to have sex; their perceived risk of HIV and other STIs; the ability to use the method confidentially or without their partner's permission; and potential effects on sexual enjoyment and spontaneity.
But IUDs are not perfect, with side effects that include possible irregular bleeding, and a chance of increased menstrual bleeding in the case of the copper IUD.
They can help you figure out ways to deal with side effects and make sure everything's ok.
Problems with side effects can usually be managed by changing the type, amount and / or time of taking the medication.
I think they sell because they are cheap, and some deal with side effects and weak hardware and some probably go back to a PC.
There are mild and severe forms of brain injuries with side effects that can last for just a brief period or for the rest of your life.
This vaccine is associated with side effects like fever, pneumonia, seizures, swelling, low blood count and brain damage.
What you find is a more or less agreed measure, deaths averted per thousand or million treated, compared with side effects per thousand or million treated.
Thats the wrong way round of course and might mean that the cure could end up being worse than the disease itself, with side effects and unnecessary costs.
As long as we are willing to put up with these side effects, we should proceed with our get rich scheme.
It keeps my blood lipids well under alarm thresholds regardless of my dietary fat intake, with no side effects the doctors or I can detect.
Remember that more of these compounds is not necessarily better, as we will explain below with side effects.
After a few years in conventional practice, she noticed that pets with chronic problems often didn't get any better, and was discouraged with the side effects of many of the conventional treatments.
Same with the side effects, what the science is behind a dog food is considered and not the claims that a brand makes to support its product.
CAUTION: Although this product is generally well tolerated and not associated with side effects, individual sensitivities are always possible.
Millie has been doing very well with treatment, with no side effects.
It's an organic iodine with no side effects, and it does a good job controlling most skin bacteria.
Research shows for these nutraceuticals to be safe for dogs with no side effects, and some generally help with mild chronic joint pain
With the side effects of NSAIDS, is it ok to keep giving them for two weeks (the instructions say stop after 10)?
Oral medications are generally reserved for severe and / or chronic infections and can be expensive and with side effects.
Important Safety Information: The use of any insulin when regulating a diabetic cat may be associated with side effects.
These supplements have excellent customer reviews in part because they are made in the USA at an FDA - registered factory that is inspected annually and certified by a third party and because they use natural ingredients with no side effects.
My breeder used this on advise of her vet so I do as well with no side effects.
Plus, some herbs do come with side effects, and only a veterinarian will be able to determine what herbs are best for your pet and which ones won't be appropriate.
Although research of bee products for dogs is still lacking, there is some evidence that these can be beneficial to dogs in some cases, such as stimulation of cortisol in arthritic dogs and helping with canine intervertebral disk disease (IVDD) with no side effects.
PetzLife products are tested by an independent lab and are safe for your pets, with no side effects.
Tootsie is now in remission and has handled treatment very well with no side effects.
Raw meat diets do often contain a significant amount of fat which can improve an animal's coat but also comes with side effects of increased cholesterol and triglycerides.
My dog had it after a surgery and seemed a little off, confused, etc... But he was in pain and you can't expect to take any med with no side effects.
Chronic administration of NSAIDS is most often associated with the side effects seen in Pele.
For giardia, Panacur is considered a static drug, 100 % effective in clearing cysts from feces in 3 days (the cysts are the infective part), with no side effects reported, and is safe for pregnant and lactating animals.
Vaccination is often thought of by the conventional veterinary community as a benign procedure intended to prevent acute diseases, with side effects occurring only rarely.
I'm definitely going to get her fixed, though it will be heartbreaking to see her in pain, hopefully it'll be relatively easy with no side effects.
Once introduced safely and with no side effects watermelon becomes a new food that Yorkies will definitely appreciate.
Both worked great, with no side effects..
AZT may help, but with side effects that should be discussed with your veterinarian.
A study demonstrated significant improvement with no side effects.22
The owners have given their pets steroid pills and shots for their irritations but were not happy with the side effects, mainly the fact that their dog's immune system is being compromised.
Vets can give allergy shots to the terrier if it seems to have frequent skin allergies and while there are many anti-histamine medicines for dogs that do work, they also come with side effects that could cause even greater problems.
It starts working within just half an hour and all fleas should be dead within eight hours, with no side effects whatsoever.
Some veterinarians even use acupuncture to help pets cope with the side effects of chemotherapy treatment.
Our lab handled the soresto collar great with no side effects all summer.
«Minor allergies may respond to home care with natural treatments, and some dogs may benefit from trying non-medicated treatments before moving on to drugs with side effects and interactions.»
When a hypothyroid dog is on regular medication the dog should live a normal life with no side effects.
But does that lower price come with side effects?
You can drive this car as aggressively as you want with no side effects.
Along the way a selection of «secret agent» pharmaceuticals are dispensed or injected at appropriate scene changes, leaving characters with side effects ranging from unconsciousness to giddiness.
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