Sentences with phrase «with similar views»

Only until recently have atheists been given the ability to express their views and find others with similar views without the threat of ignorant violence from religious groups and individuals.
This becomes self - selecting — people with a similar view of the world are attracted to us; those who don't select themselves out.
Now the most absurd publications can make their way through if peer - reviewers with similar views can be found.
True romantic who loves to laugh; I have a positive disposition and like to be around someone easy going with similar views.
I am looking for the right man with similar views over life.
I prefer to date women with similar views, but I'm open - minded enough to date people who don't agree with me.
So, if you only listen to researchers with similar views, you might be tempted to just agree with them and ignore the others.
If you're looking for someone with similar views as yourself, as a dating coach based in San Francisco I know the area and can help you find a girl that shares your values.
Yet his response, along with similar views from others, does raise the question about some of those who call themselves reformers — as well as about the men and women who work in our traditional districts.
If you're looking for someone with similar views as yourself, as a
'» What it is not about is a group of people with similar views feeding each other's discontent.
But they do open the door for a conversation that isn't always easy to have and they show members of a closeted group that there are others out there with similar views.
Italy joined up with Hitler's Nazi Germany because they were both Fascist countries with similar views, I really doubt the Vatican had that much to do with it.
Mr Smith said they were old friends with similar views and he was looking forward to a «productive powerful partnership».
The authors of the study, Anthony L. Antonio, Mitchell J. Chang, Kenji Hakuta, David A. Kenny, Shana Levin, and Jeffrey F. Milem, used groups of three Caucasian students with similar views (on child labor or capital punishment) and matched them with either a Caucasian or African - American collaborator.
These images compare a view of Beta Pictoris in scattered light as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope (top) with a similar view constructed from data in the SMACK simulation (red overlay, bottom).
After all, when you're online it is accepted - and even expected - that you'll be upfront about the things that matter to you like, such as your own belief system and your requirements for a partner with similar views.
This does not mean that dating sites for over 40 require an essay for answering each section or justifying your answers, rather it is all about filling in basic information to help you attract the right potential suitors with similar views, interests, and morals.
Every generation of educators has faced this debacle with a similar view, attributing the shenanigans of youth to a lack of respect for authority, poor upbringing, materialism, ignorance about the importance of education, or rock & roll music.
Many technology - using teacher educators start with similar views:
The other hotel with similar views (as it's also in the beautiful and remote southwest side) is the Conrad.
Like Delacroix, another artist with similar views, Turner was in the grip of a passionate need to express inarticulate feelings through color.
On one view this increase could be concerning — it could indicate that judges of the Court are merely trying to justify or bolster their pre-existing policy inclinations by allowing submissions from interveners with similar views.
With a similar view Tata AIA Life has decided to introduce value added services such as convenience of email communication and proper customer portal, new payment avenues, etc..
Wish some day I'll be able to afford a house with similar views — trees, flowers, ponds etc..
Strong political leftist seeking someone with similar views.
With a similar view that the Fed has few good options, consult Tim Duy.
For the Competing Price to be valid, it must be a currently available lower published online room price for Hotel Name 1, the same stay dates, the same number of guests, the same room type, with a similar view and room size, and include similar or additional value - added amenities (e.g., free breakfast).
(of course sales count as well) The issue that you brought up about how journalists isolate themselves from the mainstream community could be a function of confirmation bias... i.e., they seek out those with similar views and opinions to reinforce what they THINK they know and evade anything else that might contradict their opinion.
This has increasingly not been the case for USEPA, which started going off the rails during the Carter and Clinton Administrations, when they agreed to accept high level political appointees from the environmental movement who brought in those with similar views and encouraged the Agency to adopt ever more extreme environmental policies.
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