Sentences with phrase «with skittish cats»

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The pictures and videos being used in Cat Street View were captured by photographer and experienced feline portraitist Shin Suzuki, who has a way with the skittish felines.
i have a small house cat with a sweet temperment, if a bit skittish and prone to bouts of energetic running around.
It is important to introduce your cat to a new home slowly and in a controlled manner, especially if you have a cat that is shy or skittish to begin with.
Available for both dogs and cats, the Veterinary Diet line has choices for a wide variety of ailments, ranging from calming support for more stressed or skittish animals to a Hepatic blend made for animals with liver issues.
Additionally, young children tend to be very active and may be too rough with fragile kittens, which can result in injuries to the kitty and / or a fearful, skittish adult cat.
If someone has a dog or cat that has never had a grooming session with a professional groomer in the past, they may act skittish when they arrive at the facility.
They're a bit on the small side and some cats are a bit skittish about using something with moving parts.
He is not well socialized with other cats and can be skittish.
People who see a skittish cat darting under a deck automatically assume that the cat is «feral,» when in fact the cat could be a tame housecat born with a fearful temperament and has been shy since it was a kitten.
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