Sentences with phrase «with sloppy form»

Proper form with controlled movements outclasses heavy weight with sloppy form.
Instead of focusing on doing their repetitions with a good form and really feeling the muscle, they focus on squeezing as many reps as possible with a sloppy form at first and a horrible form later in the set.

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Guardiola has been an exemptional disciplinarian and is very well equipped to deal with Barca's sudden dip in form which is a direct result of the sloppy attitude.
The shoulders are exceptionally vulnerable to injury and when they get exposed to too much stress, combined with bad form and sloppy technique, they are guaranteed to lag.
The last thing you want is to use sloppy form to eke out an additional rep. With certain exercises, like squats and deadlifts, going to failure can lead to a major breakdown in form and a higher risk of injury.
These are fast and you can be a little sloppy with your pushup form here.
If you're not recovering properly and going into every workout fatigued, and continually training to failure it's only a matter of time until you get sloppy with form and risk an injury.
Anything oversized looks sloppy, so I stick with form fitting clothes, and layering.
The exhibition also shows a selection of Lüpertz's earlier figurative bronze sculptures from 2001 to 2015 scattered throughout the galleries, though they are not representative of the artist's finest work and, with their blocky forms and sloppy neon coloring, look rather comical next to all these works from antiquity and the Middle Ages — all the better for the drawings, the real centerpiece.
Seller may delete the change and attempt to «agree» to its own earlier form, as signed by Buyer, assuming Buyer is still interested in dealing with such sloppy scum.
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