Sentences with phrase «with small amounts of carbohydrates»

My diet consists of a good amount of fat and protein along with a small amount of carbohydrates that I get primarily from vegetables.

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I used a small amount of real sugar in combination with sugar - free sweeteners to decrease the amount of carbohydrates while preserving that familiar molasses cookie flavor.
Start your day with a nutritious breakfast that includes adequate protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and a small amount of healthy fat.
«Eaten throughout the day, small amounts of carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index help ensure longer - lasting energy.
To avoid this, Shona advises not to eat refined carbohydrates, and instead choose meals that contain refined carbohydrates in small amounts, combined with higher amounts of protein and fiber and some fats.
Tryptophan is processed properly in the brain when consumed with a small amount of low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates such as vegetables and nuts and foods rich in vitamin B6 such as eggplant, sunflower seeds, pistachio nuts, kangaroo, pasture - raised chicken, turkey, and wild salmon.
Depending on the volume of the day's workout, small amounts of carbohydrates or a glass of red wine may also be included with dinner.
If you don't do well with oatmeal, aim for other slower digesting carbohydrates sources such as white or sweet potatoes or a small amount of fruit.
Stick to the main concept of low starchy carbohydrates, lots of vegetables, and lean proteins, along with some fruit and small amounts of healthy fat, and you will see amazing results.
Natives of the high Andes consumed small amounts of animal foods in the form of Guinea pigs and dried seafood, particularly dried fish eggs, with large amounts of carbohydrates from potatoes and grains.
Work toward including small amounts of protein, fat, and fiber along with carbohydrates each time you eat.
Several African groups consumed insects, small dried fish and shrimp, and small amounts of shrimp paste as their chief animal foods, with large amounts carbohydrates from tubers, grains, fruits like bananas, and vegetables.
Uhm — but in general, some of that starchy carbohydrate, and it can start with the very small amount, can be helpful.
Traditional diets obtained the bulk of their calories either from carbohydrate or from a mix of saturated and monounsaturated fats with a small amount of polyunsaturated fats.
Many of them include only a small amount of complex carbohydrates that will not be turned immediately into fat and with zero sugar included whatsoever.
At breakfast you should be eating a high quality source of protein combined with a small amount of high quality carbohydrates.
It is made up of carbohydrates and protein, with small amounts of B vitamins and minerals.
He argues that while a daily bowl of rice's - worth of carbohydrates may seem like a small amount, it may still make a big difference in terms of your health, especially for those with diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
Before higher intensity exercise — a little carbohydrate with small amount of fat / protein will help fuel a strong start and continued energy for exercise at higher intensities more comfortably.
Increase your meal frequency, first, and add an amount of carbohydrate you feel comfortable with... and if you overshoot, just let yourself maintain or take a small step back and reassess....
THE TRUE CULPRITS Studies show that there's nothing wrong with including a small amount of complex carbohydrates in your dog's diet.
When adding food to your pet's commercial diet try to stay with more protein than carbohydrates as the commercial food is already high in grains, Best bets are eggs, meat, fish (canned with bones like salmon, sardines or mackerel), yogurt, cottage cheese and small amounts of vegetables.
All food fed to your pet should have a balance of mostly protein, followed by fats, a small amount of carbohydrates, along with the essential vitamins and minerals.
It's mostly carbohydrates with very small amounts of dietary fiber, fat, and protein.
When it comes to ingredients, the company is mostly focused on grain free and gluten free formulas with high level of natural, good quality, fresh protein sources and a small amount of fiber and carbohydrates.
Unfortunately, these treat foods are all loaded with carbohydrates and can be a large part of the problem, even in small amounts.
Usually a good - quality dog food for small breeds will have the right amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fat and vitamins, but if you aren't sure check with your vet.
It is composed mainly of carbohydrate with a small amount of protein and similarly to other cereals contains B vitamins and minerals.
Although these animals should be offered a predominantly high - fiber diet in the form of unlimited amounts of hay with some greens, too many are given ad - lib, high - carbohydrate pellets with only small amounts of hay.
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