Sentences with phrase «with smaller distances»

Start with smaller distances and work your way up.
Searches for markers of disease genes can be done without genetic maps of the relative order and distance between markers, but will be more efficient as maps with small distances between markers (high resolution maps) become available in the future.
This video guide shows them in the most efficient order with the smallest distance in between.

Not exact matches

While the country's two largest long - distance phone companies offer a variety of services that any business can sign up for, the third - and fourth - largest phone companies have taken aim at the low end — small companies with phone bills as slight as $ 100 a month.
From a distance, a Canadian SME may avoid places like Jackson because they're small communities with the sort of insular business networks that tend to characterize such cities.
Nate lives in the small town of Grande Prairie, Alberta (population: 68,000)-- a four - hour connecting flight from Vancouver — and we'd spent our entire relationship dealing with the toll the long distance was taking on our hearts and bank accounts.
The incarnation says in the words of history, not only with the words of longing: The infinite mystery which silently surrounds you does not rush towards you so that you will flee from it into your own familiar little life until it overtakes and destroys you in death; it is not only the judgment which orders your small world from the distance and judges Its guilty finiteness.
No doubt you have gazed up at the sky on a fine winter's night and, like innumerable human beings before you, had an impression of a serene and tranquil firmament twinkling with a profusion of small, friendly lights, all apparently at the same distance from yourself.
Many brands are produced by smaller independent dairies with only local distribution, so the milk is less likely to have been transported across vast distances.
Recommendation: that after the definition of «Intensive Animal Husbandry» is revised to no longer include small - scale, low stocking density, free - range farms, that buffer distances are determined in close collaboration with communities on a case - by - case basis where intensive agriculture is proposed.
We (meaning Derek, I just stood there and took pictures), measured out the desired distance and drilled a pilot hole, which is a small guiding «starter hole» before you start putting holes in your grill lid with a giant drill bit.
With Zach LaVine fully back in the mix now, Holiday slides over to the starting small forward on a Bulls team that might have something of a future (quite a distance down the road).
Otherwise, both Great Britain and Australia are very well supplied with middle - distance men, the British having a small edge in this department.
you have to then acknowledge Conor is gonna be by far the quicker man, manages distance in and out very well and takes advantages of the smallest openings with counters.
Whether traveling a longer distance or simply visiting another family for the afternoon, be prepared with snacks, books, toys, small blocks and / or a container of art supplies.
Significant difference is, off course, with 4 - wheel version — which, typically are less maneuverable than their 3 - wheeled counterparts — and perhaps, as reviews are concerned, may have a smaller basket, perhaps due to distance in wheelbase in the 3 versus 4 - wheel cart.
If there is a park with a huge distance between the bigger and smaller kids sections I will try to avoid that park.
We are equally excited that we get to share this wonderful part of Nashville with everyone that will travel a small or great distance to spend some time with us.
Rather, he refused to distance the party from its coalition with the Conservatives and pledged that the Lib Dems would be on the side of small business.
Even though this dust is just a few degrees above absolute zero, it still emits feebly in the infrared; the power of the telescope coupled with the relatively small distance to the galaxy make it easier to spot.
«The more you measure with a small device over large distances, the more information you have to calibrate your satellite information,» Wiltshire said.
One lab test showed a single cell moving a distance three times its diameter and joining with a small cancerous cluster in just four hours.
If all of the towers fell, try testing this activity with shorter towers, a larger base that takes up more space and / or a smaller distance of shake - table displacement.
As the scanner pokes its prey (here, a small, green plastic frog) with a needle - like probe driven by a tiny motor, a light sensor detects contact between probe and object with an accuracy of 30 micrometers, and a linear actuator translates the rotation of the Lego gears into linear distance at a resolution of 6.25 micrometers.
By attaching small data - logging packs with motion sensors to the backs of four colugos, researchers found that it takes one - and - a-half times more energy for the animals to climb up a tree and glide from point A to B than it does for them to move the same distance through the trees.
This scenario naturally produces a planetary system just like our own: small, rocky planets with thin atmospheres close to the star, a Jupiter - like gas giant just beyond the snowline, and the other giants getting progressively smaller at greater distances because they move more slowly through their orbits and take longer to hoover up material.
It is part of a tabletop instrument called a torsion pendulum, which can measure gravity's strength across small distances with unprecedented accuracy.
To test the concept, scientists have built two small satellites called cubesats that will practice lining up in orbit to construct a single telescope with a focal length as large as the distance between them.
• Using a tape measure, measure out a distance of 20 feet and mark the beginning and end points with a piece of sidewalk chalk (if you are using a sidewalk) or mark them each with small objects that will not be moved (if you are using an indoor hallway).
Small distances, it turns out, can in fact be measured with high accuracy.
Experiments with this DNA origami positioning device showed that it could be capable of precisely placing molecules, adjusting the distance between them in steps as small as the radius of a hydrogen atom.
Nobody has ever conclusively seen a moon orbiting a planet in another stellar system, partly because their small size and great distance makes them difficult to find with modern detection methods.
«Capturing an object this small, about half a kilometer across, at such a tremendous distance with this clarity is truly amazing,» said Michael Busch, a research scientist at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, and a member of the observing team.
Steve: These are distances that are not only too small to see, they are too small to even perceive with an electron microscope.
Although the fossil record is incomplete, we have more than enough to see that, in broad terms, our big - brained, long - limbed, built - for - distance - walking species evolved from arboreal ancestors with smaller brains, larger teeth and broader chests.
Electrons race through the metal with a speed of several million meters per second, and the distance they have to cover between two adjacent atoms is very small.
Golden eagles, like most birds, will breed only with their own species, the result being a third, smaller golden eagle that can be diagnosed as such from a distance by checking off a short, satisfying list of physical identifiers.
Compared with the potential loss of invested time, «the cost of a long - distance phone call is a small price to pay.»
Other astronomers had deduced that while spacing two telescopes just the right distance apart would suppress light at the center of the field of view, the suppression became even deeper if you flanked the telescopes with two more, smaller scopes, one on each side.
A large milky - white nebula, on the body of the Great Bear, with a small star at its sp [south preceding, SW] apex, and an 8th - magnitude preceding [W] it at double the distance; there is also a brightish group in the np [north preceding, NW] quadrant.
Although other planets with nearly the same mass as Earth have been discovered, Gliese 581g is the smallest planet that is also in the «Goldilocks zone,» or at a distance from its host star to make the planet's temperature cool enough for liquid water to exist on its surface.
Start with a realistic and smaller distance and slowly build up.
This seed was also eaten by Aztec messengers who would carry a small pouch of these seeds with them as they ran great distances going from village to village.
We (meaning Derek, I just stood there and took pictures), measured out the desired distance and drilled a pilot hole, which is a small guiding «starter hole» before you start putting holes in your grill lid with a giant drill bit.
A small number of studies have found that performance in an Olympic lift or a weightlifting derivative is moderate - to - strongly associated with sprint running speed over short distances (Hori et al. 2008; Loturco et al. 2015) and some investigations have also found an association with change of direction (COD) ability (Hori et al. 2008), although others have not (Loturco et al. 2015).
I began with a large pearl in the centre of each ribbon - and - braid length, and glued on progressively smaller pearls, keeping an equal distance between them.
I have been doing intentions and affirmations, positive thinking, clearing blocks, online dating, for years with pitiful results (2 - 4 dates / year) Where do I find great men in a small town on a large island where the distances are great??
Most of the time, people who live in a smaller town with narrowed distance settings run into the lessening matches problem, but with you living in the DC area, that is a BIG negative.
Our product is designed for any education formations: from small distance Dating sims, or relationship simulation role - playing games (RS - RPG), are a video game subgenre of simulation games, usually Japanese, with romantic elements.
With the world getting smaller every day, long - distance relationships are a growing trend.
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