Sentences with phrase «with smaller wrists»

The watch strap is eight inches long, but works for people with smaller wrists as it can be adjusted accordingly.
The double chain is a nice little touch and as someone with small wrists, having a sliding knot closure means it always fits!
This also makes it far more accessible for anyone with smaller wrists.
Women and men with smaller wrists want smartwatches, too.
As mentioned before, the watch is big, and doesn't fit well with small wrists, so take your store's return policy seriously.
We believe that a woman with smaller wrists deserves great bracelets too!
If a watch has a big display, definitely it won't match with a small wrist.
And compared to other smartwatches, it's very thin, designed for individuals with smaller wrists.
It fits to pretty much every wrist and doesn't look big unlike most of the traditional smartwatches which is pretty insane from a guy with small wrist genetics, isn't it.
For wearable fans with smaller wrists, this thing is likely to become the default choice.
The new size options are a big deal — the Moto 360 finally has an option that's reasonable for people with smaller wrists.
Join us as we take a closer look at some of the best fitness trackers for women, or really anyone with a smaller wrist and an interest in more fashionable trackers.
That makes room for a bigger battery with considerably longer battery life than before, but also makes the watches a bit less compatible with smaller wrists (to say nothing of the male - skewed design of both watches).
And the smallest of the bunch, the fenix 5S, was built for people with smaller wrists in mind.
It's just small and thin enough — even for folks with smaller wrists like myself — and the premium wrist straps provided in the demos feature the kind of materials found in Swatch or higher - end time pieces.
There aren't a ton of Android Wear options for users with small wrists, but a report from VentureBeat's Evan Blass claims that the new LG - Google watches will likely come in large and small varieties, with the Sport variant featuring a 1.38 - inch, 480x480 screen, and the more petite Style watch having a 1.2 - inch, 360x360 display.
Ace has a lot of the same design characteristics as the Fitbit Alta, just with smaller wrist bands for a better fit.
Hands up for people with small wrists!!
The Q Neely is ideal for women with with small wrists, or women who don't like large watch faces.
Combined with the long lugs, the ZenWatch 3 isn't a good option for guys or girls with small wrists like me.
As someone with small wrists, I was very pleased to find that both the Gear Sport and Fitbit Ionic aren't oversized like most Android Wear options.
• It is very large; like the LG G Watch R, it may have a hard time appealing to women or men with smaller wrists.
The bands are also interchangeable, and Wicks suggested different versions would come later to make the Moto 360 more compatible with smaller wrists.
Anyone with smaller wrists or just a simpler taste will still be far better off getting the Gear S2 in terms of fit, without being worried about missing out on features — and you can save some money in the process.
The Ionic is also chunky and only available in one size, putting off users with smaller wrists.
The metal casing is finished in a dark, smokey chrome, with small wrist band lugs to keep the overall footprint compact.
I was going to use my wife as a wrist model for some of the photos in this article, but found out quickly that that wouldn't work so well with her smaller wrists.
The ZenWatch 3 is a big watch so persons with small wrists won't like its fit.
Unfortunately, I was still pretty weak, even for my size, with small wrists and forearms, and couldn't even begin to go up and down a peg board, but I was pretty good at pullups.
It's 9» long, so it is a great choice for people with smaller wrists.
Bought for someone with small wrists and only had to have a couple of links taken out and now fits perfect.
It comes in two sizes: meaning those of us with smaller wrists can choose the model that won't overshadow us.
The Gear Sport is the exact opposite: it takes on the appearance of a large watch, but is actually quite light, comfortable, and ergonomic to wear for even people with smaller wrists.
It has all the same specs as the fenix 5, though it's built for people with smaller wrists and has a slightly smaller battery.
And, like the rest of its Android Wear 2.0 peers, it's quite large, so those with smaller wrists might have to wait until a smaller LTE Android Wear 2.0 watch makes an appearance.
Those with smaller wrists will certainly have a different experience.
The only downside to be found here is the size of the watches, which may not be compatible with smaller wrists — though that «issue» is heavily mitigated by the fact that the Gear S2 and S2 Classic are still on sale at new lower prices and will be receiving the latest software by the end of the year.
Sure, it's a lot more understated in its looks than many of its rivals and could easily be mistaken for nothing more than a basic time teller, but it's likely to prove to be a tad too big for those with smaller wrists.
Its 36 mm cases is markedly smaller than any of its existing selection and is a perfect fit for those with smaller wrists or those with smaller preferences.
I could see the size being an issue for those with smaller wrists, though.
The Connected Modular 45 unveiled back in March 2017 was already quite powerful, but people with smaller wrists may have found it too large and bulky.
You can mix - and - match the two bands to get the right fit, and while I just used the standard large set, those with smaller wrists will want to opt for the small ones.
While the original Moto 360 smartwatch is still easily the best designed Android Wear device, with its simple circular 1.56 - inch screen, one common criticism was that it was a little big for those with small wrists.
There's also two sizes of Apple Watch - perfect for those with smaller wrists.
Plus, those with small wrists may find the subtle looks of the Withings watches suit them better than the masculine EA Connected.
Wareable also claims this watch is smaller than the Ionic, which means people with smaller wrists (like many women) could actually wear it without looking like the biggest asshole on the planet.
Because some of the watch's antennas are embedded in the band, the band is not only thick but much less flexible and more uncomfortable, especially for people with smaller wrists.
It's rather large, so those with small wrists need not apply, and we feel that the Urbane is a bit light on features.
It has a lot going for it, especially if you are one with a smaller wrist.
Plus there's two sizes to choose from now, for those of us with smaller wrists.
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