Sentences with phrase «with squeals of delight»

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We're learning to adapt: we now think of it as normal to find a small boy squealing with delight on the trampoline, without clothes, at 6:30 in the morning, or for our daughter to pull the cushions off every chair in the room.
And, believe it or not, you'll miss the chaos of siblings bickering one minute, squealing with delight the next and never giving you a moment's peace.
This infant baby walker has several different activities, such as lights and music that play as your little one moves around the house, piano keys, beads and a number of other clicking and clacking noises to get your infant squealing with delight.
Oftentimes the tweens in my weekly classes request some type of restorative pose, and squeal with delight when we get to do Legs Up the Wall (viparita karani).
There is just something about the 4th of July that makes me squeal with delight.
I literally saw the first pic and let out a little mini squeal of delight because I just love the tulle skirt with your kicks!
There are a lot of holiday projects in different stages around my house right now, but can I just give a little squeal of delight with how much I LOVE this?
Because I know each of them so well, it is a delight (with actual squealing involved!)
One of my coworkers squealed with delight and said I looked so mod.
You and your bestie have always had similarly chic styles, so when she presents you with these darling stud earrings, you squeal with delight at the sight of...
It makes me squeal with delight that one of the cool kidz (u got ta use a «z» for this) noticed me!
So when it was announced that an all - new story was to be released in the form of The Frozen Wilds DLC, the gaming community squealed with delight and eagerly awaited the chance to guide Aloy on her next journey.
There are many moments where fans will squeal with delight or break out in thunderous applause, simply because it's a cool visual callback or clever revisiting of characters they have come to care about.
Mostly FOR my daughters — 2 of which recently started to read more and more due to my enthusiasm for reading and I just squealed with pure delight at the titles, covers and descriptions of your books I'm so wanting to know more now, absorbed in each one to see the deets.
You could squeal with delight about how things are going, and you are admittedly quite proud of yourself — and little Fluffy too!
There were a number of kids on the Yapei Queen too, and when Kari pulled out crayons and coloring books she had brought from Wales, they squealed with delight and immersed themselves completely in the art project.
-- Rare weapons like the Gearbox Gun Pack and Skyrocket Grenade (if that is some kind of rocket that explodes in the sky into various grenades, I will SQUEAL WITH DELIGHT).
This news writer was squealing with delight when NBA Playgrounds was announced for the Xbox One, not only because I played LOADS of NBA Jam / NBA Street back in the day, but also because its coming NEXT... [Read More]
But the bottom line was that my 10 year old was squealing with delight playing the Luigi's Mansion minigame in NintendoLand, and we were having a kind of real - world version of that fake commercial family fun they try to convey in Nintendo advertising.
So if, for example, somebody comes up with a new method that seems to wipe out a lot of details of contemperaneously - recorded history, uses non-standard statistical methods and refuses to release the data on which it is based, I do not immediately claim the author to be the greatest scientist since Newton and grab his work to my (metaphorical) bosom with little squeals of girlish delight.
The squeals of delight as they dash through the spray fill me with a guilty joy.
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