Sentences with phrase «with straight elbows»

Your baby can sit up with support, has good head and neck control, can push up with straight elbows when on her belly, and shows interest in food by opening her mouth and leaning forward when the rest of the family is eating.
Her beginning kettlebell weight was 8 kg kettlebell (16 pounds), just holding that overhead with a straight elbow proved to be a challenge for her.

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Bring in your arms so that your elbows are by your sides and your hands are by your shoulders with the two standing fingers of each hand pointing straight up.
Forget the penalty, they should have had a player sent off with a straight red, Lacaz got a deliberate elbow in the face and then 2 of them tried to kick his ankles away.
Cradle hold: Sit up straight and hold your baby's head in the crook of one elbow so she's lying across your body and facing your breast, with her mouth level with your nipple.
I don't know what your daughter looks like on the floor, but from your description, it sounds like she does not bear weight on her hands with straight / extended elbows very much... that she is most likely spending time on her forearms.
Begin by holding the bar directly overhead with fully extended arms, then lower it down by bending your elbows and go as far as you can, but make sure to keep your neck, back and upper arms straight.
Press the bar up with an explosive movement, elbows pointing straight ahead.
Tips: Before relaxing completely, press your palms into the ground with arms straight and elbows lifted, pushing your hips firmly back toward your heels.
How to: From a standing position, grab a barbell with a pronated, shoulder - width grip and allow your arms to hang straight down with extended elbows.
Begin on the floor on one side, legs straight and stacked on top of one another, and the forearm on the floor with the elbow directly beneath the shoulder.
For the next 30 seconds, incorporate spider mountain climbers, alternating movements on each side with the knee to elbow, back into the straight - arm plank for a total of one minute.
Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, hug one knee in to your chest and press the opposite elbow outside the knee.
Come into a forearm plank with elbows under shoulders, hands clasped and legs extended to straight.
c) Straighten your elbows and hold yourself up with straight arms and legs.
Make it dynamic: After you reach with one arm, bend that elbow as you pull it down by your side and stand straight.
Grasp the rope with a neutral grip and stand straight up and bring your elbows closer to the body.
How to do it: Begin in push - up stance with arms straight, elbows unlocked, feet shoulder - width apart, and hands directly under the shoulders.
With your elbows below your hands and your wrists straight, unrack the bar and take a small step backwards.
Press up the bar with your elbows still pointing straight ahead.
You can also perform side planks by lying on one side and keeping your legs straight and fully extended and resting on your forearm with the elbow directly under the shoulder, then bracing your core and lifting your body up so that it forms a straight line.
Raise weights out until they reach shoulder height; try to keep arms straight with a slight bend in the elbows while you initiate the movement from the shoulders.
When your legs are straight with the feet resting on the wall, slowly bend the elbows and start dipping down until your head is a few inches above the ground, then push back up.
Start slowly lowering the weights down and out on either side in a wide arc while keeping your arms as straight as possible but with a slight bend at the elbow.
How to: Start on the right side of a plyo box, with your left leg diagonally behind you, right knee bent 90 degrees and your left hand firmly resting on the box, elbow straight (a).
Starting with your arms straight at your side, bend the elbow and curl the arm up towards your chest, hold, then lower back down.
Position on your side, elevated with your elbow on the ground below your shoulder, form a straight line from head to toe.
Breathe in and with slightly bent elbows extend the arms to the side, i.e. straight out at both sides, creating a wide arc until you feel a decent stretch on your chest.
Your next inhale brings you into a half lift with a long, straight spine; you may need to microbend slightly at the knees to get there; then exhale, plant your hands, and flow through your vinyasa, which is low plank, elbows grazing the sides of the rib cage, and inhaling upward - facing dog, moving your chest forward; then leading with the low belly pressing back to downward - facing dog.
Lower yourself into a plank so you are resting on your elbows and forearms and up on your toes with your legs straight and feet together.
With your left fist up by your face, move your right arm forward (keep your elbow in) and punch it straight out (c).
In the same position with your legs on a chair, raise your arms overhead so they touch the ground above your head and your torso and arms form a Y shape with your elbows straight.
With your elbows pointing straight out to your sides, pull the bar slowly down toward your face just before it touches your nose.
The straight bar chin up with your palms facing your body places too much stress on the wrists, elbows, and shoulders and should be eliminated from your program.
Start with the weight at the bottom with straight arms, then pull up with elbows coming out, keeping tension with arms and chest and feel the squeeze in your shoulders.
Keeping your elbows back, bend into a squat position — the wider squat the easier it is to get into a low squat with a straight back.
Starting with your arms straight, flex your elbows and curl the bar up to shoulder - height.
Sit straight with your feet flat on the floor, maintaining a slight arch in your lower back, and grasp the barbell firmly outside of shoulder width with a pronated grip, elbows pointing down and outward.
This exercise is performed by you lying on your back, most likely on a bench but you can lay on the ground as well, with your upper arms perpendicular to the floor and your elbows extending until your arms are completely straight and pointing upward.
According to many bodybuilding experts, curling with an EZ - bar is better than a straight bar because it naturally puts your wrists and elbows in a more comfortable position than the latter.
Extend your arms straight out in front of you so they are parallel to the floor, then cross your arms in front of the torso (so your left arm under the right with the backs of the hands facing each other) and bend your elbows.
How to do it: Lie face down on a mat with your legs together and then raise yourself on to your forearms and balls of your feet (hands and forearms will be flat on the floor with you elbows directly under your shoulders), keep a straight line from your head to heels and your abs tight, you need to stay looking down in order to keep the spine in neutral position.
Elbow directly under shoulder, depress shoulders away from ears, retract shoulder blades back slightly, head in alignment with spine (look straight ahead).
Stand straight and hold the pumpkins, one in each hand, in front of your torso with your elbows bent (a).
As you do, pull the kettlebell straight up by your armpit, leading with the elbow.
STARTING POSITION (SETUP): Sit in a pec - deck station with your back straight or firmly against the backrest, plant your feet on the ground, and place your elbows and forearms on the pads.
Press dumbbells straight up over your chest with palms facing each other, point elbows out and keep them slightly bent.
Sit straight with your hands around your head or on the sides of your head and then start twisting your body by lifting your leg and bringing left elbow to your right knee.
The athlete lies on their back with the arms pointing up, elbows straight and a medicine ball held between the hands.
Athlete holds both ends of a band at hip height with the elbows straight and palms facing inwards.
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