Sentences with phrase «with subjective emotions»

It is this combination of formal visual elements with subjective emotions and responses that Walden explores.

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Proust's world was preponderantly made up of subjective emotions and objective observations, whereas Dostoievsky and Blake first participated fully in what they experienced and only later attained the distance which enabled them to enter into an artistic relationship with it and give it symbolic and artistic expression.
For me (and I know emotions about these things are so highly subjective that my experience is all but irrelevant to anyone else's situation), I no longer feel that I missed something with my daughter.
In an article that Ralph Adolphs and I recently wrote, we put forth the view that emotions are a type of internal brain state with certain general properties that can exist independently of subjective, conscious feelings, which can only be studied in humans,» Anderson says.
The scientists will use these sources to validate their results by checking whether the emotions measured correlate with the subjective assessments in the social media.
On it, «subjective perception and experience become the sole arbiter of truth,» as my colleague Sara Mead wrote, and «we are left with the... forces of emotion, sentiment, and affinity to guide our judgments and decisions.»
This approach, editor Helen A. Harrison explains, «lies at the core of what was then being defined as the new American painting, although many artists would replace ideas with even more subjective stimuli such as experiences and emotions.
From the Renaissance, colour was associated with emotion, intuition and the world of the subjective, while form — exemplified by drawing — stood for the cerebral, rational objective world.
Sooan Kim,, Personality, Emotional Characteristics, and Subjective Well - being of Individuals Who are Overwhelmed with their Emotions
Personality, Emotional Characteristics, and Subjective Well - being of Individuals Who are Overwhelmed with their Emotions
Finally, our results are consistent with findings of other studies that observed that suppression was used to regulate many negative emotions, such as anger, and to decrease the subjective experience of positive emotions (Gross & Levenson, 1997; Gross, 1998).
In particular, we aim to provide data regarding inter-item correlations, means, standard deviations, variances, Cronbach's a and factorial structure as well as relationship with specific criteria as life satisfaction, psychological resilience, inspiration, hope, subjective happiness, depression, anxiety, stress, positive and negative emotions in terms of criterion validity.
In accordance with the importance that the phenomenological approach attaches to subjectivity and sense of self as the starting points for knowledge, emphasis is placed on the need for the clinician to focus on the subjective experiences of the at - risk individual, to set aside prior assumptions, judgments, or interpretations, and to identify ways of bridging gaps in communication associated with negative emotions.
Secondary appraisal involves the subjective evaluation of one's ability to cope with the situation, which influences the intensity of emotions.
Cross-sectional study with measures of perceived burden (Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire: IEQ), subjective stress (General Health Questionnaire: GHQ) and perceptions of expressed emotion (Level of Expressed Emotion: LEE) in informal caregivers for patients with SUD, SUD+ADHD or Semotion (Level of Expressed Emotion: LEE) in informal caregivers for patients with SUD, SUD+ADHD or SEmotion: LEE) in informal caregivers for patients with SUD, SUD+ADHD or SUD+ASD.
Specifically, we illustrate the potential value of this new approach by identifying a taxonomy of dyad - level subtypes that differ in how their emotions (i.e., multiple within - day ratings of happiness — chosen here as an exemplar variable with variance properties useful for methods development) vary through normal daily life, and examine how that taxonomy is related to a set of theoretically meaningful variables — subjective health, dyadic adjustment (agreement on amount of time spent with partner), and relationship satisfaction, all of which constitute important characteristics of older couples» well - being (Hoppmann & Gerstorf, 2016).
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