Sentences with phrase «with subsamples»

The HRS assessed marital quality with subsamples of married respondents and their spouses.
There are problems with subsamples that show significant differences.
In an attempt to elucidate temporal sequence, a second analysis was conducted with a subsample of normal - weight children who became overweight between 1996 and 1998 while controlling for BMI z score in 1996.
The full sample (N = 156) was therefore retained, with a subsample (n = 106) used for the analyses requiring child height and weight data.
The study involves data collection with a subsample of 9 — 13 year - old children who participated in a randomized efficacy trial of Treatment Foster Care of Oregon for Preschoolers (TFCO - P).

Not exact matches

Note (with caution due to the limited subsample sizes) that NFMAX weekly alpha is materially negative during index down weeks and materially positive during index up weeks.
This subsample, with no particular statistical property, represents a training set that will be used by the second step of the algorithm to classify all the unread documents (the test set).
Because you're dealing with such small, unweighted samples of the electorate subsamples can't be taken seriously.
Offer's study uses a subsample from the 500 Family Study, consisting of 402 mothers and 291 fathers in dual - earner families who completed a survey and a time diary that collects information about the content and context of individuals» daily experiences, as well as the emotions associated with them, in the course of a week.
Rectal swabs contained all of the diversity present in fecal samples, along with additional taxa, suggesting that fecal bacterial communities may only represent a subsample of the complex bacterial communities inhabiting the gut.
Our companions represent a selective subsample of promising candidates and span a range in spectral type of K7 - L9 with the addition of one DA white dwarf.
The subsample of 105 stars with d < 15 pc containing 23 F, 33 G and 49 K stars, is complete for F stars, almost complete for G stars and contains a substantial number of K stars to draw solid conclusions on objects of this spectral type.
A FEC is a quantitative technique of mixing weighed or measured quantities of feces with a known volume of flotation solution to examine a measured subsample microscopically to identify the eggs of various parasites that can be present the gastrointestinal tract.
A subsample of dog owners was asked a series of questions about their relationship with their dog, including dog walking characteristics.
There is some difference for «hierarch communitarians» — but there really isn't a consistent effect for members of that or any other subsample of respondents with those values; «hierarch communitarians» don't have a particularly cohesive view of climate change risks, these data suggest.
Errors associated with using this statistical model to determine the global average time series is estimated by subsampling the observations (primarily ship tracks) in the earlier period against reanalysis data for the modern period.
If the CRU 12 subsample is too small to have confidence that the RCS fit does not intermingle tree growth with environment (be it signal or noise), how can we have confidence that this same subsample does not intermingle noise with signal?
Didn't see a map (I might have missed it) or a discussion of what happened with the other cores (if she only had time, money to look at a subsample, fine, but explain that).
Subsampling is laborious and easily avoided for laymen working with spreadsheets only (like me).
[Response: The effect diminishes with the size of town, it is actually larger than corrections based on population rises, and it gives results that are regionally coherent and you have yet to show that any objective subsampling of the rural stations makes any difference.
This issue could be examined by comparing analyses based on full resolution satellite - era data with an analysis of the same period employing subsampling at the resolution of the presatellite era.
On the video front, each of the new Aventage receivers comes equipped with a varying number of HDMI ports capable of handling 4K Ultra HD resolution, HDCP 2.2 copy protection, and high dynamic range (HDR) pass - through, as well as the ability to handle BT2020 10 - and 12 - bit color spaces with 4:4:4 chroma subsampling.
Sony's own Super Bit Mapping technology has been upgraded to a 16 - bit iteration, which means it'll smooth out unwanted colour banding before upscaling to 2160p / 60, with 4:4:4 colour subsampling.
As a result of this interim analysis, we reduced the P value in our current analysis of the data from.050 to.049, as determined by the sequential design criteria of Fleming et al. 18 After the completion of the study, we also performed an analysis of the subsample, women who were enrolled prior to January 2002, to verify that these results were consistent with the full study sample.
Associations of these scales with the eight definitional symptoms of CFS and with eight domains of functional disability were examined separately in: (1) an overall sample of individuals with a wide range of fatigue severity and symptomatology; (2) a subsample of individuals with CFS - like symptomatology, and, (3) a subsample of healthy controls.
The relationship was strengthened in the subsample of previously normal - weight children, with race, maternal obesity, HOME - SF cognitive stimulation score, and 1996 BMI z score acting as confounders (adjusted odds ratio: 5.23; 95 % confidence interval: 1.37 — 19.9).
Unfortunately, the early bullying measure was available only on a subsample of children, so this model was conducted as a separate subanalysis, with reduced power.
The K10 / K6 scales were developed to measure this dimension by using modern item response theory methods9 that select questions with optimal sensitivity in the 90th - to 99th - percentile range of the general population distribution of psychological distress and that have consistent item response theory sensitivities across a number of sociodemographic subsamples.
A subsample was interviewed about lifetime SA, and the results were compared with those from the online questionnaires.
The NCS - A is a survey of 10 148 adolescents (13 - 17 years of age at the time of selection, although some respondents turned 18 years before their interview) in the continental United States completed in conjunction with the National Comorbidity Survey Replication.20 The design and field procedures of this study are reported in detail elsewhere.12 - 15 The NCS - A used a dual - frame sample composed of (1) a household subsample of adolescents (n = 904) selected from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication households and (2) a school subsample of adolescents (n = 9244) selected from schools (day and residential schools of all types, with probabilities proportional to size) in the same nationally representative counties as those in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication.
The prevalence of each disorder is elevated in virtually all subsamples of youths with suicidal behaviors, with 78.7 % of these differences statistically significant at an α level of.05.
For our older and younger adult subsamples, we found internal consistencies (αOlderAdults [αOA] =.92 and αYoungerAdults [αYA] =.94) that were in line with those reported by Spielberger.
Abstract: In a cross-sectional study with 541 German students (mean age: 12.61 yrs) and (for a subsample of N = 350) one of their parents, developmental conditions for a particular resource of self - regulation («Flexibility of Goal Adjustment»; Brandtstädter & Renner, 1990) are investigated.
Additionally subsamples from parents whose children suffer from different chronic illnesses or mental health problems were compared with each other.
It was tested whether boys with attention - deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), subgrouped by aggressive status, would show higher rates of depressive symptomatology and lower levels of self - esteem than would comparison boys and, in a subsample, explored attributional mechanisms that may be related to such internalizing features.
Study 2 participants were a subsample of boys with ADHD from Study 1 (N = 27).
[The subsample of adolescents with parent report reported higher levels of supportive relationship variables, multivariate F (2, 2652) = 3.96, p =.02.]
The same statistical procedure (GLM and logistic regression into the CS system) also assessed the specific contribution of CU levels for the subsample of children diagnosed with ODD at baseline (n = 61).
Comparison of the subsample of mothers with three or more children and the subsample of those with less than three living children revealed that the women with larger families had completed less education, were more likely to be divorced or widowed, and were more likely to be Black.
Finally, since we applied strict inclusion criteria, such as excluding individuals with a comorbid conduct disorder diagnosis, our sample may represent a subsample of, rather than all, individuals with ADHD - only and ADHD + ODD.
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